2020-03-10 13:57:28 +01:00

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package imap
import (
// ErrBadSeqSet is used to report problems with the format of a sequence set
// value.
type ErrBadSeqSet string
func (err ErrBadSeqSet) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("imap: bad sequence set value %q", string(err))
// Seq represents a single seq-number or seq-range value (RFC 3501 ABNF). Values
// may be static (e.g. "1", "2:4") or dynamic (e.g. "*", "1:*"). A seq-number is
// represented by setting Start = Stop. Zero is used to represent "*", which is
// safe because seq-number uses nz-number rule. The order of values is always
// Start <= Stop, except when representing "n:*", where Start = n and Stop = 0.
type Seq struct {
Start, Stop uint32
// parseSeqNumber parses a single seq-number value (non-zero uint32 or "*").
func parseSeqNumber(v string) (uint32, error) {
if n, err := strconv.ParseUint(v, 10, 32); err == nil && v[0] != '0' {
return uint32(n), nil
} else if v == "*" {
return 0, nil
return 0, ErrBadSeqSet(v)
// parseSeq creates a new seq instance by parsing strings in the format "n" or
// "n:m", where n and/or m may be "*". An error is returned for invalid values.
func parseSeq(v string) (s Seq, err error) {
if sep := strings.IndexRune(v, ':'); sep < 0 {
s.Start, err = parseSeqNumber(v)
s.Stop = s.Start
} else if s.Start, err = parseSeqNumber(v[:sep]); err == nil {
if s.Stop, err = parseSeqNumber(v[sep+1:]); err == nil {
if (s.Stop < s.Start && s.Stop != 0) || s.Start == 0 {
s.Start, s.Stop = s.Stop, s.Start
return s, ErrBadSeqSet(v)
// Contains returns true if the seq-number q is contained in sequence value s.
// The dynamic value "*" contains only other "*" values, the dynamic range "n:*"
// contains "*" and all numbers >= n.
func (s Seq) Contains(q uint32) bool {
if q == 0 {
return s.Stop == 0 // "*" is contained only in "*" and "n:*"
return s.Start != 0 && s.Start <= q && (q <= s.Stop || s.Stop == 0)
// Less returns true if s precedes and does not contain seq-number q.
func (s Seq) Less(q uint32) bool {
return (s.Stop < q || q == 0) && s.Stop != 0
// Merge combines sequence values s and t into a single union if the two
// intersect or one is a superset of the other. The order of s and t does not
// matter. If the values cannot be merged, s is returned unmodified and ok is
// set to false.
func (s Seq) Merge(t Seq) (union Seq, ok bool) {
if union = s; s == t {
ok = true
if s.Start != 0 && t.Start != 0 {
// s and t are any combination of "n", "n:m", or "n:*"
if s.Start > t.Start {
s, t = t, s
// s starts at or before t, check where it ends
if (s.Stop >= t.Stop && t.Stop != 0) || s.Stop == 0 {
return s, true // s is a superset of t
// s is "n" or "n:m", if m == ^uint32(0) then t is "n:*"
if s.Stop+1 >= t.Start || s.Stop == ^uint32(0) {
return Seq{s.Start, t.Stop}, true // s intersects or touches t
// exactly one of s and t is "*"
if s.Start == 0 {
if t.Stop == 0 {
return t, true // s is "*", t is "n:*"
} else if s.Stop == 0 {
return s, true // s is "n:*", t is "*"
// String returns sequence value s as a seq-number or seq-range string.
func (s Seq) String() string {
if s.Start == s.Stop {
if s.Start == 0 {
return "*"
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(s.Start), 10)
b := strconv.AppendUint(make([]byte, 0, 24), uint64(s.Start), 10)
if s.Stop == 0 {
return string(append(b, ':', '*'))
return string(strconv.AppendUint(append(b, ':'), uint64(s.Stop), 10))
// SeqSet is used to represent a set of message sequence numbers or UIDs (see
// sequence-set ABNF rule). The zero value is an empty set.
type SeqSet struct {
Set []Seq
// ParseSeqSet returns a new SeqSet instance after parsing the set string.
func ParseSeqSet(set string) (s *SeqSet, err error) {
s = new(SeqSet)
return s, s.Add(set)
// Add inserts new sequence values into the set. The string format is described
// by RFC 3501 sequence-set ABNF rule. If an error is encountered, all values
// inserted successfully prior to the error remain in the set.
