/*! cal-heatmap v3.6.0 (Sun Apr 24 2016 19:19:35) * --------------------------------------------- * Cal-Heatmap is a javascript module to create calendar heatmap to visualize time series data * https://github.com/wa0x6e/cal-heatmap * Licensed under the MIT license * Copyright 2014 Wan Qi Chen */ var d3 = typeof require === "function" ? require("d3") : window.d3; var CalHeatMap = function() { "use strict"; var self = this; this.allowedDataType = ["json", "csv", "tsv", "txt"]; // Default settings this.options = { // selector string of the container to append the graph to // Accept any string value accepted by document.querySelector or CSS3 // or an Element object itemSelector: "#cal-heatmap", // Whether to paint the calendar on init() // Used by testsuite to reduce testing time paintOnLoad: true, // ================================================ // DOMAIN // ================================================ // Number of domain to display on the graph range: 12, // Size of each cell, in pixel cellSize: 10, // Padding between each cell, in pixel cellPadding: 2, // For rounded subdomain rectangles, in pixels cellRadius: 0, domainGutter: 2, domainMargin: [0, 0, 0, 0], domain: "hour", subDomain: "min", // Number of columns to split the subDomains to // If not null, will takes precedence over rowLimit colLimit: null, // Number of rows to split the subDomains to // Will be ignored if colLimit is not null rowLimit: null, // First day of the week is Monday // 0 to start the week on Sunday weekStartOnMonday: true, // Start date of the graph // @default now start: new Date(), minDate: null, maxDate: null, // ================================================ // DATA // ================================================ // Data source // URL, where to fetch the original datas data: "", // Data type // Default: json dataType: this.allowedDataType[0], // Payload sent when using POST http method // Leave to null (default) for GET request // Expect a string, formatted like "a=b;c=d" dataPostPayload: null, // Whether to consider missing date:value from the datasource // as equal to 0, or just leave them as missing considerMissingDataAsZero: false, // Load remote data on calendar creation // When false, the calendar will be left empty loadOnInit: true, // Calendar orientation // false: display domains side by side // true : display domains one under the other verticalOrientation: false, // Domain dynamic width/height // The width on a domain depends on the number of domainDynamicDimension: true, // Domain Label properties label: { // valid: top, right, bottom, left position: "bottom", // Valid: left, center, right // Also valid are the direct svg values: start, middle, end align: "center", // By default, there is no margin/padding around the label offset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, rotate: null, // Used only on vertical orientation width: 100, // Used only on horizontal orientation height: null }, // ================================================ // LEGEND // ================================================ // Threshold for the legend legend: [10, 20, 30, 40], // Whether to display the legend displayLegend: true, legendCellSize: 10, legendCellPadding: 2, legendMargin: [0, 0, 0, 0], // Legend vertical position // top: place legend above calendar // bottom: place legend below the calendar legendVerticalPosition: "bottom", // Legend horizontal position // accepted values: left, center, right legendHorizontalPosition: "left", // Legend rotation // accepted values: horizontal, vertical legendOrientation: "horizontal", // Objects holding all the heatmap different colors // null to disable, and use the default css styles // // Examples: // legendColors: { // min: "green", // max: "red", // empty: "#ffffff", // base: "grey", // overflow: "red" // } legendColors: null, // ================================================ // HIGHLIGHT // ================================================ // List of dates to highlight // Valid values: // - []: don't highlight anything // - "now": highlight the current date // - an array of Date objects: highlight the specified dates highlight: [], // ================================================ // TEXT FORMATTING / i18n // ================================================ // Name of the items to represent in the calendar itemName: ["item", "items"], // Formatting of the domain label // @default: null, will use the formatting according to domain type // Accept a string used as specifier by d3.time.format() // or a function // // Refer to https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Time-Formatting // for accepted date formatting used by d3.time.format() domainLabelFormat: null, // Formatting