Paul Lecuq 246406f638
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2023-11-10 23:16:44 +01:00

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package echo
import (
Following functions provide handful of methods for binding to Go native types from request query or path parameters.
* QueryParamsBinder(c) - binds query parameters (source URL)
* PathParamsBinder(c) - binds path parameters (source URL)
* FormFieldBinder(c) - binds form fields (source URL + body)
var length int64
err := echo.QueryParamsBinder(c).Int64("length", &length).BindError()
For every supported type there are following methods:
* <Type>("param", &destination) - if parameter value exists then binds it to given destination of that type i.e Int64(...).
* Must<Type>("param", &destination) - parameter value is required to exist, binds it to given destination of that type i.e MustInt64(...).
* <Type>s("param", &destination) - (for slices) if parameter values exists then binds it to given destination of that type i.e Int64s(...).
* Must<Type>s("param", &destination) - (for slices) parameter value is required to exist, binds it to given destination of that type i.e MustInt64s(...).
for some slice types `BindWithDelimiter("param", &dest, ",")` supports splitting parameter values before type conversion is done
i.e. URL `/api/search?id=1,2,3&id=1` can be bind to `[]int64{1,2,3,1}`
`FailFast` flags binder to stop binding after first bind error during binder call chain. Enabled by default.
`BindError()` returns first bind error from binder and resets errors in binder. Useful along with `FailFast()` method
to do binding and returns on first problem
`BindErrors()` returns all bind errors from binder and resets errors in binder.
Types that are supported:
* bool
* float32
* float64
* int
* int8
* int16
* int32
* int64
* uint
* uint8/byte (does not support `bytes()`. Use BindUnmarshaler/CustomFunc to convert value from base64 etc to []byte{})
* uint16
* uint32
* uint64
* string
* time
* duration
* BindUnmarshaler() interface
* TextUnmarshaler() interface
* JSONUnmarshaler() interface
* UnixTime() - converts unix time (integer) to time.Time
* UnixTimeMilli() - converts unix time with millisecond precision (integer) to time.Time
* UnixTimeNano() - converts unix time with nanosecond precision (integer) to time.Time
* CustomFunc() - callback function for your custom conversion logic. Signature `func(values []string) []error`
// BindingError represents an error that occurred while binding request data.
type BindingError struct {
// Field is the field name where value binding failed
Field string `json:"field"`
// Values of parameter that failed to bind.
Values []string `json:"-"`
// NewBindingError creates new instance of binding error
func NewBindingError(sourceParam string, values []string, message interface{}, internalError error) error {
return &BindingError{
Field: sourceParam,
Values: values,
HTTPError: &HTTPError{
Code: http.StatusBadRequest,
Message: message,
Internal: internalError,
// Error returns error message
func (be *BindingError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s, field=%s", be.HTTPError.Error(), be.Field)
// ValueBinder provides utility methods for binding query or path parameter to various Go built-in types
type ValueBinder struct {
// failFast is flag for binding methods to return without attempting to bind when previous binding already failed
failFast bool
errors []error
// ValueFunc is used to get single parameter (first) value from request
ValueFunc func(sourceParam string) string
// ValuesFunc is used to get all values for parameter from request. i.e. `/api/search?ids=1&ids=2`
ValuesFunc func(sourceParam string) []string
// ErrorFunc is used to create errors. Allows you to use your own error type, that for example marshals to your specific json response
ErrorFunc func(sourceParam string, values []string, message interface{}, internalError error) error
// QueryParamsBinder creates query parameter value binder
func QueryParamsBinder(c Context) *ValueBinder {
return &ValueBinder{
failFast: true,
ValueFunc: c.QueryParam,
ValuesFunc: func(sourceParam string) []string {
values, ok := c.QueryParams()[sourceParam]
if !ok {
return nil
return values
ErrorFunc: NewBindingError,
// PathParamsBinder creates path parameter value binder
func PathParamsBinder(c Context) *ValueBinder {
return &ValueBinder{
failFast: true,
ValueFunc: c.Param,
ValuesFunc: func(sourceParam string) []string {
// path parameter should not have multiple values so getting values does not make sense but lets not error out here
value := c.Param(sourceParam)
if value == "" {
return nil
return []string{value}
ErrorFunc: NewBindingError,
// FormFieldBinder creates form field value binder
// For all requests, FormFieldBinder parses the raw query from the URL and uses query params as form fields
// For POST, PUT, and PATCH requests, it also reads the request body, parses it
// as a form and uses query params as form fields. Request body parameters take precedence over URL query
// string values in r.Form.