func (s *SeqSet) Add(set string) error {
for _, sv := range strings.Split(set, ",") {
v, err := parseSeq(sv)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// AddNum inserts new sequence numbers into the set. The value 0 represents "*".
func (s *SeqSet) AddNum(q ...uint32) {
for _, v := range q {
s.insert(Seq{v, v})
// AddRange inserts a new sequence range into the set.
func (s *SeqSet) AddRange(Start, Stop uint32) {
if (Stop < Start && Stop != 0) || Start == 0 {
s.insert(Seq{Stop, Start})
} else {
s.insert(Seq{Start, Stop})
// AddSet inserts all values from t into s.
func (s *SeqSet) AddSet(t *SeqSet) {
for _, v := range t.Set {
// Clear removes all values from the set.
func (s *SeqSet) Clear() {
s.Set = s.Set[:0]
// Empty returns true if the sequence set does not contain any values.
func (s SeqSet) Empty() bool {
return len(s.Set) == 0
// Dynamic returns true if the set contains "*" or "n:*" values.
func (s SeqSet) Dynamic() bool {
return len(s.Set) > 0 && s.Set[len(s.Set)-1].Stop == 0
// Contains returns true if the non-zero sequence number or UID q is contained
// in the set. The dynamic range "n:*" contains all q >= n. It is the caller's
// responsibility to handle the special case where q is the maximum UID in the
// mailbox and q < n (i.e. the set cannot match UIDs against "*:n" or "*" since
// it doesn't know what the maximum value is).
func (s SeqSet) Contains(q uint32) bool {
if _, ok :=; ok {
return q != 0
return false
// String returns a sorted representation of all contained sequence values.
func (s SeqSet) String() string {
if len(s.Set) == 0 {
return ""
b := make([]byte, 0, 64)
for _, v := range s.Set {
b = append(b, ',')
if v.Start == 0 {
b = append(b, '*')
b = strconv.AppendUint(b, uint64(v.Start), 10)
if v.Start != v.Stop {
if v.Stop == 0 {
b = append(b, ':', '*')
b = strconv.AppendUint(append(b, ':'), uint64(v.Stop), 10)
return string(b[1:])
// insert adds sequence value v to the set.
func (s *SeqSet) insert(v Seq) {
i, _ :=
merged := false
if i > 0 {
// try merging with the preceding entry (e.g. "1,4".insert(2), i == 1)
s.Set[i-1], merged = s.Set[i-1].Merge(v)
if i == len(s.Set) {
// v was either merged with the last entry or needs to be appended
if !merged {
s.insertAt(i, v)
} else if merged {
} else if s.Set[i], merged = s.Set[i].Merge(v); !merged {
s.insertAt(i, v) // insert in the middle (e.g. "1,5".insert(3), i == 1)
// v was merged with s.Set[i], continue trying to merge until the end
for j := i + 1; j < len(s.Set); j++ {
if s.Set[i], merged = s.Set[i].Merge(s.Set[j]); !merged {
if j > i+1 {
// cut out all entries between i and j that were merged
s.Set = append(s.Set[:i+1], s.Set[j:]...)
// everything after s.Set[i] was merged
s.Set = s.Set[:i+1]
// insertAt inserts a new sequence value v at index i, resizing s.Set as needed.
func (s *SeqSet) insertAt(i int, v Seq) {
if n := len(s.Set); i == n {
// insert at the end
s.Set = append(s.Set, v)
} else if n < cap(s.Set) {
// enough space, shift everything at and after i to the right
s.Set = s.Set[:n+1]
copy(s.Set[i+1:], s.Set[i:])
} else {
// allocate new slice and copy everything, n is at least 1
set := make([]Seq, n+1, n*2)
copy(set, s.Set[:i])
copy(set[i+1:], s.Set[i:])
s.Set = set
s.Set[i] = v
// search attempts to find the index of the sequence set value that contains q.
// If no values contain q, the returned index is the position where q should be
// inserted and ok is set to false.
func (s SeqSet) search(q uint32) (i int, ok bool) {
min, max := 0, len(s.Set)-1
for min < max {
if mid := (min + max) >> 1; s.Set[mid].Less(q) {
min = mid + 1
} else {
max = mid
if max < 0 || s.Set[min].Less(q) {
return len(s.Set), false // q is the new largest value
return min, s.Set[min].Contains(q)