of the title displayed when hovering a subDomain cell subDomainTitleFormat: { empty: "{date}", filled: "{count} {name} {connector} {date}" }, // Formatting of the {date} used in subDomainTitleFormat // @default: null, will use the formatting according to subDomain type // Accept a string used as specifier by d3.time.format() // or a function // // Refer to https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Time-Formatting // for accepted date formatting used by d3.time.format() subDomainDateFormat: null, // Formatting of the text inside each subDomain cell // @default: null, no text // Accept a string used as specifier by d3.time.format() // or a function // // Refer to https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Time-Formatting // for accepted date formatting used by d3.time.format() subDomainTextFormat: null, // Formatting of the title displayed when hovering a legend cell legendTitleFormat: { lower: "less than {min} {name}", inner: "between {down} and {up} {name}", upper: "more than {max} {name}" }, // Animation duration, in ms animationDuration: 500, nextSelector: false, previousSelector: false, itemNamespace: "cal-heatmap", tooltip: false, // ================================================ // EVENTS CALLBACK // ================================================ // Callback when clicking on a time block onClick: null, // Callback after painting the empty calendar // Can be used to trigger an API call, once the calendar is ready to be filled afterLoad: null, // Callback after loading the next domain in the calendar afterLoadNextDomain: null, // Callback after loading the previous domain in the calendar afterLoadPreviousDomain: null, // Callback after finishing all actions on the calendar onComplete: null, // Callback after fetching the datas, but before applying them to the calendar // Used mainly to convert the datas if they're not formatted like expected // Takes the fetched "data" object as argument, must return a json object // formatted like {timestamp:count, timestamp2:count2}, afterLoadData: function(data) { return data; }, // Callback triggered after calling next(). // The `status` argument is equal to true if there is no // more next domain to load // // This callback is also executed once, after calling previous(), // only when the max domain is reached onMaxDomainReached: null, // Callback triggered after calling previous(). // The `status` argument is equal to true if there is no // more previous domain to load // // This callback is also executed once, after calling next(), // only when the min domain is reached onMinDomainReached: null }; this._domainType = { "min": { name: "minute", level: 10, maxItemNumber: 60, defaultRowNumber: 10, defaultColumnNumber: 6, row: function(d) { return self.getSubDomainRowNumber(d); }, column: function(d) { return self.getSubDomainColumnNumber(d); }, position: { x: function(d) { return Math.floor(d.getMinutes() / self._domainType.min.row(d)); }, y: function(d) { return d.getMinutes() % self._domainType.min.row(d); } }, format: { date: "%H:%M, %A %B %-e, %Y", legend: "", connector: "at" }, extractUnit: function(d) { return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours(), d.getMinutes()).getTime(); } }, "hour": { name: "hour", level: 20, maxItemNumber: function(d) { switch(self.options.domain) { case "day": return 24; case "week": return 24 * 7; case "month": return 24 * (self.options.domainDynamicDimension ? self.getDayCountInMonth(d): 31); } }, defaultRowNumber: 6, defaultColumnNumber: function(d) { switch(self.options.domain) { case "day": return 4; case "week": return 28; case "month": return self.options.domainDynamicDimension ? self.getDayCountInMonth(d): 31; } }, row: function(d) { return self.getSubDomainRowNumber(d); }, column: function(d) { return self.getSubDomainColumnNumber(d); }, position: { x: function(d) { if (self.options.domain === "month") { if (self.options.colLimit > 0 || self.options.rowLimit > 0) { return Math.floor((d.getHours() + (d.getDate()-1)*24) / self._domainType.hour.row(d)); } return Math.floor(d.getHours() / self._domainType.hour.row(d)) + (d.getDate()-1)*4; } else if (self.options.domain === "week") { if (self.options.colLimit > 0 || self.options.rowLimit > 0) { return Math.floor((d.getHours() + self.getWeekDay(d)*24) / self._domainType.hour.row(d)); } return Math.floor(d.getHours() / self._domainType.hour.row(d)) + self.getWeekDay(d)*4; } return Math.floor(d.getHours() / self._domainType.hour.row(d)); }, y: function(d) { var p = d.getHours(); if (self.options.colLimit > 0 || self.options.rowLimit > 0) { switch(self.options.domain) { case "month": p += (d.getDate()-1) * 24; break; case "week": p += self.getWeekDay(d) * 24; break; } } return Math.floor(p % self._domainType.hour.row(d)); } }, format: { date: "%Hh, %A %B %-e, %Y", legend: "%H:00", connector: "at" }, extractUnit: function(d) { return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours()).getTime(); } }, "day": { name: "day", level: 30, maxItemNumber: function(d) { switch(self.options.domain) { case "week": return 7; case "month": return self.options.domainDynamicDimension ? self.getDayCountInMonth(d) : 31; case "year": return self.options.domainDynamicDimension ? self.getDayCountInYear(d) : 366; } }, defaultColumnNumber: function(d) { d = new Date(d); switch(self.options.domain) { case "week": return 1; case "month": return (self.options.domainDynamicDimension && !self.options.verticalOrientation) ? (self.getWeekNumber(new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth()+1, 0)) - self.getWeekNumber(d) + 1): 6; case "year": return (self.options.domainDynamicDimension ? (self.getWeekNumber(new Date(d.getFullYear(), 11, 31)) - self.getWeekNumber(new Date(d.getFullYear(), 0)) + 1): 54); } }, defaultRowNumber: 7, row: function(d) { return self.getSubDomainRowNumber(d); }, column: function(d) { return self.getSubDomainColumnNumber(d); }, position: { x: function(d) { switch(self.options.domain) { case "week": return Math.floor(self.getWeekDay(d) / self._domainType.day.row(d)); case "month": if (self.options.colLimit > 0 || self.options.rowLimit > 0) { return Math.floor((d.getDate() - 1)/ self._domainType.day.row(d)); } return self.getWeekNumber(d) - self.getWeekNumber(new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth())); case "year": if (self.options.colLimit > 0 || self.options.rowLimit > 0) { return Math.floor((self.getDayOfYear(d) - 1) / self._domainType.day.row(d)); } return self.getWeekNumber(d); } }, y: function(d) { var p = self.getWeekDay(d); if (self.options.colLimit > 0 || self.options.rowLimit > 0) { switch(self.options.domain) { case "year": p = self.getDayOfYear(d) - 1; break; case "week": p = self.getWeekDay(d); break; case "month": p = d.getDate() - 1; break; } } return Math.floor(p % self._domainType.day.row(d)); } }, format: { date: "%A %B %-e, %Y", legend: "%e %b", connector: "on" }, extractUnit: function(d) { return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate()).getTime(); } }, "week": { name: "week", level: 40, maxItemNumber: 54, defaultColumnNumber: function(d) { d = new Date(d); switch(self.options.domain) { case "year": return self._domainType.week.maxItemNumber; case "month": return self.options.domainDynamicDimension ? self.getWeekNumber(new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth()+1, 0)) - self.getWeekNumber(d) : 5; } }, defaultRowNumber: 1, row: function(d) { return self.getSubDomainRowNumber(d); }, column: function(d) { return self.getSubDomainColumnNumber(d); }, position: { x: function(d) { switch(self.options.domain) { case "year": return Math.floor(self.getWeekNumber(d) / self._domainType.week.row(d)); case "month": return Math.floor(self.getMonthWeekNumber(d) / self._domainType.week.row(d)); } }, y: function(d) { return self.getWeekNumber(d) % self._domainType.week.row(d); } }, format: { date: "%B Week #%W", legend: "%B Week #%W", connector: "in" }, extractUnit: function(d) { var dt = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate()); // According to ISO-8601, week number computation are based on week starting on Monday var weekDay = dt.getDay()-1; if (weekDay < 0) { weekDay = 6; } dt.setDate(dt.getDate() - weekDay); return dt.getTime(); } }, "month": { name: "month", level: 50, maxItemNumber: 12, defaultColumnNumber: 12, defaultRowNumber: 1, row: function() { return self.getSubDomainRowNumber(); }, column: function() { return self.getSubDomainColumnNumber(); }, position: { x: function(d) { return Math.floor(d.getMonth() / self._domainType.month.row(d)); }, y: function(d) { return d.getMonth() % self._domainType.month.row(d); } }, format: { date: "%B %Y", legend: "%B", connector: "in" }, extractUnit: function(d) { return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth()).getTime(); } }, "year": { name: "year", level: 60, row: function() { return self.options.rowLimit || 1; }, column: function() { return self.options.colLimit || 1; }, position: { x: function() { return 1; }, y: function() { return 1; } }, format: { date: "%Y", legend: "%Y", connector: "in" }, extractUnit: function(d) { return new Date(d.getFullYear()).getTime(); } } }; for (var type in this._domainType) { if (this._domainType.hasOwnProperty(type)) { var d = this._domainType[type]; this._domainType["x_" + type] = { name: "x_" + type, level: d.type, maxItemNumber: d.maxItemNumber, defaultRowNumber: d.defaultRowNumber, defaultColumnNumber: d.defaultColumnNumber, row: d.column, column: d.row, position: { x: d.position.y, y: d.position.x }, format: d.format, extractUnit: d.extractUnit }; } } // Record the address of the last inserted domain when browsing this.lastInsertedSvg = null; this._completed = false; // Record all the valid domains // Each domain value is a timestamp in milliseconds this._domains = d3.map(); this.graphDim = { width: 0, height: 0 }; this.legendDim = { width: 0, height: 0 }; this.NAVIGATE_LEFT = 1; this.NAVIGATE_RIGHT = 2; // Various update mode when using the update() API this.RESET_ALL_ON_UPDATE = 0; this.RESET_SINGLE_ON_UPDATE = 1; this.APPEND_ON_UPDATE = 2; this.DEFAULT_LEGEND_MARGIN = 10; this.root = null; this.tooltip = null; this._maxDomainReached = false; this._minDomainReached = false; this.domainPosition = new DomainPosition(); this.Legend = null; this.legendScale = null; // List of domains that are skipped because of DST // All times belonging to these domains should be re-assigned to the previous domain this.DSTDomain = []; /** * Display the graph for the first time * @return bool True if the calendar is created */ this._init = function() { self.getDomain(self.options.start).map(function(d) { return d.getTime(); }).map(function(d) { self._domains.set(d, self.getSubDomain(d).map(function(d) { return {t: self._domainType[self.options.subDomain].extractUnit(d), v: null}; })); }); self.root = d3.select(self.options.itemSelector).append("svg").attr("class", "cal-heatmap-container"); self.tooltip = d3.select(self.options.itemSelector) .attr("style", function() { var current = d3.select(self.options.itemSelector).attr("style"); return (current !== null ? current : "") + "position:relative;"; }) .append("div") .attr("class", "ch-tooltip") ; self.root.attr("x", 0).attr("y", 0).append("svg").attr("class", "graph"); self.Legend = new Legend(self); if (self.options.paintOnLoad) { _initCalendar(); } return true; }; function _initCalendar() { self.verticalDomainLabel = (self.options.label.position === "top" || self.options.label.position === "bottom"); self.domainVerticalLabelHeight = self.options.label.height === null ? Math.max(25, self.options.cellSize*2): self.options.label.height; self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth = 0; if (self.options.domainLabelFormat === "" && self.options.label.height === null) { self.domainVerticalLabelHeight = 0; } if (!self.verticalDomainLabel) { self.domainVerticalLabelHeight = 0; self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth = self.options.label.width; } self.paint(); // =========================================================================// // ATTACHING DOMAIN NAVIGATION EVENT // // =========================================================================// if (self.options.nextSelector !== false) { d3.select(self.options.nextSelector).on("click." + self.options.itemNamespace, function() { d3.event.preventDefault(); return self.loadNextDomain(1); }); } if (self.options.previousSelector !== false) { d3.select(self.options.previousSelector).on("click." + self.options.itemNamespace, function() { d3.event.preventDefault(); return self.loadPreviousDomain(1); }); } self.Legend.redraw(self.graphDim.width - self.options.domainGutter - self.options.cellPadding); self.afterLoad(); var domains = self.getDomainKeys(); // Fill the graph with some datas if (self.options.loadOnInit) { self.getDatas( self.options.data, new Date(domains[0]), self.getSubDomain(domains[domains.length-1]).pop(), function() { self.fill(); self.onComplete(); } ); } else { self.onComplete(); } self.checkIfMinDomainIsReached(domains[0]); self.checkIfMaxDomainIsReached(self.getNextDomain().getTime()); } // Return the width of the domain block, without the domain gutter // @param int d Domain start timestamp function w(d, outer) { var width = self.options.cellSize*self._domainType[self.options.subDomain].column(d) + self.options.cellPadding*self._domainType[self.options.subDomain].column(d); if (arguments.length === 2 && outer === true) { return width += self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth + self.options.domainGutter + self.options.domainMargin[1] + self.options.domainMargin[3]; } return width; } // Return the height of the domain block, without the domain gutter function h(d, outer) { var height = self.options.cellSize*self._domainType[self.options.subDomain].row(d) + self.options.cellPadding*self._domainType[self.options.subDomain].row(d); if (arguments.length === 2 && outer === true) { height += self.options.domainGutter + self.domainVerticalLabelHeight + self.options.domainMargin[0] + self.options.domainMargin[2]; } return height; } /** * * * @param int