updated dependencies
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing

This commit is contained in:
Paul 2020-12-04 20:51:28 +01:00
parent bdf7f6195e
commit 0b3ae7a32e
47 changed files with 2235 additions and 264 deletions

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@ -4,13 +4,31 @@ go 1.14
require (
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@ -8,8 +8,10 @@
# Please keep the list sorted.
Amazon.com, Inc
Damian Gryski <dgryski@gmail.com>
Google Inc.
Jan Mercl <0xjnml@gmail.com>
Klaus Post <klauspost@gmail.com>
Rodolfo Carvalho <rhcarvalho@gmail.com>
Sebastien Binet <seb.binet@gmail.com>

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@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
Damian Gryski <dgryski@gmail.com>
Jan Mercl <0xjnml@gmail.com>
Jonathan Swinney <jswinney@amazon.com>
Kai Backman <kaib@golang.org>
Klaus Post <klauspost@gmail.com>
Marc-Antoine Ruel <maruel@chromium.org>
Nigel Tao <nigeltao@golang.org>
Rob Pike <r@golang.org>

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@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ const (
// Otherwise, a newly allocated slice will be returned.
// The dst and src must not overlap. It is valid to pass a nil dst.
// Decode handles the Snappy block format, not the Snappy stream format.
func Decode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) {
dLen, s, err := decodedLen(src)
if err != nil {
@ -83,6 +85,8 @@ func NewReader(r io.Reader) *Reader {
// Reader is an io.Reader that can read Snappy-compressed bytes.
// Reader handles the Snappy stream format, not the Snappy block format.
type Reader struct {
r io.Reader
err error

vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/decode_arm64.s generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !appengine
// +build gc
// +build !noasm
#include "textflag.h"
// The asm code generally follows the pure Go code in decode_other.go, except
// where marked with a "!!!".
// func decode(dst, src []byte) int
// All local variables fit into registers. The non-zero stack size is only to
// spill registers and push args when issuing a CALL. The register allocation:
// - R2 scratch
// - R3 scratch
// - R4 length or x
// - R5 offset
// - R6 &src[s]
// - R7 &dst[d]
// + R8 dst_base
// + R9 dst_len
// + R10 dst_base + dst_len
// + R11 src_base
// + R12 src_len
// + R13 src_base + src_len
// - R14 used by doCopy
// - R15 used by doCopy
// The registers R8-R13 (marked with a "+") are set at the start of the
// function, and after a CALL returns, and are not otherwise modified.
// The d variable is implicitly R7 - R8, and len(dst)-d is R10 - R7.
// The s variable is implicitly R6 - R11, and len(src)-s is R13 - R6.
TEXT ·decode(SB), NOSPLIT, $56-56
// Initialize R6, R7 and R8-R13.
MOVD dst_base+0(FP), R8
MOVD dst_len+8(FP), R9
MOVD R8, R10
ADD R9, R10, R10
MOVD src_base+24(FP), R11
MOVD src_len+32(FP), R12
MOVD R11, R6
MOVD R11, R13
ADD R12, R13, R13
// for s < len(src)
CMP R13, R6
BEQ end
// R4 = uint32(src[s])
// switch src[s] & 0x03
MOVBU (R6), R4
ANDW $3, R3
MOVW $1, R1
BGE tagCopy
// ----------------------------------------
// The code below handles literal tags.
// case tagLiteral:
// x := uint32(src[s] >> 2)
// switch
MOVW $60, R1
ADD R4>>2, ZR, R4
BLS tagLit60Plus
// case x < 60:
// s++
ADD $1, R6, R6
// This is the end of the inner "switch", when we have a literal tag.
// We assume that R4 == x and x fits in a uint32, where x is the variable
// used in the pure Go decode_other.go code.
// length = int(x) + 1
// Unlike the pure Go code, we don't need to check if length <= 0 because
// R4 can hold 64 bits, so the increment cannot overflow.
ADD $1, R4, R4
// Prepare to check if copying length bytes will run past the end of dst or
// src.
// R2 = len(dst) - d
// R3 = len(src) - s
MOVD R10, R2
SUB R7, R2, R2
MOVD R13, R3
SUB R6, R3, R3
// !!! Try a faster technique for short (16 or fewer bytes) copies.
// if length > 16 || len(dst)-d < 16 || len(src)-s < 16 {
// goto callMemmove // Fall back on calling runtime·memmove.
// }
// The C++ snappy code calls this TryFastAppend. It also checks len(src)-s
// against 21 instead of 16, because it cannot assume that all of its input
// is contiguous in memory and so it needs to leave enough source bytes to
// read the next tag without refilling buffers, but Go's Decode assumes
// contiguousness (the src argument is a []byte).
MOVD $16, R1
CMP R1, R4
BGT callMemmove
CMP R1, R2
BLT callMemmove
CMP R1, R3
BLT callMemmove
// !!! Implement the copy from src to dst as a 16-byte load and store.
// (Decode's documentation says that dst and src must not overlap.)
// This always copies 16 bytes, instead of only length bytes, but that's
// OK. If the input is a valid Snappy encoding then subsequent iterations
// will fix up the overrun. Otherwise, Decode returns a nil []byte (and a
// non-nil error), so the overrun will be ignored.
// Note that on arm64, it is legal and cheap to issue unaligned 8-byte or
// 16-byte loads and stores. This technique probably wouldn't be as
// effective on architectures that are fussier about alignment.
VLD1 0(R6), [V0.B16]
VST1 [V0.B16], 0(R7)
// d += length
// s += length
ADD R4, R7, R7
ADD R4, R6, R6
B loop
// if length > len(dst)-d || length > len(src)-s { etc }
CMP R2, R4
BGT errCorrupt
CMP R3, R4
BGT errCorrupt
// copy(dst[d:], src[s:s+length])
// This means calling runtime·memmove(&dst[d], &src[s], length), so we push
// R7, R6 and R4 as arguments. Coincidentally, we also need to spill those
// three registers to the stack, to save local variables across the CALL.
MOVD R6, 16(RSP)
MOVD R4, 24(RSP)
MOVD R7, 32(RSP)
MOVD R6, 40(RSP)
MOVD R4, 48(RSP)
CALL runtime·memmove(SB)
// Restore local variables: unspill registers from the stack and
// re-calculate R8-R13.
MOVD 32(RSP), R7
MOVD 40(RSP), R6
MOVD 48(RSP), R4
MOVD dst_base+0(FP), R8
MOVD dst_len+8(FP), R9
MOVD R8, R10
ADD R9, R10, R10
MOVD src_base+24(FP), R11
MOVD src_len+32(FP), R12
MOVD R11, R13
ADD R12, R13, R13
// d += length
// s += length
ADD R4, R7, R7
ADD R4, R6, R6
B loop
// !!! This fragment does the
// s += x - 58; if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { etc }
// checks. In the asm version, we code it once instead of once per switch case.
ADD R4, R6, R6
SUB $58, R6, R6
SUB R11, R3, R3
CMP R12, R3
BGT errCorrupt
// case x == 60:
MOVW $61, R1
BEQ tagLit61
BGT tagLit62Plus
// x = uint32(src[s-1])
MOVBU -1(R6), R4
B doLit
// case x == 61:
// x = uint32(src[s-2]) | uint32(src[s-1])<<8
MOVHU -2(R6), R4
B doLit
MOVW $62, R1
BHI tagLit63
// case x == 62:
// x = uint32(src[s-3]) | uint32(src[s-2])<<8 | uint32(src[s-1])<<16
MOVHU -3(R6), R4
MOVBU -1(R6), R3
ORR R3<<16, R4
B doLit
// case x == 63:
// x = uint32(src[s-4]) | uint32(src[s-3])<<8 | uint32(src[s-2])<<16 | uint32(src[s-1])<<24
MOVWU -4(R6), R4
B doLit
// The code above handles literal tags.
// ----------------------------------------
// The code below handles copy tags.
// case tagCopy4:
// s += 5
ADD $5, R6, R6
// if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { etc }
SUB R11, R3, R3
CMP R12, R3
BGT errCorrupt
// length = 1 + int(src[s-5])>>2
MOVD $1, R1
ADD R4>>2, R1, R4
// offset = int(uint32(src[s-4]) | uint32(src[s-3])<<8 | uint32(src[s-2])<<16 | uint32(src[s-1])<<24)
MOVWU -4(R6), R5
B doCopy
// case tagCopy2:
// s += 3
ADD $3, R6, R6
// if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { etc }
SUB R11, R3, R3
CMP R12, R3
BGT errCorrupt
// length = 1 + int(src[s-3])>>2
MOVD $1, R1
ADD R4>>2, R1, R4
// offset = int(uint32(src[s-2]) | uint32(src[s-1])<<8)
MOVHU -2(R6), R5
B doCopy
// We have a copy tag. We assume that:
// - R3 == src[s] & 0x03
// - R4 == src[s]
MOVD $2, R1
CMP R1, R3
BEQ tagCopy2
BGT tagCopy4
// case tagCopy1:
// s += 2
ADD $2, R6, R6
// if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { etc }
SUB R11, R3, R3
CMP R12, R3
BGT errCorrupt
// offset = int(uint32(src[s-2])&0xe0<<3 | uint32(src[s-1]))
AND $0xe0, R5
MOVBU -1(R6), R3
ORR R5<<3, R3, R5
// length = 4 + int(src[s-2])>>2&0x7
MOVD $7, R1
AND R4>>2, R1, R4
ADD $4, R4, R4
// This is the end of the outer "switch", when we have a copy tag.
// We assume that:
// - R4 == length && R4 > 0
// - R5 == offset
// if offset <= 0 { etc }
MOVD $0, R1
CMP R1, R5
BLE errCorrupt
// if d < offset { etc }
SUB R8, R3, R3
CMP R5, R3
BLT errCorrupt
// if length > len(dst)-d { etc }
MOVD R10, R3
SUB R7, R3, R3
CMP R3, R4
BGT errCorrupt
// forwardCopy(dst[d:d+length], dst[d-offset:]); d += length
// Set:
// - R14 = len(dst)-d
// - R15 = &dst[d-offset]
MOVD R10, R14
SUB R7, R14, R14
MOVD R7, R15
SUB R5, R15, R15
// !!! Try a faster technique for short (16 or fewer bytes) forward copies.
// First, try using two 8-byte load/stores, similar to the doLit technique
// above. Even if dst[d:d+length] and dst[d-offset:] can overlap, this is
// still OK if offset >= 8. Note that this has to be two 8-byte load/stores
// and not one 16-byte load/store, and the first store has to be before the
// second load, due to the overlap if offset is in the range [8, 16).
// if length > 16 || offset < 8 || len(dst)-d < 16 {
// goto slowForwardCopy
// }
// copy 16 bytes
// d += length
MOVD $16, R1
MOVD $8, R0
CMP R1, R4
BGT slowForwardCopy
CMP R0, R5
BLT slowForwardCopy
CMP R1, R14
BLT slowForwardCopy
MOVD 0(R15), R2
MOVD R2, 0(R7)
MOVD 8(R15), R3
MOVD R3, 8(R7)
ADD R4, R7, R7
B loop
// !!! If the forward copy is longer than 16 bytes, or if offset < 8, we
// can still try 8-byte load stores, provided we can overrun up to 10 extra
// bytes. As above, the overrun will be fixed up by subsequent iterations
// of the outermost loop.
// The C++ snappy code calls this technique IncrementalCopyFastPath. Its
// commentary says:
// ----
// The main part of this loop is a simple copy of eight bytes at a time
// until we've copied (at least) the requested amount of bytes. However,
// if d and d-offset are less than eight bytes apart (indicating a
// repeating pattern of length < 8), we first need to expand the pattern in
// order to get the correct results. For instance, if the buffer looks like
// this, with the eight-byte <d-offset> and <d> patterns marked as
// intervals:
// abxxxxxxxxxxxx
// [------] d-offset
// [------] d
// a single eight-byte copy from <d-offset> to <d> will repeat the pattern
// once, after which we can move <d> two bytes without moving <d-offset>:
// ababxxxxxxxxxx
// [------] d-offset
// [------] d
// and repeat the exercise until the two no longer overlap.
// This allows us to do very well in the special case of one single byte
// repeated many times, without taking a big hit for more general cases.
// The worst case of extra writing past the end of the match occurs when
// offset == 1 and length == 1; the last copy will read from byte positions
// [0..7] and write to [4..11], whereas it was only supposed to write to
// position 1. Thus, ten excess bytes.
// ----
// That "10 byte overrun" worst case is confirmed by Go's
// TestSlowForwardCopyOverrun, which also tests the fixUpSlowForwardCopy
// and finishSlowForwardCopy algorithm.
// if length > len(dst)-d-10 {
// goto verySlowForwardCopy
// }
SUB $10, R14, R14
CMP R14, R4
BGT verySlowForwardCopy
// !!! As above, expand the pattern so that offset >= 8 and we can use
// 8-byte load/stores.
// for offset < 8 {
// copy 8 bytes from dst[d-offset:] to dst[d:]
// length -= offset
// d += offset
// offset += offset
// // The two previous lines together means that d-offset, and therefore
// // R15, is unchanged.
// }
MOVD $8, R1
CMP R1, R5
BGE fixUpSlowForwardCopy
MOVD (R15), R3
MOVD R3, (R7)
SUB R5, R4, R4
ADD R5, R7, R7
ADD R5, R5, R5
B makeOffsetAtLeast8
// !!! Add length (which might be negative now) to d (implied by R7 being
// &dst[d]) so that d ends up at the right place when we jump back to the
// top of the loop. Before we do that, though, we save R7 to R2 so that, if
// length is positive, copying the remaining length bytes will write to the
// right place.
ADD R4, R7, R7
// !!! Repeat 8-byte load/stores until length <= 0. Ending with a negative
// length means that we overrun, but as above, that will be fixed up by
// subsequent iterations of the outermost loop.
MOVD $0, R1
CMP R1, R4
BLE loop
MOVD (R15), R3
MOVD R3, (R2)
ADD $8, R15, R15
ADD $8, R2, R2
SUB $8, R4, R4
B finishSlowForwardCopy
// verySlowForwardCopy is a simple implementation of forward copy. In C
// parlance, this is a do/while loop instead of a while loop, since we know
// that length > 0. In Go syntax:
// for {
// dst[d] = dst[d - offset]
// d++
// length--
// if length == 0 {
// break
// }
// }
MOVB (R15), R3
MOVB R3, (R7)
ADD $1, R15, R15
ADD $1, R7, R7
SUB $1, R4, R4
MOVD $0, R1
CMP R1, R4
BNE verySlowForwardCopy
B loop
// The code above handles copy tags.
// ----------------------------------------
// This is the end of the "for s < len(src)".
// if d != len(dst) { etc }
CMP R10, R7
BNE errCorrupt
// return 0
MOVD $0, ret+48(FP)
// return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
MOVD $1, R2
MOVD R2, ret+48(FP)