// NB: when binding forms take note that this implementation uses standard library form parsing
// which parses form data from BOTH URL and BODY if content type is not MIMEMultipartForm
// See https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#Request.ParseForm
func FormFieldBinder(c Context) *ValueBinder {
vb := &ValueBinder{
failFast: true,
ValueFunc: func(sourceParam string) string {
return c.Request().FormValue(sourceParam)
ErrorFunc: NewBindingError,
vb.ValuesFunc = func(sourceParam string) []string {
if c.Request().Form == nil {
// this is same as `Request().FormValue()` does internally
_ = c.Request().ParseMultipartForm(32 << 20)
values, ok := c.Request().Form[sourceParam]
if !ok {
return nil
return values
return vb
// FailFast set internal flag to indicate if binding methods will return early (without binding) when previous bind failed
// NB: call this method before any other binding methods as it modifies binding methods behaviour
func (b *ValueBinder) FailFast(value bool) *ValueBinder {
b.failFast = value
return b
func (b *ValueBinder) setError(err error) {
if b.errors == nil {
b.errors = []error{err}
b.errors = append(b.errors, err)
// BindError returns first seen bind error and resets/empties binder errors for further calls
func (b *ValueBinder) BindError() error {
if b.errors == nil {
return nil
err := b.errors[0]
b.errors = nil // reset errors so next chain will start from zero
return err
// BindErrors returns all bind errors and resets/empties binder errors for further calls
func (b *ValueBinder) BindErrors() []error {
if b.errors == nil {
return nil
errors := b.errors
b.errors = nil // reset errors so next chain will start from zero
return errors
// CustomFunc binds parameter values with Func. Func is called only when parameter values exist.
func (b *ValueBinder) CustomFunc(sourceParam string, customFunc func(values []string) []error) *ValueBinder {
return b.customFunc(sourceParam, customFunc, false)
// MustCustomFunc requires parameter values to exist to bind with Func. Returns error when value does not exist.
func (b *ValueBinder) MustCustomFunc(sourceParam string, customFunc func(values []string) []error) *ValueBinder {
return b.customFunc(sourceParam, customFunc, true)
func (b *ValueBinder) customFunc(sourceParam string, customFunc func(values []string) []error, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam)
if len(values) == 0 {
if valueMustExist {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
if errs := customFunc(values); errs != nil {
b.errors = append(b.errors, errs...)
return b
// String binds parameter to string variable
func (b *ValueBinder) String(sourceParam string, dest *string) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam)
if value == "" {
return b
*dest = value
return b
// MustString requires parameter value to exist to bind to string variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustString(sourceParam string, dest *string) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam)
if value == "" {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
*dest = value
return b
// Strings binds parameter values to slice of string
func (b *ValueBinder) Strings(sourceParam string, dest *[]string) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
value := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam)
if value == nil {
return b
*dest = value
return b
// MustStrings requires parameter values to exist to bind to slice of string variables. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustStrings(sourceParam string, dest *[]string) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
value := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam)
if value == nil {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
*dest = value
return b
// BindUnmarshaler binds parameter to destination implementing BindUnmarshaler interface
func (b *ValueBinder) BindUnmarshaler(sourceParam string, dest BindUnmarshaler) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
tmp := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam)
if tmp == "" {
return b
if err := dest.UnmarshalParam(tmp); err != nil {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{tmp}, "failed to bind field value to BindUnmarshaler interface", err))
return b
// MustBindUnmarshaler requires parameter value to exist to bind to destination implementing BindUnmarshaler interface.
// Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustBindUnmarshaler(sourceParam string, dest BindUnmarshaler) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam)
if value == "" {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
if err := dest.UnmarshalParam(value); err != nil {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "failed to bind field value to BindUnmarshaler interface", err))
return b
// JSONUnmarshaler binds parameter to destination implementing json.Unmarshaler interface
func (b *ValueBinder) JSONUnmarshaler(sourceParam string, dest json.Unmarshaler) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
tmp := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam)
if tmp == "" {
return b
if err := dest.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(tmp)); err != nil {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{tmp}, "failed to bind field value to json.Unmarshaler interface", err))
return b
// MustJSONUnmarshaler requires parameter value to exist to bind to destination implementing json.Unmarshaler interface.
// Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustJSONUnmarshaler(sourceParam string, dest json.Unmarshaler) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
tmp := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam)
if tmp == "" {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{tmp}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
if err := dest.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(tmp)); err != nil {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{tmp}, "failed to bind field value to json.Unmarshaler interface", err))
return b
// TextUnmarshaler binds parameter to destination implementing encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface
func (b *ValueBinder) TextUnmarshaler(sourceParam string, dest encoding.TextUnmarshaler) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
tmp := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam)
if tmp == "" {
return b
if err := dest.UnmarshalText([]byte(tmp)); err != nil {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{tmp}, "failed to bind field value to encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface", err))
return b
// MustTextUnmarshaler requires parameter value to exist to bind to destination implementing encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.
// Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustTextUnmarshaler(sourceParam string, dest encoding.TextUnmarshaler) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
tmp := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam)
if tmp == "" {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{tmp}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
if err := dest.UnmarshalText([]byte(tmp)); err != nil {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{tmp}, "failed to bind field value to encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface", err))
return b
// BindWithDelimiter binds parameter to destination by suitable conversion function.
// Delimiter is used before conversion to split parameter value to separate values
func (b *ValueBinder) BindWithDelimiter(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, delimiter string) *ValueBinder {
return b.bindWithDelimiter(sourceParam, dest, delimiter, false)
// MustBindWithDelimiter requires parameter value to exist to bind destination by suitable conversion function.
// Delimiter is used before conversion to split parameter value to separate values
func (b *ValueBinder) MustBindWithDelimiter(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, delimiter string) *ValueBinder {
return b.bindWithDelimiter(sourceParam, dest, delimiter, true)
func (b *ValueBinder) bindWithDelimiter(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, delimiter string, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam)
if len(values) == 0 {
if valueMustExist {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
tmpValues := make([]string, 0, len(values))
for _, v := range values {
tmpValues = append(tmpValues, strings.Split(v, delimiter)...)
switch d := dest.(type) {
case *[]string:
*d = tmpValues
return b
case *[]bool:
return b.bools(sourceParam, tmpValues, d)
case *[]int64, *[]int32, *[]int16, *[]int8, *[]int:
return b.ints(sourceParam, tmpValues, d)
case *[]uint64, *[]uint32, *[]uint16, *[]uint8, *[]uint: // *[]byte is same as *[]uint8
return b.uints(sourceParam, tmpValues, d)
case *[]float64, *[]float32:
return b.floats(sourceParam, tmpValues, d)
case *[]time.Duration:
return b.durations(sourceParam, tmpValues, d)
// support only cases when destination is slice
// does not support time.Time as it needs argument (layout) for parsing or BindUnmarshaler
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "unsupported bind type", nil))
return b
// Int64 binds parameter to int64 variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Int64(sourceParam string, dest *int64) *ValueBinder {
return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 64, false)
// MustInt64 requires parameter value to exist to bind to int64 variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt64(sourceParam string, dest *int64) *ValueBinder {
return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 64, true)
// Int32 binds parameter to int32 variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Int32(sourceParam string, dest *int32) *ValueBinder {
return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 32, false)
// MustInt32 requires parameter value to exist to bind to int32 variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt32(sourceParam string, dest *int32) *ValueBinder {
return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 32, true)
// Int16 binds parameter to int16 variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Int16(sourceParam string, dest *int16) *ValueBinder {
return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 16, false)
// MustInt16 requires parameter value to exist to bind to int16 variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt16(sourceParam string, dest *int16) *ValueBinder {
return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 16, true)
// Int8 binds parameter to int8 variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Int8(sourceParam string, dest *int8) *ValueBinder {
return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 8, false)
// MustInt8 requires parameter value to exist to bind to int8 variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt8(sourceParam string, dest *int8) *ValueBinder {
return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 8, true)
// Int binds parameter to int variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Int(sourceParam string, dest *int) *ValueBinder {
return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 0, false)
// MustInt requires parameter value to exist to bind to int variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt(sourceParam string, dest *int) *ValueBinder {
return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 0, true)
func (b *ValueBinder) intValue(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, bitSize int, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam)
if value == "" {
if valueMustExist {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
return b.int(sourceParam, value, dest, bitSize)
func (b *ValueBinder) int(sourceParam string, value string, dest interface{}, bitSize int) *ValueBinder {
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, bitSize)
if err != nil {
if bitSize == 0 {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "failed to bind field value to int", err))
} else {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, fmt.Sprintf("failed to bind field value to int%v", bitSize), err))
return b
switch d := dest.(type) {
case *int64:
*d = n
case *int32:
*d = int32(n)
case *int16:
*d = int16(n)
case *int8:
