Paul Lecuq 90136fe906
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
added zeromq handling
2022-03-11 23:34:09 +01:00

436 lines
11 KiB

package goczmq
#include "czmq.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int Sock_connect(zsock_t *self, const char *format) {return zsock_connect(self, format, NULL);}
int Sock_disconnect(zsock_t *self, const char *format) {return zsock_disconnect(self, format, NULL);}
int Sock_bind(zsock_t *self, const char *format) {return zsock_bind(self, format, NULL);}
int Sock_unbind(zsock_t *self, const char *format) {return zsock_unbind(self, format, NULL);}
int Sock_sendframe(zsock_t *sock, const void *data, size_t size, int flags) {
zframe_t *frame = zframe_new (data, size);
int rc = zframe_send (&frame, sock, flags);
return rc;
import "C"
import (
// Sock wraps the CZMQ zsock class.
type Sock struct {
zsockT *C.struct__zsock_t
file string
line int
zType int
clientIDs []string
func init() {
if err := os.Setenv("ZSYS_SIGHANDLER", "false"); err != nil {
// GetLastClientID returns the id of the last client you received
// a message from if the underlying socket is a Router socket
// DEPRECATED: See goczmq.ReadWriter
func (s *Sock) GetLastClientID() []byte {
id := []byte(s.clientIDs[0])
s.clientIDs = s.clientIDs[1:]
return id
// SetLastClientID lets you manually set the id of the client
// you last received a message from if the underlying socket
// is a Router socket
// DEPRECATED: See goczmq.ReadWriter
func (s *Sock) SetLastClientID(id []byte) {
s.clientIDs = append(s.clientIDs, string(id))
// NewSock creates a new socket. The caller source and
// line number are passed so CZMQ can report socket leaks
// intelligently.
func NewSock(t int) *Sock {
var s *Sock
_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
if ok {
s = &Sock{
file: file,
line: line,
zType: t,
clientIDs: make([]string, 0),
} else {
s = &Sock{
file: "",
line: 0,
zType: t,
clientIDs: make([]string, 0),
cFile := C.CString(s.file)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cFile))
s.zsockT = C.zsock_new_checked(C.int(s.zType), cFile, C.size_t(s.line))
return s
// Connect connects a socket to an endpoint
// returns an error if the connect failed.
func (s *Sock) Connect(endpoint string) error {
cEndpoint := C.CString(endpoint)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cEndpoint))
rc := C.Sock_connect(s.zsockT, cEndpoint)
if rc != C.int(0) {
return ErrConnect
return nil
// Disconnect disconnects a socket from an endpoint. If returns
// an error if the endpoint was not found
func (s *Sock) Disconnect(endpoint string) error {
cEndpoint := C.CString(endpoint)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cEndpoint))
rc := C.Sock_disconnect(s.zsockT, cEndpoint)
if int(rc) == -1 {
return ErrDisconnect
return nil
// Bind binds a socket to an endpoint. On success returns
// the port number used for tcp transports, or 0 for other
// transports. On failure returns a -1 for port, and an error.
func (s *Sock) Bind(endpoint string) (int, error) {
cEndpoint := C.CString(endpoint)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cEndpoint))
port := C.Sock_bind(s.zsockT, cEndpoint)
if port == C.int(-1) {
return -1, ErrBind
return int(port), nil
// Unbind unbinds a socket from an endpoint. If returns
// an error if the endpoint was not found
func (s *Sock) Unbind(endpoint string) error {
cEndpoint := C.CString(endpoint)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cEndpoint))
rc := C.Sock_unbind(s.zsockT, cEndpoint)
if int(rc) == -1 {
return ErrUnbind
return nil
// Attach attaches a socket to zero or more endpoints. If endpoints is not null,
// parses as list of ZeroMQ endpoints, separated by commas, and prefixed by
// '@' (to bind the socket) or '>' (to attach the socket). If the endpoint
// does not start with '@' or '>', the serverish argument determines whether
// it is used to bind (serverish = true) or connect (serverish = false)
func (s *Sock) Attach(endpoints string, serverish bool) error {
cEndpoints := C.CString(endpoints)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cEndpoints))
rc := C.zsock_attach(s.zsockT, cEndpoints, C._Bool(serverish))
if rc == -1 {
return ErrSockAttach
return nil
// NewPub creates a Pub socket and calls Attach.
// The socket will Bind by default.
func NewPub(endpoints string) (*Sock, error) {
s := NewSock(Pub)
return s, s.Attach(endpoints, true)
// NewSub creates a Sub socket and calls Attach.
// 'subscribe' is a comma delimited list of topics to subscribe to.
// The socket will Connect by default.
func NewSub(endpoints string, subscribe string) (*Sock, error) {
s := NewSock(Sub)
subscriptions := strings.Split(subscribe, ",")
for _, topic := range subscriptions {
return s, s.Attach(endpoints, false)
// NewRep creates a Rep socket and calls Attach.
// The socket will Bind by default.
func NewRep(endpoints string) (*Sock, error) {
s := NewSock(Rep)
return s, s.Attach(endpoints, true)
// NewReq creates a Req socket and calls Attach.
// The socket will Connect by default.
func NewReq(endpoints string) (*Sock, error) {
s := NewSock(Req)
return s, s.Attach(endpoints, false)
// NewPull creates a Pull socket and calls Attach.
// The socket will Bind by default.
func NewPull(endpoints string) (*Sock, error) {
s := NewSock(Pull)
return s, s.Attach(endpoints, true)
// NewPush creates a Push socket and calls Attach.
