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2022-03-11 23:34:09 +01:00
// Package goczmq is a golang binding for CZMQ 3. CZMQ is a high level binding
// for ZeroMQ. Along with ZeroMQ socket support, CZMQ provides "actor" based
// services for authentication, service discovery, and creating proxies.
// GoCZMQ provides direct bindings to CZMQ along with higher level go
// abstractions such as channels and io.ReadWriter interface support.
// "Tell them I was a writer.
// A maker of software.
// A humanist. A father.
// And many things.
// But above all, a writer.
// Thank You. :)
// - Pieter Hintjens
package goczmq
#cgo !windows pkg-config: libczmq libzmq libsodium
#cgo windows LDFLAGS: -lws2_32 -liphlpapi -lrpcrt4 -lsodium -lzmq -lczmq
#include "czmq.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
import "C"
import (
const (
// Req is a ZMQ_REQ socket type
Req = int(C.ZMQ_REQ)
// Rep is a ZMQ_REP socket type
Rep = int(C.ZMQ_REP)
// Dealer is a ZMQ_DEALER socket type
Dealer = int(C.ZMQ_DEALER)
// Router is a ZMQ_ROUTER socket type
Router = int(C.ZMQ_ROUTER)
// Pub is a ZMQ_PUB socket type
Pub = int(C.ZMQ_PUB)
// Sub is a ZMQ_SUB socket type
Sub = int(C.ZMQ_SUB)
// XPub is a ZMQ_XPUB socket type
XPub = int(C.ZMQ_XPUB)
// XSub is a ZMQ_XSUB socket type
XSub = int(C.ZMQ_XSUB)
// Push is a ZMQ_PUSH socket type
Push = int(C.ZMQ_PUSH)
// Pull is a ZMQ_PULL socket type
Pull = int(C.ZMQ_PULL)
// Pair is a ZMQ_PAIR socket type
Pair = int(C.ZMQ_PAIR)
// Stream is a ZMQ_STREAM socket type
Stream = int(C.ZMQ_STREAM)
// Pollin is the ZMQ_POLLIN constant
Pollin = int(C.ZMQ_POLLIN)
// Pollout is the ZMQ_POLLOUT constant
Pollout = int(C.ZMQ_POLLOUT)
// FlagMore is the ZFRAME_MORE flag
FlagMore = int(C.ZFRAME_MORE)
// FlagReuse is the ZFRAME_REUSE flag
FlagReuse = int(C.ZFRAME_REUSE)
//FlagDontWait is the ZFRAME_DONTWAIT flag
FlagDontWait = int(C.ZFRAME_DONTWAIT)
//FlagNone means there are no flags
FlagNone = 0
// CurveAllowAny is a semantic convenience for allowing
// any Curve clients
CurveAllowAny = "*"
//ZMQVersionMajor is the major version of the underlying ZeroMQ library
ZMQVersionMajor = int(C.ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR)
//ZMQVersionMinor is the minor version of the underlying ZeroMQ library
ZMQVersionMinor = int(C.ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR)
//CZMQVersionMajor is the major version of the underlying CZMQ library
// CZMQVersionMinor is the minor version of the underlying CZMQ library
var (
// ErrActorCmd is returned when there is an error sending
// a command to an actor
ErrActorCmd = errors.New("error sending actor command")
// ErrSockAttach is returned when an attach call to a socket fails
ErrSockAttach = errors.New("error attaching zsock")
// ErrInvalidSockType is returned when a function is called
// against a socket type that is not applicable for that socket type
ErrInvalidSockType = errors.New("invalid socket type")
// ErrSliceFull is returned if a []byte passed to Read was not
// large enough to hold the contents of a message
ErrSliceFull = errors.New("slice full")
// ErrConnect is returned if Connect on a socket fails
ErrConnect = errors.New("connect error")
// ErrDisconnect is returned if Disconnect on a socket fails
ErrDisconnect = errors.New("disconnect error")
// ErrBind is returned if Bind on a socket fails
ErrBind = errors.New("bind error")
// ErrUnbind is returned if Unbind on a socket fails
ErrUnbind = errors.New("unbind error")
// ErrSendFrame is returned if SendFrame on a socket fails
ErrSendFrame = errors.New("send frame error")
// ErrRecvFrame is returned if RecvFrame on a socket fails
ErrRecvFrame = errors.New("recv frame error")
// ErrRecvFrameAfterDestroy is returned if RecvFrame is called
// on a socket after it has been destroyed.
ErrRecvFrameAfterDestroy = errors.New("RecvFrame() is invalid on socket after Detroy() has been called.")
// ErrRecvMessage is returned if RecvMessage on a socket fails
ErrRecvMessage = errors.New("recv message error")
// ErrWaitAfterDestroy is returned by a Poller if there is an error
// accessing the underlying socket pointer when Wait is called
ErrWaitAfterDestroy = errors.New("Wait() is invalid on Poller after Destroy() is called.")
// ErrMultiPartUnsupported is returned when a function that does
// not support multi-part messages encounters a multi-part message
ErrMultiPartUnsupported = errors.New("function does not support multi part messages")
// ErrTimeout is returned when a function that supports timeouts times out
ErrTimeout = errors.New("function timed out")
// ErrCertNotFound is returned when NewCertFromFile tries to
// load a file that does not exist.
ErrCertNotFound = errors.New("file not found")
// Shutdown shuts down the CZMQ zsys layer.
// The CZMQ zsys layer normally shuts down on process termination through the
// use of an atexit cleanup function. Calling this allows the zsys layer to be
// shutdown manually.
// This is beneficial when CZMQ will no longer be used but the process will not
// be terminating. Any potential resources allocated by the zsys layer can be
// freed as they will no longer be needed.
func Shutdown() {
func getStringType(k int) string {
switch k {
case Req:
return "REQ"
case Rep:
return "REP"
case Dealer:
return "DEALER"
case Router:
return "ROUTER"
case Pub:
return "PUB"
case Sub:
return "SUB"
case XPub:
return "XPUB"
case XSub:
return "XSUB"
case Push:
return "PUSH"
case Pull:
return "PULL"
case Pair:
return "PAIR"
case Stream:
return "STREAM"
return ""