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
// +build !appengine
// +build gc
// +build !noasm
// +build amd64 arm64
package snappy

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !amd64 appengine !gc noasm
// +build !amd64,!arm64 appengine !gc noasm
package snappy
@ -85,14 +85,28 @@ func decode(dst, src []byte) int {
if offset <= 0 || d < offset || length > len(dst)-d {
return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
// Copy from an earlier sub-slice of dst to a later sub-slice. Unlike
// the built-in copy function, this byte-by-byte copy always runs
// Copy from an earlier sub-slice of dst to a later sub-slice.
// If no overlap, use the built-in copy:
if offset >= length {
copy(dst[d:d+length], dst[d-offset:])
d += length
// Unlike the built-in copy function, this byte-by-byte copy always runs
// forwards, even if the slices overlap. Conceptually, this is:
// d += forwardCopy(dst[d:d+length], dst[d-offset:])
for end := d + length; d != end; d++ {
dst[d] = dst[d-offset]
// We align the slices into a and b and show the compiler they are the same size.
// This allows the loop to run without bounds checks.
a := dst[d : d+length]
b := dst[d-offset:]
b = b[:len(a)]
for i := range a {
a[i] = b[i]
d += length
if d != len(dst) {
return decodeErrCodeCorrupt

View File

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import (
// Otherwise, a newly allocated slice will be returned.
// The dst and src must not overlap. It is valid to pass a nil dst.
// Encode handles the Snappy block format, not the Snappy stream format.
func Encode(dst, src []byte) []byte {
if n := MaxEncodedLen(len(src)); n < 0 {
@ -139,6 +141,8 @@ func NewBufferedWriter(w io.Writer) *Writer {
// Writer is an io.Writer that can write Snappy-compressed bytes.
// Writer handles the Snappy stream format, not the Snappy block format.
type Writer struct {
w io.Writer
err error

vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/encode_arm64.s generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !appengine
// +build gc
// +build !noasm
#include "textflag.h"
// The asm code generally follows the pure Go code in encode_other.go, except
// where marked with a "!!!".
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// func emitLiteral(dst, lit []byte) int
// All local variables fit into registers. The register allocation:
// - R3 len(lit)
// - R4 n
// - R6 return value
// - R8 &dst[i]
// - R10 &lit[0]
// The 32 bytes of stack space is to call runtime·memmove.
// The unusual register allocation of local variables, such as R10 for the
// source pointer, matches the allocation used at the call site in encodeBlock,
// which makes it easier to manually inline this function.
TEXT ·emitLiteral(SB), NOSPLIT, $32-56
MOVD dst_base+0(FP), R8
MOVD lit_base+24(FP), R10
MOVD lit_len+32(FP), R3
SUBW $1, R4, R4
MOVW $60, R2
BLT oneByte
MOVW $256, R2
BLT twoBytes
MOVD $0xf4, R2
MOVB R2, 0(R8)
MOVW R4, 1(R8)
ADD $3, R8, R8
ADD $3, R6, R6
B memmove
MOVD $0xf0, R2
MOVB R2, 0(R8)
MOVB R4, 1(R8)
ADD $2, R8, R8
ADD $2, R6, R6
B memmove
LSLW $2, R4, R4
MOVB R4, 0(R8)
ADD $1, R8, R8
ADD $1, R6, R6
MOVD R6, ret+48(FP)
// copy(dst[i:], lit)
// This means calling runtime·memmove(&dst[i], &lit[0], len(lit)), so we push
// R8, R10 and R3 as arguments.
MOVD R10, 16(RSP)
MOVD R3, 24(RSP)
CALL runtime·memmove(SB)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// func emitCopy(dst []byte, offset, length int) int
// All local variables fit into registers. The register allocation:
// - R3 length
// - R7 &dst[0]
// - R8 &dst[i]
// - R11 offset
// The unusual register allocation of local variables, such as R11 for the
// offset, matches the allocation used at the call site in encodeBlock, which
// makes it easier to manually inline this function.
TEXT ·emitCopy(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48
MOVD dst_base+0(FP), R8
MOVD offset+24(FP), R11
MOVD length+32(FP), R3
// for length >= 68 { etc }
MOVW $68, R2
BLT step1
// Emit a length 64 copy, encoded as 3 bytes.
MOVD $0xfe, R2
MOVB R2, 0(R8)
MOVW R11, 1(R8)
ADD $3, R8, R8
SUB $64, R3, R3
B loop0
// if length > 64 { etc }
MOVD $64, R2
CMP R2, R3
BLE step2
// Emit a length 60 copy, encoded as 3 bytes.
MOVD $0xee, R2
MOVB R2, 0(R8)
MOVW R11, 1(R8)
ADD $3, R8, R8
SUB $60, R3, R3
// if length >= 12 || offset >= 2048 { goto step3 }
MOVD $12, R2
CMP R2, R3
BGE step3
MOVW $2048, R2
CMPW R2, R11
BGE step3
// Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 2 bytes.
MOVB R11, 1(R8)
LSRW $3, R11, R11
AND $0xe0, R11, R11
SUB $4, R3, R3
LSLW $2, R3
AND $0xff, R3, R3
ORRW R3, R11, R11
ORRW $1, R11, R11
MOVB R11, 0(R8)
ADD $2, R8, R8
// Return the number of bytes written.
SUB R7, R8, R8
MOVD R8, ret+40(FP)
// Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 3 bytes.
SUB $1, R3, R3
AND $0xff, R3, R3
LSLW $2, R3, R3
ORRW $2, R3, R3
MOVB R3, 0(R8)
MOVW R11, 1(R8)
ADD $3, R8, R8
// Return the number of bytes written.
SUB R7, R8, R8
MOVD R8, ret+40(FP)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// func extendMatch(src []byte, i, j int) int
// All local variables fit into registers. The register allocation:
// - R6 &src[0]
// - R7 &src[j]
// - R13 &src[len(src) - 8]
// - R14 &src[len(src)]
// - R15 &src[i]
// The unusual register allocation of local variables, such as R15 for a source
// pointer, matches the allocation used at the call site in encodeBlock, which
// makes it easier to manually inline this function.
TEXT ·extendMatch(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48
MOVD src_base+0(FP), R6
MOVD src_len+8(FP), R14
MOVD i+24(FP), R15
MOVD j+32(FP), R7
ADD R6, R14, R14
ADD R6, R15, R15
ADD R6, R7, R7
MOVD R14, R13
SUB $8, R13, R13
// As long as we are 8 or more bytes before the end of src, we can load and
// compare 8 bytes at a time. If those 8 bytes are equal, repeat.
CMP R13, R7
BHI cmp1
MOVD (R15), R3
MOVD (R7), R4
CMP R4, R3
BNE bsf
ADD $8, R15, R15
ADD $8, R7, R7
B cmp8
// If those 8 bytes were not equal, XOR the two 8 byte values, and return
// the index of the first byte that differs.
// RBIT reverses the bit order, then CLZ counts the leading zeros, the
// combination of which finds the least significant bit which is set.
// The arm64 architecture is little-endian, and the shift by 3 converts
// a bit index to a byte index.
EOR R3, R4, R4
CLZ R4, R4
ADD R4>>3, R7, R7
// Convert from &src[ret] to ret.
SUB R6, R7, R7
MOVD R7, ret+40(FP)
// In src's tail, compare 1 byte at a time.
CMP R7, R14
BLS extendMatchEnd
MOVB (R15), R3
MOVB (R7), R4
CMP R4, R3
BNE extendMatchEnd
ADD $1, R15, R15
ADD $1, R7, R7
B cmp1
// Convert from &src[ret] to ret.
SUB R6, R7, R7
MOVD R7, ret+40(FP)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// func encodeBlock(dst, src []byte) (d int)
// All local variables fit into registers, other than "var table". The register
// allocation:
// - R3 . .
// - R4 . .
// - R5 64 shift
// - R6 72 &src[0], tableSize
// - R7 80 &src[s]
// - R8 88 &dst[d]
// - R9 96 sLimit
// - R10 . &src[nextEmit]
// - R11 104 prevHash, currHash, nextHash, offset
// - R12 112 &src[base], skip
// - R13 . &src[nextS], &src[len(src) - 8]
// - R14 . len(src), bytesBetweenHashLookups, &src[len(src)], x
// - R15 120 candidate
// - R16 . hash constant, 0x1e35a7bd
// - R17 . &table
// - . 128 table
// The second column (64, 72, etc) is the stack offset to spill the registers
// when calling other functions. We could pack this slightly tighter, but it's
// simpler to have a dedicated spill map independent of the function called.
// "var table [maxTableSize]uint16" takes up 32768 bytes of stack space. An
// extra 64 bytes, to call other functions, and an extra 64 bytes, to spill
// local variables (registers) during calls gives 32768 + 64 + 64 = 32896.
TEXT ·encodeBlock(SB), 0, $32896-56
MOVD dst_base+0(FP), R8
MOVD src_base+24(FP), R7
MOVD src_len+32(FP), R14
// shift, tableSize := uint32(32-8), 1<<8
MOVD $24, R5
MOVD $256, R6
MOVW $0xa7bd, R16
MOVKW $(0x1e35<<16), R16
// for ; tableSize < maxTableSize && tableSize < len(src); tableSize *= 2 {
// shift--
// }
MOVD $16384, R2
CMP R2, R6
BGE varTable
CMP R14, R6
BGE varTable
SUB $1, R5, R5
LSL $1, R6, R6
B calcShift
// var table [maxTableSize]uint16
// In the asm code, unlike the Go code, we can zero-initialize only the
// first tableSize elements. Each uint16 element is 2 bytes and each VST1
// writes 64 bytes, so we can do only tableSize/32 writes instead of the
// 2048 writes that would zero-initialize all of table's 32768 bytes.
// This clear could overrun the first tableSize elements, but it won't
// overrun the allocated stack size.
ADD $128, RSP, R17
MOVD R17, R4
// !!! R6 = &src[tableSize]
ADD R6<<1, R17, R6
// zero the SIMD registers
VEOR V0.B16, V0.B16, V0.B16
VEOR V1.B16, V1.B16, V1.B16
VEOR V2.B16, V2.B16, V2.B16
VEOR V3.B16, V3.B16, V3.B16
VST1.P [V0.B16, V1.B16, V2.B16, V3.B16], 64(R4)
CMP R4, R6
BHI memclr
// !!! R6 = &src[0]
// sLimit := len(src) - inputMargin
MOVD R14, R9
SUB $15, R9, R9
// !!! Pre-emptively spill R5, R6 and R9 to the stack. Their values don't
// change for the rest of the function.
MOVD R5, 64(RSP)
MOVD R6, 72(RSP)
MOVD R9, 96(RSP)
// nextEmit := 0
MOVD R6, R10
// s := 1
ADD $1, R7, R7
// nextHash := hash(load32(src, s), shift)
MOVW 0(R7), R11
MULW R16, R11, R11
LSRW R5, R11, R11
// for { etc }
// skip := 32
MOVD $32, R12
// nextS := s
MOVD R7, R13
// candidate := 0
MOVD $0, R15
// for { etc }
// s := nextS
MOVD R13, R7
// bytesBetweenHashLookups := skip >> 5
MOVD R12, R14
LSR $5, R14, R14
// nextS = s + bytesBetweenHashLookups
ADD R14, R13, R13
// skip += bytesBetweenHashLookups
ADD R14, R12, R12
// if nextS > sLimit { goto emitRemainder }
MOVD R13, R3
SUB R6, R3, R3
CMP R9, R3
BHI emitRemainder
// candidate = int(table[nextHash])
MOVHU 0(R17)(R11<<1), R15
// table[nextHash] = uint16(s)
SUB R6, R3, R3
MOVH R3, 0(R17)(R11<<1)
// nextHash = hash(load32(src, nextS), shift)
MOVW 0(R13), R11
MULW R16, R11
LSRW R5, R11, R11
// if load32(src, s) != load32(src, candidate) { continue } break
MOVW 0(R7), R3
MOVW (R6)(R15*1), R4
BNE inner0
// As per the encode_other.go code:
// A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see etc.
// !!! Jump to a fast path for short (<= 16 byte) literals. See the comment
// on inputMargin in encode.go.
SUB R10, R3, R3
MOVD $16, R2
CMP R2, R3
BLE emitLiteralFastPath
// ----------------------------------------
// Begin inline of the emitLiteral call.
// d += emitLiteral(dst[d:], src[nextEmit:s])
SUBW $1, R4, R4
MOVW $60, R2
BLT inlineEmitLiteralOneByte
MOVW $256, R2
BLT inlineEmitLiteralTwoBytes
MOVD $0xf4, R1
MOVB R1, 0(R8)
MOVW R4, 1(R8)
ADD $3, R8, R8
B inlineEmitLiteralMemmove
MOVD $0xf0, R1
MOVB R1, 0(R8)
MOVB R4, 1(R8)
ADD $2, R8, R8
B inlineEmitLiteralMemmove
LSLW $2, R4, R4
MOVB R4, 0(R8)
ADD $1, R8, R8
// Spill local variables (registers) onto the stack; call; unspill.
// copy(dst[i:], lit)
// This means calling runtime·memmove(&dst[i], &lit[0], len(lit)), so we push
// R8, R10 and R3 as arguments.
MOVD R10, 16(RSP)
MOVD R3, 24(RSP)
// Finish the "d +=" part of "d += emitLiteral(etc)".
ADD R3, R8, R8
MOVD R7, 80(RSP)
MOVD R8, 88(RSP)
MOVD R15, 120(RSP)
CALL runtime·memmove(SB)
MOVD 64(RSP), R5
MOVD 72(RSP), R6
MOVD 80(RSP), R7
MOVD 88(RSP), R8
MOVD 96(RSP), R9
MOVD 120(RSP), R15
B inner1
// End inline of the emitLiteral call.
// ----------------------------------------
// !!! Emit the 1-byte encoding "uint8(len(lit)-1)<<2".
SUBW $1, R4, R4
AND $0xff, R4, R4
LSLW $2, R4, R4
MOVB R4, (R8)
ADD $1, R8, R8
// !!! Implement the copy from lit to dst as a 16-byte load and store.
// (Encode's documentation says that dst and src must not overlap.)
// This always copies 16 bytes, instead of only len(lit) bytes, but that's
// OK. Subsequent iterations will fix up the overrun.
// Note that on arm64, it is legal and cheap to issue unaligned 8-byte or
// 16-byte loads and stores. This technique probably wouldn't be as
// effective on architectures that are fussier about alignment.
VLD1 0(R10), [V0.B16]
VST1 [V0.B16], 0(R8)
ADD R3, R8, R8
// for { etc }
// base := s
MOVD R7, R12
// !!! offset := base - candidate
MOVD R12, R11
SUB R15, R11, R11
SUB R6, R11, R11
// ----------------------------------------
// Begin inline of the extendMatch call.
// s = extendMatch(src, candidate+4, s+4)
// !!! R14 = &src[len(src)]
MOVD src_len+32(FP), R14
ADD R6, R14, R14
// !!! R13 = &src[len(src) - 8]
MOVD R14, R13
SUB $8, R13, R13
// !!! R15 = &src[candidate + 4]
ADD $4, R15, R15
ADD R6, R15, R15
// !!! s += 4
ADD $4, R7, R7
// As long as we are 8 or more bytes before the end of src, we can load and
// compare 8 bytes at a time. If those 8 bytes are equal, repeat.
CMP R13, R7
BHI inlineExtendMatchCmp1
MOVD (R15), R3
MOVD (R7), R4
CMP R4, R3
BNE inlineExtendMatchBSF
ADD $8, R15, R15
ADD $8, R7, R7
B inlineExtendMatchCmp8
// If those 8 bytes were not equal, XOR the two 8 byte values, and return
// the index of the first byte that differs.
// RBIT reverses the bit order, then CLZ counts the leading zeros, the
// combination of which finds the least significant bit which is set.
// The arm64 architecture is little-endian, and the shift by 3 converts
// a bit index to a byte index.
EOR R3, R4, R4
CLZ R4, R4
ADD R4>>3, R7, R7
B inlineExtendMatchEnd
// In src's tail, compare 1 byte at a time.
CMP R7, R14
BLS inlineExtendMatchEnd
MOVB (R15), R3
MOVB (R7), R4
CMP R4, R3
BNE inlineExtendMatchEnd
ADD $1, R15, R15
ADD $1, R7, R7
B inlineExtendMatchCmp1
// End inline of the extendMatch call.
// ----------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------
// Begin inline of the emitCopy call.
// d += emitCopy(dst[d:], base-candidate, s-base)
// !!! length := s - base
SUB R12, R3, R3
// for length >= 68 { etc }
MOVW $68, R2
BLT inlineEmitCopyStep1
// Emit a length 64 copy, encoded as 3 bytes.
MOVD $0xfe, R1
MOVB R1, 0(R8)
MOVW R11, 1(R8)
ADD $3, R8, R8
SUBW $64, R3, R3
B inlineEmitCopyLoop0
// if length > 64 { etc }
MOVW $64, R2
BLE inlineEmitCopyStep2
// Emit a length 60 copy, encoded as 3 bytes.
MOVD $0xee, R1
MOVB R1, 0(R8)
MOVW R11, 1(R8)
ADD $3, R8, R8
SUBW $60, R3, R3
// if length >= 12 || offset >= 2048 { goto inlineEmitCopyStep3 }
MOVW $12, R2
BGE inlineEmitCopyStep3
MOVW $2048, R2
CMPW R2, R11
BGE inlineEmitCopyStep3
// Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 2 bytes.
MOVB R11, 1(R8)
LSRW $8, R11, R11
LSLW $5, R11, R11
SUBW $4, R3, R3
AND $0xff, R3, R3
LSLW $2, R3, R3
ORRW R3, R11, R11
ORRW $1, R11, R11
MOVB R11, 0(R8)
ADD $2, R8, R8
B inlineEmitCopyEnd
// Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 3 bytes.
SUBW $1, R3, R3
LSLW $2, R3, R3
ORRW $2, R3, R3
MOVB R3, 0(R8)
MOVW R11, 1(R8)
ADD $3, R8, R8
// End inline of the emitCopy call.
// ----------------------------------------
// nextEmit = s
MOVD R7, R10
// if s >= sLimit { goto emitRemainder }
SUB R6, R3, R3
CMP R3, R9
BLS emitRemainder
// As per the encode_other.go code:
// We could immediately etc.
// x := load64(src, s-1)
MOVD -1(R7), R14
// prevHash := hash(uint32(x>>0), shift)
MOVW R14, R11
MULW R16, R11, R11
LSRW R5, R11, R11
// table[prevHash] = uint16(s-1)
SUB R6, R3, R3
SUB $1, R3, R3
MOVHU R3, 0(R17)(R11<<1)
// currHash := hash(uint32(x>>8), shift)
LSR $8, R14, R14
MOVW R14, R11
MULW R16, R11, R11
LSRW R5, R11, R11
// candidate = int(table[currHash])
MOVHU 0(R17)(R11<<1), R15
// table[currHash] = uint16(s)
ADD $1, R3, R3
MOVHU R3, 0(R17)(R11<<1)
// if uint32(x>>8) == load32(src, candidate) { continue }
MOVW (R6)(R15*1), R4
CMPW R4, R14
BEQ inner1
// nextHash = hash(uint32(x>>16), shift)
LSR $8, R14, R14
MOVW R14, R11
MULW R16, R11, R11
LSRW R5, R11, R11
// s++
ADD $1, R7, R7
// break out of the inner1 for loop, i.e. continue the outer loop.
B outer
// if nextEmit < len(src) { etc }
MOVD src_len+32(FP), R3
ADD R6, R3, R3
CMP R3, R10
BEQ encodeBlockEnd
// d += emitLiteral(dst[d:], src[nextEmit:])
// Push args.
MOVD $0, 16(RSP) // Unnecessary, as the callee ignores it, but conservative.
MOVD $0, 24(RSP) // Unnecessary, as the callee ignores it, but conservative.
MOVD R10, 32(RSP)
SUB R10, R3, R3
MOVD R3, 40(RSP)
MOVD R3, 48(RSP) // Unnecessary, as the callee ignores it, but conservative.
// Spill local variables (registers) onto the stack; call; unspill.
MOVD R8, 88(RSP)
CALL ·emitLiteral(SB)
MOVD 88(RSP), R8
// Finish the "d +=" part of "d += emitLiteral(etc)".
MOVD 56(RSP), R1
ADD R1, R8, R8
MOVD dst_base+0(FP), R3
SUB R3, R8, R8
MOVD R8, d+48(FP)

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
// +build !appengine
// +build gc
// +build !noasm
// +build amd64 arm64
package snappy

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !amd64 appengine !gc noasm
// +build !amd64,!arm64 appengine !gc noasm
package snappy

vendor/github.com/golang/snappy/go.mod generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
module github.com/golang/snappy