// The socket will Connect by default.
func NewPush(endpoints string) (*Sock, error) {
s := NewSock(Push)
return s, s.Attach(endpoints, false)
// NewRouter creates a Router socket and calls Attach.
// The socket will Bind by default.
func NewRouter(endpoints string) (*Sock, error) {
s := NewSock(Router)
return s, s.Attach(endpoints, true)
// NewDealer creates a Dealer socket and calls Attach.
// The socket will Connect by default.
func NewDealer(endpoints string) (*Sock, error) {
s := NewSock(Dealer)
return s, s.Attach(endpoints, false)
// NewXPub creates an XPub socket and calls Attach.
// The socket will Bind by default.
func NewXPub(endpoints string) (*Sock, error) {
s := NewSock(XPub)
return s, s.Attach(endpoints, true)
// NewXSub creates an XSub socket and calls Attach.
// The socket will Connect by default.
func NewXSub(endpoints string) (*Sock, error) {
s := NewSock(XSub)
return s, s.Attach(endpoints, false)
// NewPair creates a Pair socket and calls Attach.
// The socket will Connect by default.
func NewPair(endpoints string) (*Sock, error) {
s := NewSock(Pair)
return s, s.Attach(endpoints, false)
// NewStream creates a Stream socket and calls Attach.
// The socket will Connect by default.
func NewStream(endpoints string) (*Sock, error) {
s := NewSock(Stream)
return s, s.Attach(endpoints, false)
// Pollin returns true if there is a Pollin
// event on the socket
func (s *Sock) Pollin() bool {
return s.Events() == Pollin
// Pollout returns true if there is a Pollout
// event on the socket
func (s *Sock) Pollout() bool {
return s.Events() == Pollout
// SendFrame sends a byte array via the socket. For the flags
// value, use 0 for a single message, or SNDFlagMore if it is
// a multi-part message
func (s *Sock) SendFrame(data []byte, flags int) error {
var rc C.int
if len(data) == 0 {
rc = C.Sock_sendframe(s.zsockT, nil, C.size_t(0), C.int(flags))
} else {
rc = C.Sock_sendframe(s.zsockT, unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]), C.size_t(len(data)), C.int(flags))
if rc == C.int(-1) {
return ErrSendFrame
return nil
// RecvFrame reads a frame from the socket and returns it
// as a byte array, along with a more flag and and error
// (if there is an error)
func (s *Sock) RecvFrame() ([]byte, int, error) {
if s.zsockT == nil {
return nil, -1, ErrRecvFrameAfterDestroy
frame := C.zframe_recv(unsafe.Pointer(s.zsockT))
if frame == nil {
return []byte{0}, 0, ErrRecvFrame
dataSize := C.zframe_size(frame)
dataPtr := C.zframe_data(frame)
b := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(dataPtr), C.int(dataSize))
more := C.zframe_more(frame)
return b, int(more), nil
// RecvFrameNoWait receives a frame from the socket
// and returns it as a byte array if one is waiting.
// Returns an empty frame, a 0 more flag and an error
// if one is not immediately available
func (s *Sock) RecvFrameNoWait() ([]byte, int, error) {
if !s.Pollin() {
return []byte{0}, 0, ErrRecvFrame
return s.RecvFrame()
// SendMessage accepts an array of byte arrays and
// sends it as a multi-part message.
func (s *Sock) SendMessage(parts [][]byte) error {
var f int
numParts := len(parts)
for i, val := range parts {
if i == numParts-1 {
f = 0
} else {
f = FlagMore
err := s.SendFrame(val, f)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// RecvMessage receives a full message from the socket
// and returns it as an array of byte arrays.
func (s *Sock) RecvMessage() ([][]byte, error) {
var msg [][]byte
for {
frame, flag, err := s.RecvFrame()
if err != nil {
return msg, err
msg = append(msg, frame)
if flag != FlagMore {
return msg, nil
// Read provides an io.Reader interface to a zeromq socket
// DEPRECATED: see goczmq.ReadWriter
func (s *Sock) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
var totalRead int
var totalFrame int
frame, flag, err := s.RecvFrame()
if err != nil {
return totalRead, err
if s.GetType() == Router {
s.clientIDs = append(s.clientIDs, string(frame))
} else {
totalRead += copy(p[:], frame[:])
totalFrame += len(frame)
for flag == FlagMore {
frame, flag, err = s.RecvFrame()
if err != nil {
return totalRead, err
totalRead += copy(p[totalRead:], frame[:])
totalFrame += len(frame)
if totalFrame > len(p) {
err = ErrSliceFull
} else {
err = nil
return totalRead, err
// Write provides an io.Writer interface to a zeromq socket
// DEPRECATED: See goczmq.ReadWriter
func (s *Sock) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
var total int
if s.GetType() == Router {
err := s.SendFrame(s.GetLastClientID(), FlagMore)
if err != nil {
return total, err
err := s.SendFrame(p, 0)
if err != nil {
return total, err
return len(p), nil
// RecvMessageNoWait receives a full message from the socket
// and returns it as an array of byte arrays if one is waiting.
// Returns an empty message and an error if one is not immediately
// available
func (s *Sock) RecvMessageNoWait() ([][]byte, error) {
var msg [][]byte
if !s.Pollin() {
return msg, ErrRecvMessage
for {
frame, flag, err := s.RecvFrame()
if err != nil {
return msg, err
msg = append(msg, frame)
if flag != FlagMore {
return msg, nil
// GetType returns the socket's type
func (s *Sock) GetType() int {
return s.zType
// Destroy destroys the underlying zsockT.
func (s *Sock) Destroy() {
cFile := C.CString(s.file)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cFile))
C.zsock_destroy_checked(&s.zsockT, cFile, C.size_t(s.line))