Paul paulbsd
paulbsd-salt is a set of SaltStack states designed for PaulBSD infrastructure
Updated 2025-03-25 19:14:06 +01:00
Don't track me !!!
Updated 2025-03-25 13:57:02 +01:00
PCSensor temper with Rust and C bindings
Updated 2025-03-18 20:57:50 +01:00
ipbl is a webservice collecting / storing / distributing abuse IP addresses
Updated 2025-03-07 22:22:27 +01:00
ipblc is client-side intrusion prevention software working with ipbl
Updated 2025-02-27 00:14:20 +01:00
transmission-blocklist make a list of blocklists to transmission-daemon
Updated 2025-02-25 21:45:43 +01:00
MaxMind's GeoIP2 GeoLite2 Country, City, and ASN databases
Updated 2025-02-25 21:45:32 +01:00
dip is a small webservice retrieving the IP addressing information
Updated 2025-02-14 10:36:29 +01:00
Chat app for radio hackers
Updated 2025-01-29 07:53:48 +01:00
zabbixlaunch is a application that take control over a launchpad mini, and draw problems handled by Zabbix
Updated 2024-12-30 22:24:43 +01:00
The main website for PaulBSD infrastructure, powered by Hugo with Wave theme
Updated 2024-11-02 23:19:26 +01:00
qrz is a small program that fetch FRS identifiers from to database. It supports incremental data insertion
Updated 2024-10-24 23:48:20 +02:00
fuelprices is a small tool designed to fetch fuel prices from France open data and send them to influxdb
Updated 2024-08-19 03:44:54 +02:00
PKI is a centralized Letsencrypt database server and automatic certificate renewer
Updated 2024-08-19 03:31:30 +02:00
A tool exporting clickhouse DDL, useful when adding replicas in a cluster
Updated 2024-07-22 18:27:18 +02:00