View File

@ -2,3 +2,5 @@

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
language: go
- 1.13.x
- 1.14.x
- 1.15.x
- master
sudo: true
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ env:
- GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0

vendor/github.com/lib/pq/array.go generated vendored
View File

@ -35,19 +35,31 @@ func Array(a interface{}) interface {
return (*BoolArray)(&a)
case []float64:
return (*Float64Array)(&a)
case []float32:
return (*Float32Array)(&a)
case []int64:
return (*Int64Array)(&a)
case []int32:
return (*Int32Array)(&a)
case []string:
return (*StringArray)(&a)
case [][]byte:
return (*ByteaArray)(&a)
case *[]bool:
return (*BoolArray)(a)
case *[]float64:
return (*Float64Array)(a)
case *[]float32:
return (*Float32Array)(a)
case *[]int64:
return (*Int64Array)(a)
case *[]int32:
return (*Int32Array)(a)
case *[]string:
return (*StringArray)(a)
case *[][]byte:
return (*ByteaArray)(a)
return GenericArray{a}
@ -267,6 +279,70 @@ func (a Float64Array) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return "{}", nil
// Float32Array represents a one-dimensional array of the PostgreSQL double
// precision type.
type Float32Array []float32
// Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
func (a *Float32Array) Scan(src interface{}) error {
switch src := src.(type) {
case []byte:
return a.scanBytes(src)
case string:
return a.scanBytes([]byte(src))
case nil:
*a = nil
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("pq: cannot convert %T to Float32Array", src)
func (a *Float32Array) scanBytes(src []byte) error {
elems, err := scanLinearArray(src, []byte{','}, "Float32Array")
if err != nil {
return err
if *a != nil && len(elems) == 0 {
*a = (*a)[:0]
} else {
b := make(Float32Array, len(elems))
for i, v := range elems {
var x float64
if x, err = strconv.ParseFloat(string(v), 32); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("pq: parsing array element index %d: %v", i, err)
b[i] = float32(x)
*a = b
return nil
// Value implements the driver.Valuer interface.
func (a Float32Array) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if a == nil {
return nil, nil
if n := len(a); n > 0 {
// There will be at least two curly brackets, N bytes of values,
// and N-1 bytes of delimiters.
b := make([]byte, 1, 1+2*n)
b[0] = '{'
b = strconv.AppendFloat(b, float64(a[0]), 'f', -1, 32)
for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
b = append(b, ',')
b = strconv.AppendFloat(b, float64(a[i]), 'f', -1, 32)
return string(append(b, '}')), nil
return "{}", nil
// GenericArray implements the driver.Valuer and sql.Scanner interfaces for
// an array or slice of any dimension.
type GenericArray struct{ A interface{} }
@ -483,6 +559,69 @@ func (a Int64Array) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return "{}", nil
// Int32Array represents a one-dimensional array of the PostgreSQL integer types.
type Int32Array []int32
// Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
func (a *Int32Array) Scan(src interface{}) error {
switch src := src.(type) {
case []byte:
return a.scanBytes(src)
case string:
return a.scanBytes([]byte(src))
case nil:
*a = nil
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("pq: cannot convert %T to Int32Array", src)
func (a *Int32Array) scanBytes(src []byte) error {
elems, err := scanLinearArray(src, []byte{','}, "Int32Array")
if err != nil {
return err
if *a != nil && len(elems) == 0 {
*a = (*a)[:0]
} else {
b := make(Int32Array, len(elems))
for i, v := range elems {
var x int
if x, err = strconv.Atoi(string(v)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("pq: parsing array element index %d: %v", i, err)
b[i] = int32(x)
*a = b
return nil
// Value implements the driver.Valuer interface.
func (a Int32Array) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if a == nil {
return nil, nil
if n := len(a); n > 0 {
// There will be at least two curly brackets, N bytes of values,
// and N-1 bytes of delimiters.
b := make([]byte, 1, 1+2*n)
b[0] = '{'
b = strconv.AppendInt(b, int64(a[0]), 10)
for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
b = append(b, ',')
b = strconv.AppendInt(b, int64(a[i]), 10)
return string(append(b, '}')), nil
return "{}", nil
// StringArray represents a one-dimensional array of the PostgreSQL character types.
type StringArray []string

vendor/github.com/lib/pq/conn.go generated vendored
View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import (
@ -38,13 +39,18 @@ var (
errNoLastInsertID = errors.New("no LastInsertId available after the empty statement")
// Compile time validation that our types implement the expected interfaces
var (
_ driver.Driver = Driver{}
// Driver is the Postgres database driver.
type Driver struct{}
// Open opens a new connection to the database. name is a connection string.
// Most users should only use it through database/sql package from the standard
// library.
func (d *Driver) Open(name string) (driver.Conn, error) {
func (d Driver) Open(name string) (driver.Conn, error) {
return Open(name)
@ -136,7 +142,7 @@ type conn struct {
// If true, this connection is bad and all public-facing functions should
// return ErrBadConn.
bad bool
bad *atomic.Value
// If set, this connection should never use the binary format when
// receiving query results from prepared statements. Only provided for
@ -294,9 +300,12 @@ func (c *Connector) open(ctx context.Context) (cn *conn, err error) {
o := c.opts
bad := &atomic.Value{}
cn = &conn{
opts: o,
dialer: c.dialer,
bad: bad,
err = cn.handleDriverSettings(o)
if err != nil {
@ -501,9 +510,22 @@ func (cn *conn) isInTransaction() bool {
cn.txnStatus == txnStatusInFailedTransaction
func (cn *conn) setBad() {
if cn.bad != nil {
func (cn *conn) getBad() bool {
if cn.bad != nil {
return cn.bad.Load().(bool)
return false
func (cn *conn) checkIsInTransaction(intxn bool) {
if cn.isInTransaction() != intxn {
cn.bad = true
errorf("unexpected transaction status %v", cn.txnStatus)
@ -513,7 +535,7 @@ func (cn *conn) Begin() (_ driver.Tx, err error) {
func (cn *conn) begin(mode string) (_ driver.Tx, err error) {
if cn.bad {
if cn.getBad() {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
defer cn.errRecover(&err)
@ -524,11 +546,11 @@ func (cn *conn) begin(mode string) (_ driver.Tx, err error) {
return nil, err
if commandTag != "BEGIN" {
cn.bad = true
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected command tag %s", commandTag)
if cn.txnStatus != txnStatusIdleInTransaction {
cn.bad = true
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected transaction status %v", cn.txnStatus)
return cn, nil
@ -542,7 +564,7 @@ func (cn *conn) closeTxn() {
func (cn *conn) Commit() (err error) {
defer cn.closeTxn()
if cn.bad {
if cn.getBad() {
return driver.ErrBadConn
defer cn.errRecover(&err)
@ -564,12 +586,12 @@ func (cn *conn) Commit() (err error) {
_, commandTag, err := cn.simpleExec("COMMIT")
if err != nil {
if cn.isInTransaction() {
cn.bad = true
return err
if commandTag != "COMMIT" {
cn.bad = true
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected command tag %s", commandTag)
@ -578,7 +600,7 @@ func (cn *conn) Commit() (err error) {
func (cn *conn) Rollback() (err error) {
defer cn.closeTxn()
if cn.bad {
if cn.getBad() {
return driver.ErrBadConn
defer cn.errRecover(&err)
@ -590,7 +612,7 @@ func (cn *conn) rollback() (err error) {
_, commandTag, err := cn.simpleExec("ROLLBACK")
if err != nil {
if cn.isInTransaction() {
cn.bad = true
return err
@ -630,7 +652,7 @@ func (cn *conn) simpleExec(q string) (res driver.Result, commandTag string, err
case 'T', 'D':
// ignore any results
cn.bad = true
errorf("unknown response for simple query: %q", t)
@ -652,7 +674,7 @@ func (cn *conn) simpleQuery(q string) (res *rows, err error) {
// the user can close, though, to avoid connections from being
// leaked. A "rows" with done=true works fine for that purpose.
if err != nil {
cn.bad = true
errorf("unexpected message %q in simple query execution", t)
if res == nil {
@ -663,8 +685,11 @@ func (cn *conn) simpleQuery(q string) (res *rows, err error) {
// Set the result and tag to the last command complete if there wasn't a
// query already run. Although queries usually return from here and cede
// control to Next, a query with zero results does not.
if t == 'C' && res.colNames == nil {
if t == 'C' {
res.result, res.tag = cn.parseComplete(r.string())
if res.colNames != nil {
res.done = true
case 'Z':
@ -676,7 +701,7 @@ func (cn *conn) simpleQuery(q string) (res *rows, err error) {
err = parseError(r)
case 'D':
if res == nil {
cn.bad = true
errorf("unexpected DataRow in simple query execution")
// the query didn't fail; kick off to Next
@ -691,7 +716,7 @@ func (cn *conn) simpleQuery(q string) (res *rows, err error) {
// To work around a bug in QueryRow in Go 1.2 and earlier, wait
// until the first DataRow has been received.
cn.bad = true
errorf("unknown response for simple query: %q", t)
@ -784,7 +809,7 @@ func (cn *conn) prepareTo(q, stmtName string) *stmt {
func (cn *conn) Prepare(q string) (_ driver.Stmt, err error) {
if cn.bad {
if cn.getBad() {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
defer cn.errRecover(&err)
@ -823,7 +848,7 @@ func (cn *conn) Query(query string, args []driver.Value) (driver.Rows, error) {
func (cn *conn) query(query string, args []driver.Value) (_ *rows, err error) {
if cn.bad {
if cn.getBad() {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
if cn.inCopy {
@ -857,7 +882,7 @@ func (cn *conn) query(query string, args []driver.Value) (_ *rows, err error) {
// Implement the optional "Execer" interface for one-shot queries
func (cn *conn) Exec(query string, args []driver.Value) (res driver.Result, err error) {
if cn.bad {
if cn.getBad() {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
defer cn.errRecover(&err)
@ -891,9 +916,20 @@ func (cn *conn) Exec(query string, args []driver.Value) (res driver.Result, err
return r, err
type safeRetryError struct {
Err error
func (se *safeRetryError) Error() string {
return se.Err.Error()
func (cn *conn) send(m *writeBuf) {
_, err := cn.c.Write(m.wrap())
n, err := cn.c.Write(m.wrap())
if err != nil {
if n == 0 {
err = &safeRetryError{Err: err}
@ -918,7 +954,7 @@ func (cn *conn) sendSimpleMessage(typ byte) (err error) {
// the message yourself.
func (cn *conn) saveMessage(typ byte, buf *readBuf) {
if cn.saveMessageType != 0 {
cn.bad = true
errorf("unexpected saveMessageType %d", cn.saveMessageType)
cn.saveMessageType = typ
@ -1288,7 +1324,7 @@ func (st *stmt) Close() (err error) {
if st.closed {
return nil
if st.cn.bad {
if st.cn.getBad() {
return driver.ErrBadConn
defer st.cn.errRecover(&err)
@ -1302,14 +1338,14 @@ func (st *stmt) Close() (err error) {
t, _ := st.cn.recv1()
if t != '3' {
st.cn.bad = true
errorf("unexpected close response: %q", t)
st.closed = true
t, r := st.cn.recv1()
if t != 'Z' {
st.cn.bad = true
errorf("expected ready for query, but got: %q", t)
@ -1318,7 +1354,7 @@ func (st *stmt) Close() (err error) {
func (st *stmt) Query(v []driver.Value) (r driver.Rows, err error) {
if st.cn.bad {
if st.cn.getBad() {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
defer st.cn.errRecover(&err)
@ -1331,7 +1367,7 @@ func (st *stmt) Query(v []driver.Value) (r driver.Rows, err error) {
func (st *stmt) Exec(v []driver.Value) (res driver.Result, err error) {
if st.cn.bad {
if st.cn.getBad() {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
defer st.cn.errRecover(&err)
@ -1418,7 +1454,7 @@ func (cn *conn) parseComplete(commandTag string) (driver.Result, string) {
if affectedRows == nil && strings.HasPrefix(commandTag, "INSERT ") {
parts := strings.Split(commandTag, " ")
if len(parts) != 3 {
cn.bad = true
errorf("unexpected INSERT command tag %s", commandTag)
affectedRows = &parts[len(parts)-1]
@ -1430,7 +1466,7 @@ func (cn *conn) parseComplete(commandTag string) (driver.Result, string) {
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(*affectedRows, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
cn.bad = true
errorf("could not parse commandTag: %s", err)
return driver.RowsAffected(n), commandTag
@ -1497,7 +1533,7 @@ func (rs *rows) Next(dest []driver.Value) (err error) {
conn := rs.cn
if conn.bad {
if conn.getBad() {
return driver.ErrBadConn
defer conn.errRecover(&err)
@ -1522,7 +1558,7 @@ func (rs *rows) Next(dest []driver.Value) (err error) {
case 'D':
n := rs.rb.int16()
if err != nil {
conn.bad = true
errorf("unexpected DataRow after error %s", err)
if n < len(dest) {
@ -1717,7 +1753,7 @@ func (cn *conn) readReadyForQuery() {
cn.bad = true
errorf("unexpected message %q; expected ReadyForQuery", t)
@ -1737,7 +1773,7 @@ func (cn *conn) readParseResponse() {
cn.bad = true
errorf("unexpected Parse response %q", t)
@ -1762,7 +1798,7 @@ func (cn *conn) readStatementDescribeResponse() (paramTyps []oid.Oid, colNames [
cn.bad = true
errorf("unexpected Describe statement response %q", t)
@ -1780,7 +1816,7 @@ func (cn *conn) readPortalDescribeResponse() rowsHeader {
cn.bad = true
errorf("unexpected Describe response %q", t)
panic("not reached")
@ -1796,7 +1832,7 @@ func (cn *conn) readBindResponse() {
cn.bad = true
errorf("unexpected Bind response %q", t)
@ -1823,7 +1859,7 @@ func (cn *conn) postExecuteWorkaround() {
cn.saveMessage(t, r)
cn.bad = true
errorf("unexpected message during extended query execution: %q", t)
@ -1836,7 +1872,7 @@ func (cn *conn) readExecuteResponse(protocolState string) (res driver.Result, co
switch t {
case 'C':
if err != nil {
cn.bad = true
errorf("unexpected CommandComplete after error %s", err)
res, commandTag = cn.parseComplete(r.string())
@ -1850,7 +1886,7 @@ func (cn *conn) readExecuteResponse(protocolState string) (res driver.Result, co
err = parseError(r)
case 'T', 'D', 'I':
if err != nil {
cn.bad = true
errorf("unexpected %q after error %s", t, err)
if t == 'I' {
@ -1858,7 +1894,7 @@ func (cn *conn) readExecuteResponse(protocolState string) (res driver.Result, co
// ignore any results
cn.bad = true
errorf("unknown %s response: %q", protocolState, t)