*d = int8(n)
case *int:
*d = int(n)
return b
func (b *ValueBinder) intsValue(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam)
if len(values) == 0 {
if valueMustExist {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, values, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
return b.ints(sourceParam, values, dest)
func (b *ValueBinder) ints(sourceParam string, values []string, dest interface{}) *ValueBinder {
switch d := dest.(type) {
case *[]int64:
tmp := make([]int64, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
b.int(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 64)
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
if b.errors == nil {
*d = tmp
case *[]int32:
tmp := make([]int32, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
b.int(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 32)
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
if b.errors == nil {
*d = tmp
case *[]int16:
tmp := make([]int16, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
b.int(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 16)
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
if b.errors == nil {
*d = tmp
case *[]int8:
tmp := make([]int8, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
b.int(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 8)
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
if b.errors == nil {
*d = tmp
case *[]int:
tmp := make([]int, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
b.int(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 0)
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
if b.errors == nil {
*d = tmp
return b
// Int64s binds parameter to slice of int64
func (b *ValueBinder) Int64s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int64) *ValueBinder {
return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustInt64s requires parameter value to exist to bind to int64 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt64s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int64) *ValueBinder {
return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, true)
// Int32s binds parameter to slice of int32
func (b *ValueBinder) Int32s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int32) *ValueBinder {
return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustInt32s requires parameter value to exist to bind to int32 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt32s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int32) *ValueBinder {
return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, true)
// Int16s binds parameter to slice of int16
func (b *ValueBinder) Int16s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int16) *ValueBinder {
return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustInt16s requires parameter value to exist to bind to int16 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt16s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int16) *ValueBinder {
return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, true)
// Int8s binds parameter to slice of int8
func (b *ValueBinder) Int8s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int8) *ValueBinder {
return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustInt8s requires parameter value to exist to bind to int8 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt8s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int8) *ValueBinder {
return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, true)
// Ints binds parameter to slice of int
func (b *ValueBinder) Ints(sourceParam string, dest *[]int) *ValueBinder {
return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustInts requires parameter value to exist to bind to int slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustInts(sourceParam string, dest *[]int) *ValueBinder {
return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, true)
// Uint64 binds parameter to uint64 variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Uint64(sourceParam string, dest *uint64) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 64, false)
// MustUint64 requires parameter value to exist to bind to uint64 variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint64(sourceParam string, dest *uint64) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 64, true)
// Uint32 binds parameter to uint32 variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Uint32(sourceParam string, dest *uint32) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 32, false)
// MustUint32 requires parameter value to exist to bind to uint32 variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint32(sourceParam string, dest *uint32) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 32, true)
// Uint16 binds parameter to uint16 variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Uint16(sourceParam string, dest *uint16) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 16, false)
// MustUint16 requires parameter value to exist to bind to uint16 variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint16(sourceParam string, dest *uint16) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 16, true)
// Uint8 binds parameter to uint8 variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Uint8(sourceParam string, dest *uint8) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 8, false)
// MustUint8 requires parameter value to exist to bind to uint8 variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint8(sourceParam string, dest *uint8) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 8, true)
// Byte binds parameter to byte variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Byte(sourceParam string, dest *byte) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 8, false)
// MustByte requires parameter value to exist to bind to byte variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustByte(sourceParam string, dest *byte) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 8, true)
// Uint binds parameter to uint variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Uint(sourceParam string, dest *uint) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 0, false)
// MustUint requires parameter value to exist to bind to uint variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint(sourceParam string, dest *uint) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 0, true)
func (b *ValueBinder) uintValue(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, bitSize int, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam)
if value == "" {
if valueMustExist {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
return b.uint(sourceParam, value, dest, bitSize)
func (b *ValueBinder) uint(sourceParam string, value string, dest interface{}, bitSize int) *ValueBinder {
n, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, bitSize)