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
@ -89,10 +90,21 @@ func (cn *conn) Ping(ctx context.Context) error {
func (cn *conn) watchCancel(ctx context.Context) func() {
if done := ctx.Done(); done != nil {
finished := make(chan struct{})
finished := make(chan struct{}, 1)
go func() {
select {
case <-done:
select {
case finished <- struct{}{}:
// We raced with the finish func, let the next query handle this with the
// context.
// Set the connection state to bad so it does not get reused.
// At this point the function level context is canceled,
// so it must not be used for the additional network
// request to cancel the query.
@ -101,13 +113,14 @@ func (cn *conn) watchCancel(ctx context.Context) func() {
defer cancel()
_ = cn.cancel(ctxCancel)
finished <- struct{}{}
case <-finished:
return func() {
select {
case <-finished:
case finished <- struct{}{}:
@ -123,8 +136,11 @@ func (cn *conn) cancel(ctx context.Context) error {
defer c.Close()
bad := &atomic.Value{}
can := conn{
c: c,
c: c,
bad: bad,
err = can.ssl(cn.opts)
if err != nil {

vendor/github.com/lib/pq/copy.go generated vendored
View File

@ -176,13 +176,13 @@ func (ci *copyin) resploop() {
func (ci *copyin) setBad() {
ci.cn.bad = true
func (ci *copyin) isBad() bool {
b := ci.cn.bad
b := ci.cn.getBad()
return b
@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ func (ci *copyin) setResult(result driver.Result) {
func (ci *copyin) getResult() driver.Result {
result := ci.Result
if result == nil {
return driver.RowsAffected(0)
return result

vendor/github.com/lib/pq/error.go generated vendored
View File

@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ func (cn *conn) errRecover(err *error) {
case nil:
// Do nothing
case runtime.Error:
cn.bad = true
case *Error:
if v.Fatal() {
@ -493,8 +493,11 @@ func (cn *conn) errRecover(err *error) {
*err = v
case *net.OpError:
cn.bad = true
*err = v
case *safeRetryError:
*err = driver.ErrBadConn
case error:
if v == io.EOF || v.(error).Error() == "remote error: handshake failure" {
*err = driver.ErrBadConn
@ -503,13 +506,13 @@ func (cn *conn) errRecover(err *error) {
cn.bad = true
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown error: %#v", e))
// Any time we return ErrBadConn, we need to remember it since *Tx doesn't
// mark the connection bad in database/sql.
if *err == driver.ErrBadConn {
cn.bad = true

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build gccgo appengine !s390x
// +build !gc purego !s390x
package sha3

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !amd64 appengine gccgo
// +build !amd64 purego !gc
package sha3

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build amd64,!appengine,!gccgo
// +build amd64,!purego,gc
package sha3

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build amd64,!appengine,!gccgo
// +build amd64,!purego,gc
// This code was translated into a form compatible with 6a from the public
// domain sources at https://github.com/gvanas/KeccakCodePackage

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !gccgo,!appengine
// +build gc,!purego
package sha3

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !gccgo,!appengine
// +build gc,!purego
#include "textflag.h"

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build gccgo appengine !s390x
// +build !gc purego !s390x
package sha3

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !amd64,!386,!ppc64le appengine
// +build !amd64,!386,!ppc64le purego
package sha3

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build amd64 386 ppc64le
// +build !appengine
// +build !purego
package sha3

vendor/gopkg.in/ini.v1/.travis.yml generated vendored
View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
sudo: false
language: go
- 1.6.x
- 1.7.x
- 1.8.x
- 1.9.x
- 1.10.x
- 1.11.x
- 1.12.x
- 1.13.x
install: skip
- go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover
- go get github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
- mkdir -p $HOME/gopath/src/gopkg.in
- ln -s $HOME/gopath/src/github.com/go-ini/ini $HOME/gopath/src/gopkg.in/ini.v1
- cd $HOME/gopath/src/gopkg.in/ini.v1
- go test -v -cover -race

vendor/gopkg.in/ini.v1/README.md generated vendored
View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
[![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/go-ini/ini/master.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=travis)](https://travis-ci.org/go-ini/ini) [![Sourcegraph](https://img.shields.io/badge/view%20on-Sourcegraph-brightgreen.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=sourcegraph)](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/go-ini/ini)
[![GitHub Workflow Status](https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/go-ini/ini/Go?logo=github&style=for-the-badge)](https://github.com/go-ini/ini/actions?query=workflow%3AGo)
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ Please add `-u` flag to update in the future.
- [Getting Started](https://ini.unknwon.io/docs/intro/getting_started)
- [API Documentation](https://gowalker.org/gopkg.in/ini.v1)
- 中国大陆镜像https://ini.unknwon.cn
## License

vendor/gopkg.in/ini.v1/codecov.yml generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
range: "60...95"
threshold: 1%
layout: 'diff, files'

View File

@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ func parseDataSource(source interface{}) (dataSource, error) {
return sourceFile{s}, nil
case []byte:
return &sourceData{s}, nil
case io.Reader:
return &sourceReadCloser{ioutil.NopCloser(s)}, nil
case io.ReadCloser:
return &sourceReadCloser{s}, nil
case io.Reader:
return &sourceReadCloser{ioutil.NopCloser(s)}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing data source: unknown type %q", s)

vendor/gopkg.in/ini.v1/file.go generated vendored
View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import (
// File represents a combination of a or more INI file(s) in memory.
// File represents a combination of one or more INI files in memory.
type File struct {
options LoadOptions
dataSources []dataSource
@ -36,8 +36,12 @@ type File struct {
// To keep data in order.
sectionList []string
// To keep track of the index of a section with same name.
// This meta list is only used with non-unique section names are allowed.
sectionIndexes []int
// Actual data is stored here.
sections map[string]*Section
sections map[string][]*Section
@ -51,27 +55,37 @@ func newFile(dataSources []dataSource, opts LoadOptions) *File {
if len(opts.KeyValueDelimiterOnWrite) == 0 {
opts.KeyValueDelimiterOnWrite = "="
if len(opts.ChildSectionDelimiter) == 0 {
opts.ChildSectionDelimiter = "."
return &File{
BlockMode: true,
dataSources: dataSources,
sections: make(map[string]*Section),
sectionList: make([]string, 0, 10),
sections: make(map[string][]*Section),
options: opts,
// Empty returns an empty file object.
func Empty() *File {
// Ignore error here, we sure our data is good.
f, _ := Load([]byte(""))
func Empty(opts ...LoadOptions) *File {
var opt LoadOptions
if len(opts) > 0 {
opt = opts[0]
// Ignore error here, we are sure our data is good.
f, _ := LoadSources(opt, []byte(""))
return f
// NewSection creates a new section.
func (f *File) NewSection(name string) (*Section, error) {
if len(name) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("error creating new section: empty section name")
} else if f.options.Insensitive && name != DefaultSection {
return nil, errors.New("empty section name")
if (f.options.Insensitive || f.options.InsensitiveSections) && name != DefaultSection {
name = strings.ToLower(name)
@ -80,13 +94,20 @@ func (f *File) NewSection(name string) (*Section, error) {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
if inSlice(name, f.sectionList) {
return f.sections[name], nil
if !f.options.AllowNonUniqueSections && inSlice(name, f.sectionList) {
return f.sections[name][0], nil
f.sectionList = append(f.sectionList, name)
f.sections[name] = newSection(f, name)
return f.sections[name], nil
// NOTE: Append to indexes must happen before appending to sections,
// otherwise index will have off-by-one problem.
f.sectionIndexes = append(f.sectionIndexes, len(f.sections[name]))
sec := newSection(f, name)
f.sections[name] = append(f.sections[name], sec)
return sec, nil
// NewRawSection creates a new section with an unparseable body.
@ -113,10 +134,20 @@ func (f *File) NewSections(names ...string) (err error) {
// GetSection returns section by given name.
func (f *File) GetSection(name string) (*Section, error) {
secs, err := f.SectionsByName(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return secs[0], err
// SectionsByName returns all sections with given name.
func (f *File) SectionsByName(name string) ([]*Section, error) {
if len(name) == 0 {
name = DefaultSection
if f.options.Insensitive {
if f.options.Insensitive || f.options.InsensitiveSections {
name = strings.ToLower(name)
@ -125,11 +156,12 @@ func (f *File) GetSection(name string) (*Section, error) {
defer f.lock.RUnlock()
sec := f.sections[name]
if sec == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("section '%s' does not exist", name)
secs := f.sections[name]
if len(secs) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("section %q does not exist", name)
return sec, nil
return secs, nil
// Section assumes named section exists and returns a zero-value when not.
@ -144,6 +176,19 @@ func (f *File) Section(name string) *Section {
return sec
// SectionWithIndex assumes named section exists and returns a new section when not.
func (f *File) SectionWithIndex(name string, index int) *Section {
secs, err := f.SectionsByName(name)
if err != nil || len(secs) <= index {
// NOTE: It's OK here because the only possible error is empty section name,
// but if it's empty, this piece of code won't be executed.
newSec, _ := f.NewSection(name)
return newSec
return secs[index]
// Sections returns a list of Section stored in the current instance.
func (f *File) Sections() []*Section {
if f.BlockMode {
@ -153,7 +198,7 @@ func (f *File) Sections() []*Section {
sections := make([]*Section, len(f.sectionList))
for i, name := range f.sectionList {
sections[i] = f.sections[name]
sections[i] = f.sections[name][f.sectionIndexes[i]]
return sections
@ -170,24 +215,70 @@ func (f *File) SectionStrings() []string {
return list
// DeleteSection deletes a section.
// DeleteSection deletes a section or all sections with given name.
func (f *File) DeleteSection(name string) {
if f.BlockMode {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
secs, err := f.SectionsByName(name)
if err != nil {
for i := 0; i < len(secs); i++ {
// For non-unique sections, it is always needed to remove the first one so
// in the next iteration, the subsequent section continue having index 0.
// Ignoring the error as index 0 never returns an error.
_ = f.DeleteSectionWithIndex(name, 0)
// DeleteSectionWithIndex deletes a section with given name and index.
func (f *File) DeleteSectionWithIndex(name string, index int) error {
if !f.options.AllowNonUniqueSections && index != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("delete section with non-zero index is only allowed when non-unique sections is enabled")
if len(name) == 0 {
name = DefaultSection
for i, s := range f.sectionList {
if s == name {
f.sectionList = append(f.sectionList[:i], f.sectionList[i+1:]...)
delete(f.sections, name)
if f.options.Insensitive || f.options.InsensitiveSections {
name = strings.ToLower(name)
if f.BlockMode {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
// Count occurrences of the sections
occurrences := 0
sectionListCopy := make([]string, len(f.sectionList))
copy(sectionListCopy, f.sectionList)
for i, s := range sectionListCopy {
if s != name {
if occurrences == index {
if len(f.sections[name]) <= 1 {
delete(f.sections, name) // The last one in the map
} else {
f.sections[name] = append(f.sections[name][:index], f.sections[name][index+1:]...)
// Fix section lists
f.sectionList = append(f.sectionList[:i], f.sectionList[i+1:]...)
f.sectionIndexes = append(f.sectionIndexes[:i], f.sectionIndexes[i+1:]...)
} else if occurrences > index {
// Fix the indices of all following sections with this name.
return nil
func (f *File) reload(s dataSource) error {
@ -206,11 +297,14 @@ func (f *File) Reload() (err error) {
if err = f.reload(s); err != nil {
// In loose mode, we create an empty default section for nonexistent files.
if os.IsNotExist(err) && f.options.Loose {
_ = f.parse(bytes.NewBuffer(nil))
return err
if f.options.ShortCircuit {
return nil
return nil
@ -242,7 +336,7 @@ func (f *File) writeToBuffer(indent string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
// Use buffer to make sure target is safe until finish encoding.
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for i, sname := range f.sectionList {
sec := f.Section(sname)
sec := f.SectionWithIndex(sname, f.sectionIndexes[i])
if len(sec.Comment) > 0 {
// Support multiline comments
lines := strings.Split(sec.Comment, LineBreak)
@ -259,7 +353,7 @@ func (f *File) writeToBuffer(indent string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
if i > 0 || DefaultHeader {
if i > 0 || DefaultHeader || (i == 0 && strings.ToUpper(sec.name) != DefaultSection) {
if _, err := buf.WriteString("[" + sname + "]" + LineBreak); err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -285,7 +379,7 @@ func (f *File) writeToBuffer(indent string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
// Count and generate alignment length and buffer spaces using the
// longest key. Keys may be modifed if they contain certain characters so
// longest key. Keys may be modified if they contain certain characters so
// we need to take that into account in our calculation.
alignLength := 0
if PrettyFormat {
@ -363,6 +457,8 @@ func (f *File) writeToBuffer(indent string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
val = `"""` + val + `"""`
} else if !f.options.IgnoreInlineComment && strings.ContainsAny(val, "#;") {
val = "`" + val + "`"
} else if len(strings.TrimSpace(val)) != len(val) {
val = `"` + val + `"`
if _, err := buf.WriteString(equalSign + val + LineBreak); err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -406,7 +502,7 @@ func (f *File) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
// SaveToIndent writes content to file system with given value indention.
func (f *File) SaveToIndent(filename, indent string) error {
// Note: Because we are truncating with os.Create,
// so it's safer to save to a temporary file location and rename afte done.
// so it's safer to save to a temporary file location and rename after done.
buf, err := f.writeToBuffer(indent)
if err != nil {
return err