if err != nil {
if bitSize == 0 {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "failed to bind field value to uint", err))
} else {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, fmt.Sprintf("failed to bind field value to uint%v", bitSize), err))
return b
switch d := dest.(type) {
case *uint64:
*d = n
case *uint32:
*d = uint32(n)
case *uint16:
*d = uint16(n)
case *uint8: // byte is alias to uint8
*d = uint8(n)
case *uint:
*d = uint(n)
return b
func (b *ValueBinder) uintsValue(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam)
if len(values) == 0 {
if valueMustExist {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, values, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
return b.uints(sourceParam, values, dest)
func (b *ValueBinder) uints(sourceParam string, values []string, dest interface{}) *ValueBinder {
switch d := dest.(type) {
case *[]uint64:
tmp := make([]uint64, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
b.uint(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 64)
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
if b.errors == nil {
*d = tmp
case *[]uint32:
tmp := make([]uint32, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
b.uint(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 32)
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
if b.errors == nil {
*d = tmp
case *[]uint16:
tmp := make([]uint16, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
b.uint(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 16)
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
if b.errors == nil {
*d = tmp
case *[]uint8: // byte is alias to uint8
tmp := make([]uint8, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
b.uint(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 8)
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
if b.errors == nil {
*d = tmp
case *[]uint:
tmp := make([]uint, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
b.uint(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 0)
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
if b.errors == nil {
*d = tmp
return b
// Uint64s binds parameter to slice of uint64
func (b *ValueBinder) Uint64s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint64) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustUint64s requires parameter value to exist to bind to uint64 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint64s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint64) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, true)
// Uint32s binds parameter to slice of uint32
func (b *ValueBinder) Uint32s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint32) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustUint32s requires parameter value to exist to bind to uint32 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint32s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint32) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, true)
// Uint16s binds parameter to slice of uint16
func (b *ValueBinder) Uint16s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint16) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustUint16s requires parameter value to exist to bind to uint16 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint16s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint16) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, true)
// Uint8s binds parameter to slice of uint8
func (b *ValueBinder) Uint8s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint8) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustUint8s requires parameter value to exist to bind to uint8 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint8s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint8) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, true)
// Uints binds parameter to slice of uint
func (b *ValueBinder) Uints(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustUints requires parameter value to exist to bind to uint slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustUints(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint) *ValueBinder {
return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, true)
// Bool binds parameter to bool variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Bool(sourceParam string, dest *bool) *ValueBinder {
return b.boolValue(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustBool requires parameter value to exist to bind to bool variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustBool(sourceParam string, dest *bool) *ValueBinder {
return b.boolValue(sourceParam, dest, true)
func (b *ValueBinder) boolValue(sourceParam string, dest *bool, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam)
if value == "" {
if valueMustExist {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
return b.bool(sourceParam, value, dest)
func (b *ValueBinder) bool(sourceParam string, value string, dest *bool) *ValueBinder {
n, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "failed to bind field value to bool", err))
return b
*dest = n
return b
func (b *ValueBinder) boolsValue(sourceParam string, dest *[]bool, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam)
if len(values) == 0 {
if valueMustExist {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
return b.bools(sourceParam, values, dest)
func (b *ValueBinder) bools(sourceParam string, values []string, dest *[]bool) *ValueBinder {
tmp := make([]bool, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
b.bool(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i])
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
if b.errors == nil {
*dest = tmp
return b
// Bools binds parameter values to slice of bool variables
func (b *ValueBinder) Bools(sourceParam string, dest *[]bool) *ValueBinder {
return b.boolsValue(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustBools requires parameter values to exist to bind to slice of bool variables. Returns error when values does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustBools(sourceParam string, dest *[]bool) *ValueBinder {
return b.boolsValue(sourceParam, dest, true)
// Float64 binds parameter to float64 variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Float64(sourceParam string, dest *float64) *ValueBinder {
return b.floatValue(sourceParam, dest, 64, false)
// MustFloat64 requires parameter value to exist to bind to float64 variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustFloat64(sourceParam string, dest *float64) *ValueBinder {
return b.floatValue(sourceParam, dest, 64, true)
// Float32 binds parameter to float32 variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Float32(sourceParam string, dest *float32) *ValueBinder {
return b.floatValue(sourceParam, dest, 32, false)
// MustFloat32 requires parameter value to exist to bind to float32 variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustFloat32(sourceParam string, dest *float32) *ValueBinder {
return b.floatValue(sourceParam, dest, 32, true)
func (b *ValueBinder) floatValue(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, bitSize int, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam)
if value == "" {
if valueMustExist {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
return b.float(sourceParam, value, dest, bitSize)
func (b *ValueBinder) float(sourceParam string, value string, dest interface{}, bitSize int) *ValueBinder {
n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, bitSize)
if err != nil {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, fmt.Sprintf("failed to bind field value to float%v", bitSize), err))
return b
switch d := dest.(type) {
case *float64:
*d = n
case *float32:
*d = float32(n)
return b
func (b *ValueBinder) floatsValue(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam)
if len(values) == 0 {
if valueMustExist {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
return b.floats(sourceParam, values, dest)
func (b *ValueBinder) floats(sourceParam string, values []string, dest interface{}) *ValueBinder {
switch d := dest.(type) {
case *[]float64:
tmp := make([]float64, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
b.float(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 64)
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
if b.errors == nil {
*d = tmp
case *[]float32:
tmp := make([]float32, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
b.float(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 32)
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
if b.errors == nil {
*d = tmp
return b
// Float64s binds parameter values to slice of float64 variables
func (b *ValueBinder) Float64s(sourceParam string, dest *[]float64) *ValueBinder {
return b.floatsValue(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustFloat64s requires parameter values to exist to bind to slice of float64 variables. Returns error when values does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustFloat64s(sourceParam string, dest *[]float64) *ValueBinder {
return b.floatsValue(sourceParam, dest, true)
// Float32s binds parameter values to slice of float32 variables
func (b *ValueBinder) Float32s(sourceParam string, dest *[]float32) *ValueBinder {
return b.floatsValue(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustFloat32s requires parameter values to exist to bind to slice of float32 variables. Returns error when values does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustFloat32s(sourceParam string, dest *[]float32) *ValueBinder {
return b.floatsValue(sourceParam, dest, true)
// Time binds parameter to time.Time variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Time(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time, layout string) *ValueBinder {
return b.time(sourceParam, dest, layout, false)
// MustTime requires parameter value to exist to bind to time.Time variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustTime(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time, layout string) *ValueBinder {
return b.time(sourceParam, dest, layout, true)
func (b *ValueBinder) time(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time, layout string, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam)
if value == "" {
if valueMustExist {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
t, err := time.Parse(layout, value)
if err != nil {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "failed to bind field value to Time", err))
return b
*dest = t
return b
// Times binds parameter values to slice of time.Time variables
func (b *ValueBinder) Times(sourceParam string, dest *[]time.Time, layout string) *ValueBinder {
return b.times(sourceParam, dest, layout, false)
// MustTimes requires parameter values to exist to bind to slice of time.Time variables. Returns error when values does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustTimes(sourceParam string, dest *[]time.Time, layout string) *ValueBinder {
return b.times(sourceParam, dest, layout, true)
func (b *ValueBinder) times(sourceParam string, dest *[]time.Time, layout string, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam)
if len(values) == 0 {
if valueMustExist {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
tmp := make([]time.Time, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
t, err := time.Parse(layout, v)
if err != nil {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{v}, "failed to bind field value to Time", err))
if b.failFast {
return b
tmp[i] = t
if b.errors == nil {
*dest = tmp
return b
// Duration binds parameter to time.Duration variable
func (b *ValueBinder) Duration(sourceParam string, dest *time.Duration) *ValueBinder {
return b.duration(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustDuration requires parameter value to exist to bind to time.Duration variable. Returns error when value does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustDuration(sourceParam string, dest *time.Duration) *ValueBinder {
return b.duration(sourceParam, dest, true)
func (b *ValueBinder) duration(sourceParam string, dest *time.Duration, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam)
if value == "" {
if valueMustExist {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
t, err := time.ParseDuration(value)
if err != nil {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "failed to bind field value to Duration", err))
return b
*dest = t
return b
// Durations binds parameter values to slice of time.Duration variables
func (b *ValueBinder) Durations(sourceParam string, dest *[]time.Duration) *ValueBinder {
return b.durationsValue(sourceParam, dest, false)
// MustDurations requires parameter values to exist to bind to slice of time.Duration variables. Returns error when values does not exist
func (b *ValueBinder) MustDurations(sourceParam string, dest *[]time.Duration) *ValueBinder {
return b.durationsValue(sourceParam, dest, true)
func (b *ValueBinder) durationsValue(sourceParam string, dest *[]time.Duration, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam)
if len(values) == 0 {
if valueMustExist {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
return b.durations(sourceParam, values, dest)
func (b *ValueBinder) durations(sourceParam string, values []string, dest *[]time.Duration) *ValueBinder {
tmp := make([]time.Duration, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
t, err := time.ParseDuration(v)
if err != nil {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{v}, "failed to bind field value to Duration", err))
if b.failFast {
return b
tmp[i] = t
if b.errors == nil {
*dest = tmp
return b
// UnixTime binds parameter to time.Time variable (in local Time corresponding to the given Unix time).