vendor/gopkg.in/ini.v1/ini.go generated vendored
View File

@ -18,8 +18,10 @@
package ini
import (
const (
@ -55,8 +57,10 @@ var (
DefaultFormatRight = ""
var inTest = len(os.Args) > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(strings.TrimSuffix(os.Args[0], ".exe"), ".test")
func init() {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && !inTest {
LineBreak = "\r\n"
@ -67,12 +71,18 @@ type LoadOptions struct {
Loose bool
// Insensitive indicates whether the parser forces all section and key names to lowercase.
Insensitive bool
// InsensitiveSections indicates whether the parser forces all section to lowercase.
InsensitiveSections bool
// InsensitiveKeys indicates whether the parser forces all key names to lowercase.
InsensitiveKeys bool
// IgnoreContinuation indicates whether to ignore continuation lines while parsing.
IgnoreContinuation bool
// IgnoreInlineComment indicates whether to ignore comments at the end of value and treat it as part of value.
IgnoreInlineComment bool
// SkipUnrecognizableLines indicates whether to skip unrecognizable lines that do not conform to key/value pairs.
SkipUnrecognizableLines bool
// ShortCircuit indicates whether to ignore other configuration sources after loaded the first available configuration source.
ShortCircuit bool
// AllowBooleanKeys indicates whether to allow boolean type keys or treat as value is missing.
// This type of keys are mostly used in my.cnf.
AllowBooleanKeys bool
@ -103,14 +113,18 @@ type LoadOptions struct {
UnparseableSections []string
// KeyValueDelimiters is the sequence of delimiters that are used to separate key and value. By default, it is "=:".
KeyValueDelimiters string
// KeyValueDelimiters is the delimiter that are used to separate key and value output. By default, it is "=".
// KeyValueDelimiterOnWrite is the delimiter that are used to separate key and value output. By default, it is "=".
KeyValueDelimiterOnWrite string
// ChildSectionDelimiter is the delimiter that is used to separate child sections. By default, it is ".".
ChildSectionDelimiter string
// PreserveSurroundedQuote indicates whether to preserve surrounded quote (single and double quotes).
PreserveSurroundedQuote bool
// DebugFunc is called to collect debug information (currently only useful to debug parsing Python-style multiline values).
DebugFunc DebugFunc
// ReaderBufferSize is the buffer size of the reader in bytes.
ReaderBufferSize int
// AllowNonUniqueSections indicates whether to allow sections with the same name multiple times.
AllowNonUniqueSections bool
// DebugFunc is the type of function called to log parse events.

vendor/gopkg.in/ini.v1/key.go generated vendored
View File

@ -686,99 +686,127 @@ func (k *Key) StrictTimes(delim string) ([]time.Time, error) {
// parseBools transforms strings to bools.
func (k *Key) parseBools(strs []string, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid bool) ([]bool, error) {
vals := make([]bool, 0, len(strs))
for _, str := range strs {
parser := func(str string) (interface{}, error) {
val, err := parseBool(str)
if err != nil && returnOnInvalid {
return nil, err
if err == nil || addInvalid {
vals = append(vals, val)
return val, err
rawVals, err := k.doParse(strs, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid, parser)
if err == nil {
for _, val := range rawVals {
vals = append(vals, val.(bool))
return vals, nil
return vals, err
// parseFloat64s transforms strings to float64s.
func (k *Key) parseFloat64s(strs []string, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid bool) ([]float64, error) {
vals := make([]float64, 0, len(strs))
for _, str := range strs {
parser := func(str string) (interface{}, error) {
val, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)
if err != nil && returnOnInvalid {
return nil, err
if err == nil || addInvalid {
vals = append(vals, val)
return val, err
rawVals, err := k.doParse(strs, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid, parser)
if err == nil {
for _, val := range rawVals {
vals = append(vals, val.(float64))
return vals, nil
return vals, err
// parseInts transforms strings to ints.
func (k *Key) parseInts(strs []string, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid bool) ([]int, error) {
vals := make([]int, 0, len(strs))
for _, str := range strs {
valInt64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 0, 64)
val := int(valInt64)
if err != nil && returnOnInvalid {
return nil, err
if err == nil || addInvalid {
vals = append(vals, val)
parser := func(str string) (interface{}, error) {
val, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 0, 64)
return val, err
rawVals, err := k.doParse(strs, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid, parser)
if err == nil {
for _, val := range rawVals {
vals = append(vals, int(val.(int64)))
return vals, nil
return vals, err
// parseInt64s transforms strings to int64s.
func (k *Key) parseInt64s(strs []string, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid bool) ([]int64, error) {
vals := make([]int64, 0, len(strs))
for _, str := range strs {
parser := func(str string) (interface{}, error) {
val, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 0, 64)
if err != nil && returnOnInvalid {
return nil, err
if err == nil || addInvalid {
vals = append(vals, val)
return val, err
rawVals, err := k.doParse(strs, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid, parser)
if err == nil {
for _, val := range rawVals {
vals = append(vals, val.(int64))
return vals, nil
return vals, err
// parseUints transforms strings to uints.
func (k *Key) parseUints(strs []string, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid bool) ([]uint, error) {
vals := make([]uint, 0, len(strs))
for _, str := range strs {
val, err := strconv.ParseUint(str, 0, 0)
if err != nil && returnOnInvalid {
return nil, err
if err == nil || addInvalid {
vals = append(vals, uint(val))
parser := func(str string) (interface{}, error) {
val, err := strconv.ParseUint(str, 0, 64)
return val, err
rawVals, err := k.doParse(strs, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid, parser)
if err == nil {
for _, val := range rawVals {
vals = append(vals, uint(val.(uint64)))
return vals, nil
return vals, err
// parseUint64s transforms strings to uint64s.
func (k *Key) parseUint64s(strs []string, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid bool) ([]uint64, error) {
vals := make([]uint64, 0, len(strs))
for _, str := range strs {
parser := func(str string) (interface{}, error) {
val, err := strconv.ParseUint(str, 0, 64)
if err != nil && returnOnInvalid {
return nil, err
if err == nil || addInvalid {
vals = append(vals, val)
return val, err
rawVals, err := k.doParse(strs, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid, parser)
if err == nil {
for _, val := range rawVals {
vals = append(vals, val.(uint64))
return vals, nil
return vals, err
type Parser func(str string) (interface{}, error)
// parseTimesFormat transforms strings to times in given format.
func (k *Key) parseTimesFormat(format string, strs []string, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid bool) ([]time.Time, error) {
vals := make([]time.Time, 0, len(strs))
for _, str := range strs {
parser := func(str string) (interface{}, error) {
val, err := time.Parse(format, str)
return val, err
rawVals, err := k.doParse(strs, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid, parser)
if err == nil {
for _, val := range rawVals {
vals = append(vals, val.(time.Time))
return vals, err
// doParse transforms strings to different types
func (k *Key) doParse(strs []string, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid bool, parser Parser) ([]interface{}, error) {
vals := make([]interface{}, 0, len(strs))
for _, str := range strs {
val, err := parser(str)
if err != nil && returnOnInvalid {
return nil, err

vendor/gopkg.in/ini.v1/parser.go generated vendored
View File

@ -84,7 +84,10 @@ func (p *parser) BOM() error {
case mask[0] == 254 && mask[1] == 255:
case mask[0] == 255 && mask[1] == 254:
_, err = p.buf.Read(mask)
if err != nil {
return err
case mask[0] == 239 && mask[1] == 187:
mask, err := p.buf.Peek(3)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
@ -93,7 +96,10 @@ func (p *parser) BOM() error {
return nil
if mask[2] == 191 {
_, err = p.buf.Read(mask)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -135,7 +141,7 @@ func readKeyName(delimiters string, in []byte) (string, int, error) {
// Get out key name
endIdx := -1
var endIdx int
if len(keyQuote) > 0 {
startIdx := len(keyQuote)
// FIXME: fail case -> """"""name"""=value
@ -181,7 +187,7 @@ func (p *parser) readMultilines(line, val, valQuote string) (string, error) {
val += next
if p.isEOF {
return "", fmt.Errorf("missing closing key quote from '%s' to '%s'", line, next)
return "", fmt.Errorf("missing closing key quote from %q to %q", line, next)
return val, nil
@ -371,7 +377,7 @@ func (f *File) parse(reader io.Reader) (err error) {
// Ignore error because default section name is never empty string.
name := DefaultSection
if f.options.Insensitive {
if f.options.Insensitive || f.options.InsensitiveSections {
name = strings.ToLower(DefaultSection)
section, _ := f.NewSection(name)
@ -413,7 +419,10 @@ func (f *File) parse(reader io.Reader) (err error) {
if f.options.AllowNestedValues &&
isLastValueEmpty && len(line) > 0 {
if line[0] == ' ' || line[0] == '\t' {
err = lastRegularKey.addNestedValue(string(bytes.TrimSpace(line)))
if err != nil {
return err
@ -460,7 +469,7 @@ func (f *File) parse(reader io.Reader) (err error) {
inUnparseableSection = false
for i := range f.options.UnparseableSections {
if f.options.UnparseableSections[i] == name ||
(f.options.Insensitive && strings.ToLower(f.options.UnparseableSections[i]) == strings.ToLower(name)) {
((f.options.Insensitive || f.options.InsensitiveSections) && strings.EqualFold(f.options.UnparseableSections[i], name)) {
inUnparseableSection = true

vendor/gopkg.in/ini.v1/section.go generated vendored
View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ func (s *Section) SetBody(body string) {
func (s *Section) NewKey(name, val string) (*Key, error) {
if len(name) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("error creating new key: empty key name")
} else if s.f.options.Insensitive {
} else if s.f.options.Insensitive || s.f.options.InsensitiveKeys {
name = strings.ToLower(name)
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ func (s *Section) GetKey(name string) (*Key, error) {
if s.f.BlockMode {
if s.f.options.Insensitive {
if s.f.options.Insensitive || s.f.options.InsensitiveKeys {
name = strings.ToLower(name)
key := s.keys[name]
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ func (s *Section) GetKey(name string) (*Key, error) {
// Check if it is a child-section.
sname := s.name
for {
if i := strings.LastIndex(sname, "."); i > -1 {
if i := strings.LastIndex(sname, s.f.options.ChildSectionDelimiter); i > -1 {
sname = sname[:i]
sec, err := s.f.GetSection(sname)
if err != nil {
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ func (s *Section) GetKey(name string) (*Key, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error when getting key of section '%s': key '%s' not exists", s.name, name)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error when getting key of section %q: key %q not exists", s.name, name)
return key, nil
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ func (s *Section) ParentKeys() []*Key {
var parentKeys []*Key
sname := s.name
for {
if i := strings.LastIndex(sname, "."); i > -1 {
if i := strings.LastIndex(sname, s.f.options.ChildSectionDelimiter); i > -1 {
sname = sname[:i]
sec, err := s.f.GetSection(sname)
if err != nil {
@ -245,11 +245,11 @@ func (s *Section) DeleteKey(name string) {
// For example, "[parent.child1]" and "[parent.child12]" are child sections
// of section "[parent]".
func (s *Section) ChildSections() []*Section {
prefix := s.name + "."
prefix := s.name + s.f.options.ChildSectionDelimiter
children := make([]*Section, 0, 3)
for _, name := range s.f.sectionList {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, prefix) {
children = append(children, s.f.sections[name])
children = append(children, s.f.sections[name]...)
return children

vendor/gopkg.in/ini.v1/struct.go generated vendored
View File

@ -258,24 +258,26 @@ func setWithProperType(t reflect.Type, key *Key, field reflect.Value, delim stri
case reflect.Slice:
return setSliceWithProperType(key, field, delim, allowShadow, isStrict)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported type '%s'", t)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %q", t)
return nil
func parseTagOptions(tag string) (rawName string, omitEmpty bool, allowShadow bool) {
opts := strings.SplitN(tag, ",", 3)
func parseTagOptions(tag string) (rawName string, omitEmpty bool, allowShadow bool, allowNonUnique bool, extends bool) {
opts := strings.SplitN(tag, ",", 5)
rawName = opts[0]
if len(opts) > 1 {
omitEmpty = opts[1] == "omitempty"
for _, opt := range opts[1:] {
omitEmpty = omitEmpty || (opt == "omitempty")
allowShadow = allowShadow || (opt == "allowshadow")
allowNonUnique = allowNonUnique || (opt == "nonunique")
extends = extends || (opt == "extends")
if len(opts) > 2 {
allowShadow = opts[2] == "allowshadow"
return rawName, omitEmpty, allowShadow
return rawName, omitEmpty, allowShadow, allowNonUnique, extends
func (s *Section) mapTo(val reflect.Value, isStrict bool) error {
// mapToField maps the given value to the matching field of the given section.
// The sectionIndex is the index (if non unique sections are enabled) to which the value should be added.
func (s *Section) mapToField(val reflect.Value, isStrict bool, sectionIndex int, sectionName string) error {
if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
val = val.Elem()
@ -290,7 +292,7 @@ func (s *Section) mapTo(val reflect.Value, isStrict bool) error {
rawName, _, allowShadow := parseTagOptions(tag)
rawName, _, allowShadow, allowNonUnique, extends := parseTagOptions(tag)
fieldName := s.parseFieldName(tpField.Name, rawName)
if len(fieldName) == 0 || !field.CanSet() {
@ -298,61 +300,116 @@ func (s *Section) mapTo(val reflect.Value, isStrict bool) error {
isStruct := tpField.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct
isStructPtr := tpField.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && tpField.Type.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct
isAnonymous := tpField.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && tpField.Anonymous
if isAnonymous {
isAnonymousPtr := tpField.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && tpField.Anonymous
if isAnonymousPtr {
if isAnonymous || isStruct || isStructPtr {
if sec, err := s.f.GetSection(fieldName); err == nil {
if extends && (isAnonymousPtr || (isStruct && tpField.Anonymous)) {
if isStructPtr && field.IsNil() {
fieldSection := s
if rawName != "" {
sectionName = s.name + s.f.options.ChildSectionDelimiter + rawName
if secs, err := s.f.SectionsByName(sectionName); err == nil && sectionIndex < len(secs) {
fieldSection = secs[sectionIndex]
if err := fieldSection.mapToField(field, isStrict, sectionIndex, sectionName); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("map to field %q: %v", fieldName, err)
} else if isAnonymousPtr || isStruct || isStructPtr {
if secs, err := s.f.SectionsByName(fieldName); err == nil {
if len(secs) <= sectionIndex {
return fmt.Errorf("there are not enough sections (%d <= %d) for the field %q", len(secs), sectionIndex, fieldName)
// Only set the field to non-nil struct value if we have a section for it.
// Otherwise, we end up with a non-nil struct ptr even though there is no data.
if isStructPtr && field.IsNil() {
if err = sec.mapTo(field, isStrict); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error mapping field %q: %v", fieldName, err)
if err = secs[sectionIndex].mapToField(field, isStrict, sectionIndex, fieldName); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("map to field %q: %v", fieldName, err)
// Map non-unique sections
if allowNonUnique && tpField.Type.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
newField, err := s.mapToSlice(fieldName, field, isStrict)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("map to slice %q: %v", fieldName, err)
if key, err := s.GetKey(fieldName); err == nil {
delim := parseDelim(tpField.Tag.Get("delim"))
if err = setWithProperType(tpField.Type, key, field, delim, allowShadow, isStrict); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error mapping field %q: %v", fieldName, err)
return fmt.Errorf("set field %q: %v", fieldName, err)
return nil
// MapTo maps section to given struct.
func (s *Section) MapTo(v interface{}) error {
// mapToSlice maps all sections with the same name and returns the new value.
// The type of the Value must be a slice.
func (s *Section) mapToSlice(secName string, val reflect.Value, isStrict bool) (reflect.Value, error) {
secs, err := s.f.SectionsByName(secName)
if err != nil {
return reflect.Value{}, err
typ := val.Type().Elem()
for i, sec := range secs {
elem := reflect.New(typ)
if err = sec.mapToField(elem, isStrict, i, sec.name); err != nil {
return reflect.Value{}, fmt.Errorf("map to field from section %q: %v", secName, err)
val = reflect.Append(val, elem.Elem())
return val, nil
// mapTo maps a section to object v.
func (s *Section) mapTo(v interface{}, isStrict bool) error {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(v)
val := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
typ = typ.Elem()
val = val.Elem()
} else {
return errors.New("cannot map to non-pointer struct")
return errors.New("not a pointer to a struct")
return s.mapTo(val, false)
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
newField, err := s.mapToSlice(s.name, val, isStrict)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return s.mapToField(val, isStrict, 0, s.name)
// MapTo maps section to given struct.
func (s *Section) MapTo(v interface{}) error {
return s.mapTo(v, false)
// StrictMapTo maps section to given struct in strict mode,
// which returns all possible error including value parsing error.
func (s *Section) StrictMapTo(v interface{}) error {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(v)
val := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
typ = typ.Elem()
val = val.Elem()
} else {
return errors.New("cannot map to non-pointer struct")
return s.mapTo(val, true)
return s.mapTo(v, true)
// MapTo maps file to given struct.
@ -430,10 +487,10 @@ func reflectSliceWithProperType(key *Key, field reflect.Value, delim string, all
if i == 0 {
keyWithShadows = newKey(key.s, key.name, val)
} else {
_ = keyWithShadows.AddShadow(val)
key = keyWithShadows
*key = *keyWithShadows
return nil
@ -483,7 +540,7 @@ func reflectWithProperType(t reflect.Type, key *Key, field reflect.Value, delim
return reflectWithProperType(t.Elem(), key, field.Elem(), delim, allowShadow)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported type '%s'", t)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %q", t)
return nil
@ -523,6 +580,10 @@ func (s *Section) reflectFrom(val reflect.Value) error {
typ := val.Type()
for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
if !val.Field(i).CanInterface() {
field := val.Field(i)
tpField := typ.Field(i)
@ -531,7 +592,7 @@ func (s *Section) reflectFrom(val reflect.Value) error {
rawName, omitEmpty, allowShadow := parseTagOptions(tag)
rawName, omitEmpty, allowShadow, allowNonUnique, extends := parseTagOptions(tag)
if omitEmpty && isEmptyValue(field) {
@ -545,7 +606,14 @@ func (s *Section) reflectFrom(val reflect.Value) error {
if (tpField.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && tpField.Anonymous) ||
if extends && tpField.Anonymous && (tpField.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || tpField.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct) {
if err := s.reflectFrom(field); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reflect from field %q: %v", fieldName, err)
if (tpField.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && tpField.Type.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct) ||
(tpField.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct && tpField.Type.Name() != "Time") {
// Note: The only error here is section doesn't exist.
sec, err := s.f.GetSection(fieldName)
@ -560,11 +628,41 @@ func (s *Section) reflectFrom(val reflect.Value) error {
if err = sec.reflectFrom(field); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error reflecting field %q: %v", fieldName, err)
return fmt.Errorf("reflect from field %q: %v", fieldName, err)
if allowNonUnique && tpField.Type.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
slice := field.Slice(0, field.Len())
if field.Len() == 0 {
return nil
sliceOf := field.Type().Elem().Kind()
for i := 0; i < field.Len(); i++ {
if sliceOf != reflect.Struct && sliceOf != reflect.Ptr {
return fmt.Errorf("field %q is not a slice of pointer or struct", fieldName)
sec, err := s.f.NewSection(fieldName)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add comment from comment tag
if len(sec.Comment) == 0 {
sec.Comment = tpField.Tag.Get("comment")
if err := sec.reflectFrom(slice.Index(i)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reflect from field %q: %v", fieldName, err)
// Note: Same reason as section.
key, err := s.GetKey(fieldName)
if err != nil {
key, _ = s.NewKey(fieldName, "")
@ -577,22 +675,56 @@ func (s *Section) reflectFrom(val reflect.Value) error {
delim := parseDelim(tpField.Tag.Get("delim"))
if err = reflectWithProperType(tpField.Type, key, field, delim, allowShadow); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error reflecting field %q: %v", fieldName, err)
return fmt.Errorf("reflect field %q: %v", fieldName, err)
return nil
// ReflectFrom reflects secion from given struct.
// ReflectFrom reflects section from given struct. It overwrites existing ones.
func (s *Section) ReflectFrom(v interface{}) error {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(v)
val := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if s.name != DefaultSection && s.f.options.AllowNonUniqueSections &&
(typ.Kind() == reflect.Slice || typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr) {
// Clear sections to make sure none exists before adding the new ones
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
sec, err := s.f.NewSection(s.name)
if err != nil {
return err
return sec.reflectFrom(val.Elem())
slice := val.Slice(0, val.Len())
sliceOf := val.Type().Elem().Kind()
if sliceOf != reflect.Ptr {
return fmt.Errorf("not a slice of pointers")
for i := 0; i < slice.Len(); i++ {
sec, err := s.f.NewSection(s.name)
if err != nil {
return err
err = sec.reflectFrom(slice.Index(i))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reflect from %dth field: %v", i, err)
return nil
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
typ = typ.Elem()
val = val.Elem()
} else {
return errors.New("cannot reflect from non-pointer struct")
return errors.New("not a pointer to a struct")
return s.reflectFrom(val)