// Example: 1609180603 bind to 2020-12-28T18:36:43.000000000+00:00
// Note:
// - time.Time{} (param is empty) and time.Unix(0,0) (param = "0") are not equal
func (b *ValueBinder) UnixTime(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time) *ValueBinder {
return b.unixTime(sourceParam, dest, false, time.Second)
// MustUnixTime requires parameter value to exist to bind to time.Duration variable (in local time corresponding
// to the given Unix time). Returns error when value does not exist.
// Example: 1609180603 bind to 2020-12-28T18:36:43.000000000+00:00
// Note:
// - time.Time{} (param is empty) and time.Unix(0,0) (param = "0") are not equal
func (b *ValueBinder) MustUnixTime(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time) *ValueBinder {
return b.unixTime(sourceParam, dest, true, time.Second)
// UnixTimeMilli binds parameter to time.Time variable (in local time corresponding to the given Unix time in millisecond precision).
// Example: 1647184410140 bind to 2022-03-13T15:13:30.140000000+00:00
// Note:
// - time.Time{} (param is empty) and time.Unix(0,0) (param = "0") are not equal
func (b *ValueBinder) UnixTimeMilli(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time) *ValueBinder {
return b.unixTime(sourceParam, dest, false, time.Millisecond)
// MustUnixTimeMilli requires parameter value to exist to bind to time.Duration variable (in local time corresponding
// to the given Unix time in millisecond precision). Returns error when value does not exist.
// Example: 1647184410140 bind to 2022-03-13T15:13:30.140000000+00:00
// Note:
// - time.Time{} (param is empty) and time.Unix(0,0) (param = "0") are not equal
func (b *ValueBinder) MustUnixTimeMilli(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time) *ValueBinder {
return b.unixTime(sourceParam, dest, true, time.Millisecond)
// UnixTimeNano binds parameter to time.Time variable (in local time corresponding to the given Unix time in nanosecond precision).
// Example: 1609180603123456789 binds to 2020-12-28T18:36:43.123456789+00:00
// Example: 1000000000 binds to 1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000000+00:00
// Example: 999999999 binds to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.999999999+00:00
// Note:
// - time.Time{} (param is empty) and time.Unix(0,0) (param = "0") are not equal
// - Javascript's Number type only has about 53 bits of precision (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991). Compare it to 1609180603123456789 in example.
func (b *ValueBinder) UnixTimeNano(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time) *ValueBinder {
return b.unixTime(sourceParam, dest, false, time.Nanosecond)
// MustUnixTimeNano requires parameter value to exist to bind to time.Duration variable (in local Time corresponding
// to the given Unix time value in nano second precision). Returns error when value does not exist.
// Example: 1609180603123456789 binds to 2020-12-28T18:36:43.123456789+00:00
// Example: 1000000000 binds to 1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000000+00:00
// Example: 999999999 binds to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.999999999+00:00
// Note:
// - time.Time{} (param is empty) and time.Unix(0,0) (param = "0") are not equal
// - Javascript's Number type only has about 53 bits of precision (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991). Compare it to 1609180603123456789 in example.
func (b *ValueBinder) MustUnixTimeNano(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time) *ValueBinder {
return b.unixTime(sourceParam, dest, true, time.Nanosecond)
func (b *ValueBinder) unixTime(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time, valueMustExist bool, precision time.Duration) *ValueBinder {
if b.failFast && b.errors != nil {
return b
value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam)
if value == "" {
if valueMustExist {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "required field value is empty", nil))
return b
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "failed to bind field value to Time", err))
return b
switch precision {
case time.Second:
*dest = time.Unix(n, 0)
case time.Millisecond:
*dest = time.UnixMilli(n)
case time.Nanosecond:
*dest = time.Unix(0, n)
return b