vendor/modules.txt vendored
View File

@ -6,19 +6,40 @@ github.com/cretz/bine/tor
# github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.0-20180518054509-2e65f85255db
# github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1
## explicit
# github.com/golang/protobuf v1.4.3
## explicit
# github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.2
## explicit
# github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.4
## explicit
# github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs v0.0.0-20200217142428-fce0ec30dd00
## explicit
# github.com/ipsn/go-libtor v1.0.230
## explicit
# github.com/lib/pq v1.8.0
# github.com/kr/text v0.2.0
## explicit
# github.com/lib/pq v1.9.0
## explicit
# github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v2.0.1+incompatible
# github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v2.0.3+incompatible
## explicit
# github.com/nxadm/tail v1.4.5
## explicit
# github.com/onsi/ginkgo v1.14.2
## explicit
# github.com/onsi/gomega v1.10.3
## explicit
# github.com/smartystreets/assertions v1.2.0
## explicit
# github.com/smartystreets/goconvey v1.6.4
## explicit
# github.com/stretchr/testify v1.6.1
## explicit
# github.com/syndtr/goleveldb v1.0.0
@ -32,24 +53,38 @@ github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/opt
# golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20201112155050-0c6587e931a9
# golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20201203163018-be400aefbc4c
## explicit
# golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20201110031124-69a78807bb2b
# golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20201202161906-c7110b5ffcbb
## explicit
# golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20201113135734-0a15ea8d9b02
# golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20201020160332-67f06af15bc9
## explicit
# golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20201202213521-69691e467435
## explicit
# gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.54.0
# golang.org/x/text v0.3.4
## explicit
# golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20200804184101-5ec99f83aff1
## explicit
# google.golang.org/protobuf v1.25.0
## explicit
# gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20201130134442-10cb98267c6c
## explicit
# gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.62.0
## explicit
# gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0
## explicit
# gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20200615113413-eeeca48fe776
## explicit
# xorm.io/builder v0.3.7
# xorm.io/xorm v1.0.4
# xorm.io/xorm v1.0.5
## explicit

vendor/xorm.io/xorm/CHANGELOG.md generated vendored
View File

@ -3,6 +3,25 @@
This changelog goes through all the changes that have been made in each release
without substantial changes to our git log.
## [1.0.5](https://gitea.com/xorm/xorm/pulls?q=&type=all&state=closed&milestone=1299) - 2020-09-08
* Fix bug of ToDB when update on a nil pointer (#1786)
* Fix warnings with schema Sync2 with default varchar as NVARCHAR (#1783)
* Do not ever quote asterisk symbol. Fixes #1780 (#1781)
* Fix bug on get columns for postgres (#1779)
## [1.0.4](https://gitea.com/xorm/xorm/pulls?q=&type=all&state=closed&milestone=1286) - 2020-09-02
* Add params for mssql to allow redefine varchar as nvarchar or char as nchar (#1741)
* Fix mysql dialect error from invalid db identifier in orderby clause (#1743) (#1751)
* Support get dataSourceName on ContextHook for monitor which DB executed SQL (#1740)
* Correct default detection in MariaDB >= 10.2.7 (#1778)
## [1.0.3](https://gitea.com/xorm/xorm/pulls?q=&type=all&state=closed&milestone=1281) - 2020-07-10

vendor/xorm.io/xorm/Makefile generated vendored
View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ TEST_MSSQL_USERNAME ?= sa
TEST_MSSQL_PASSWORD ?= MwantsaSecurePassword1
TEST_MYSQL_HOST ?= mysql:3306
@ -147,6 +148,7 @@ test-mssql: go-check
$(GO) test $(INTEGRATION_PACKAGES) -v -race -db=mssql -cache=$(TEST_CACHE_ENABLE) -quote=$(TEST_QUOTE_POLICY) \
-conn_str="server=$(TEST_MSSQL_HOST);user id=$(TEST_MSSQL_USERNAME);password=$(TEST_MSSQL_PASSWORD);database=$(TEST_MSSQL_DBNAME)" \
-default_varchar=$(TEST_MSSQL_DEFAULT_VARCHAR) -default_char=$(TEST_MSSQL_DEFAULT_CHAR) \
-do_nvarchar_override_test=$(TEST_MSSQL_DO_NVARCHAR_OVERRIDE_TEST) \
-coverprofile=mssql.$(TEST_QUOTE_POLICY).$(TEST_CACHE_ENABLE).coverage.out -covermode=atomic
.PNONY: test-mssql\#%
@ -154,6 +156,7 @@ test-mssql\#%: go-check
$(GO) test $(INTEGRATION_PACKAGES) -v -race -run $* -db=mssql -cache=$(TEST_CACHE_ENABLE) -quote=$(TEST_QUOTE_POLICY) \
-conn_str="server=$(TEST_MSSQL_HOST);user id=$(TEST_MSSQL_USERNAME);password=$(TEST_MSSQL_PASSWORD);database=$(TEST_MSSQL_DBNAME)" \
-default_varchar=$(TEST_MSSQL_DEFAULT_VARCHAR) -default_char=$(TEST_MSSQL_DEFAULT_CHAR) \
-do_nvarchar_override_test=$(TEST_MSSQL_DO_NVARCHAR_OVERRIDE_TEST) \
-coverprofile=mssql.$(TEST_QUOTE_POLICY).$(TEST_CACHE_ENABLE).coverage.out -covermode=atomic
.PNONY: test-mymysql

View File

@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ func (db *mssql) SetParams(params map[string]string) {
var t = strings.ToUpper(defaultVarchar)
switch t {
db.defaultVarchar = defaultVarchar
db.defaultVarchar = t
db.defaultVarchar = "VARCHAR"
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ func (db *mssql) SetParams(params map[string]string) {
var t = strings.ToUpper(defaultChar)
switch t {
case "NCHAR", "CHAR":
db.defaultChar = defaultChar
db.defaultChar = t
db.defaultChar = "CHAR"
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ func (db *mssql) SQLType(c *schemas.Column) string {
case schemas.MediumInt:
res = schemas.Int
case schemas.Text, schemas.MediumText, schemas.TinyText, schemas.LongText, schemas.Json:
res = schemas.Varchar + "(MAX)"
res = db.defaultVarchar + "(MAX)"
case schemas.Double:
res = schemas.Real
case schemas.Uuid:
@ -297,10 +297,26 @@ func (db *mssql) SQLType(c *schemas.Column) string {
case schemas.BigInt:
res = schemas.BigInt
c.Length = 0
case schemas.NVarchar:
res = t
if c.Length == -1 {
res += "(MAX)"
case schemas.Varchar:
res = db.defaultVarchar
if c.Length == -1 {
res += "(MAX)"
case schemas.Char:
res = db.defaultChar
if c.Length == -1 {
res += "(MAX)"
case schemas.NChar:
res = t
if c.Length == -1 {
res += "(MAX)"
res = t
@ -424,8 +440,18 @@ func (db *mssql) GetColumns(queryer core.Queryer, ctx context.Context, tableName
col.SQLType = schemas.SQLType{Name: schemas.TimeStampz, DefaultLength: 0, DefaultLength2: 0}
case "NVARCHAR":
col.SQLType = schemas.SQLType{Name: schemas.NVarchar, DefaultLength: 0, DefaultLength2: 0}
if col.Length > 0 {
col.Length /= 2
col.Length2 /= 2
case "IMAGE":
col.SQLType = schemas.SQLType{Name: schemas.VarBinary, DefaultLength: 0, DefaultLength2: 0}
case "NCHAR":
if col.Length > 0 {
col.Length /= 2
col.Length2 /= 2
if _, ok := schemas.SqlTypes[ct]; ok {
col.SQLType = schemas.SQLType{Name: ct, DefaultLength: 0, DefaultLength2: 0}

View File

@ -857,6 +857,8 @@ func (db *postgres) SQLType(c *schemas.Column) string {
res = schemas.Real
case schemas.TinyText, schemas.MediumText, schemas.LongText:
res = schemas.Text
case schemas.NChar:
res = schemas.Char
case schemas.NVarchar:
res = schemas.Varchar
case schemas.Uuid:
@ -1015,7 +1017,7 @@ WHERE n.nspname= s.table_schema AND c.relkind = 'r'::char AND c.relname = $1%s A
schema := db.getSchema()
if schema != "" {
s = fmt.Sprintf(s, "AND s.table_schema = $2")
s = fmt.Sprintf(s, " AND s.table_schema = $2")
args = append(args, schema)
} else {
s = fmt.Sprintf(s, "")
@ -1086,8 +1088,10 @@ WHERE n.nspname= s.table_schema AND c.relkind = 'r'::char AND c.relname = $1%s A
col.Nullable = (isNullable == "YES")
switch strings.ToLower(dataType) {
case "character varying", "character", "string":
case "character varying", "string":
col.SQLType = schemas.SQLType{Name: schemas.Varchar, DefaultLength: 0, DefaultLength2: 0}
case "character":
col.SQLType = schemas.SQLType{Name: schemas.Char, DefaultLength: 0, DefaultLength2: 0}
case "timestamp without time zone":
col.SQLType = schemas.SQLType{Name: schemas.DateTime, DefaultLength: 0, DefaultLength2: 0}
case "timestamp with time zone":

View File

@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ func (statement *Statement) BuildUpdates(tableValue reflect.Value,
if structConvert, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(convert.Conversion); ok {
if structConvert, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(convert.Conversion); ok && !fieldValue.IsNil() {
data, err := structConvert.ToDB()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err

View File

@ -36,18 +36,21 @@ func (statement *Statement) Value2Interface(col *schemas.Column, fieldValue refl
if fieldConvert, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(convert.Conversion); ok {
data, err := fieldConvert.ToDB()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
isNil := fieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && fieldValue.IsNil()
if !isNil {
if fieldConvert, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(convert.Conversion); ok {
data, err := fieldConvert.ToDB()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if col.SQLType.IsBlob() {
return data, nil
if nil == data {
return nil, nil
return string(data), nil
if col.SQLType.IsBlob() {
return data, nil
if nil == data {
return nil, nil
return string(data), nil
fieldType := fieldValue.Type()

View File

@ -82,9 +82,7 @@ func (q Quoter) JoinWrite(b *strings.Builder, a []string, sep string) error {
return err
if s != "*" {
q.QuoteTo(b, strings.TrimSpace(s))
q.QuoteTo(b, strings.TrimSpace(s))
return nil
@ -143,7 +141,7 @@ func (q Quoter) quoteWordTo(buf *strings.Builder, word string) error {
isReserved := q.IsReserved(realWord)
if isReserved {
if isReserved && realWord != "*" {
if err := buf.WriteByte(q.Prefix); err != nil {
return err
@ -151,7 +149,7 @@ func (q Quoter) quoteWordTo(buf *strings.Builder, word string) error {
if _, err := buf.WriteString(realWord); err != nil {
return err
if isReserved {
if isReserved && realWord != "*" {
return buf.WriteByte(q.Suffix)