navigationDir */ this.paint = function(navigationDir) { var options = self.options; if (arguments.length === 0) { navigationDir = false; } // Painting all the domains var domainSvg = self.root.select(".graph") .selectAll(".graph-domain") .data( function() { var data = self.getDomainKeys(); return navigationDir === self.NAVIGATE_LEFT ? data.reverse(): data; }, function(d) { return d; } ) ; var enteringDomainDim = 0; var exitingDomainDim = 0; // =========================================================================// // PAINTING DOMAIN // // =========================================================================// var svg = domainSvg .enter() .append("svg") .attr("width", function(d) { return w(d, true); }) .attr("height", function(d) { return h(d, true); }) .attr("x", function(d) { if (options.verticalOrientation) { self.graphDim.width = Math.max(self.graphDim.width, w(d, true)); return 0; } else { return getDomainPosition(d, self.graphDim, "width", w(d, true)); } }) .attr("y", function(d) { if (options.verticalOrientation) { return getDomainPosition(d, self.graphDim, "height", h(d, true)); } else { self.graphDim.height = Math.max(self.graphDim.height, h(d, true)); return 0; } }) .attr("class", function(d) { var classname = "graph-domain"; var date = new Date(d); switch(options.domain) { case "hour": classname += " h_" + date.getHours(); /* falls through */ case "day": classname += " d_" + date.getDate() + " dy_" + date.getDay(); /* falls through */ case "week": classname += " w_" + self.getWeekNumber(date); /* falls through */ case "month": classname += " m_" + (date.getMonth() + 1); /* falls through */ case "year": classname += " y_" + date.getFullYear(); } return classname; }) ; self.lastInsertedSvg = svg; function getDomainPosition(domainIndex, graphDim, axis, domainDim) { var tmp = 0; switch(navigationDir) { case false: tmp = graphDim[axis]; graphDim[axis] += domainDim; self.domainPosition.setPosition(domainIndex, tmp); return tmp; case self.NAVIGATE_RIGHT: self.domainPosition.setPosition(domainIndex, graphDim[axis]); enteringDomainDim = domainDim; exitingDomainDim = self.domainPosition.getPositionFromIndex(1); self.domainPosition.shiftRightBy(exitingDomainDim); return graphDim[axis]; case self.NAVIGATE_LEFT: tmp = -domainDim; enteringDomainDim = -tmp; exitingDomainDim = graphDim[axis] - self.domainPosition.getLast(); self.domainPosition.setPosition(domainIndex, tmp); self.domainPosition.shiftLeftBy(enteringDomainDim); return tmp; } } svg.append("rect") .attr("width", function(d) { return w(d, true) - options.domainGutter - options.cellPadding; }) .attr("height", function(d) { return h(d, true) - options.domainGutter - options.cellPadding; }) .attr("class", "domain-background") ; // =========================================================================// // PAINTING SUBDOMAINS // // =========================================================================// var subDomainSvgGroup = svg.append("svg") .attr("x", function() { if (options.label.position === "left") { return self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth + options.domainMargin[3]; } else { return options.domainMargin[3]; } }) .attr("y", function() { if (options.label.position === "top") { return self.domainVerticalLabelHeight + options.domainMargin[0]; } else { return options.domainMargin[0]; } }) .attr("class", "graph-subdomain-group") ; var rect = subDomainSvgGroup .selectAll("g") .data(function(d) { return self._domains.get(d); }) .enter() .append("g") ; rect .append("rect") .attr("class", function(d) { return "graph-rect" + self.getHighlightClassName(d.t) + (options.onClick !== null ? " hover_cursor": ""); }) .attr("width", options.cellSize) .attr("height", options.cellSize) .attr("x", function(d) { return self.positionSubDomainX(d.t); }) .attr("y", function(d) { return self.positionSubDomainY(d.t); }) .on("click", function(d) { if (options.onClick !== null) { return self.onClick(new Date(d.t), d.v); } }) .call(function(selection) { if (options.cellRadius > 0) { selection .attr("rx", options.cellRadius) .attr("ry", options.cellRadius) ; } if (self.legendScale !== null && options.legendColors !== null && options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty("base")) { selection.attr("fill", options.legendColors.base); } if (options.tooltip) { selection.on("mouseover", function(d) { var domainNode = this.parentNode.parentNode; self.tooltip .html(self.getSubDomainTitle(d)) .attr("style", "display: block;") ; var tooltipPositionX = self.positionSubDomainX(d.t) - self.tooltip[0][0].offsetWidth/2 + options.cellSize/2; var tooltipPositionY = self.positionSubDomainY(d.t) - self.tooltip[0][0].offsetHeight - options.cellSize/2; // Offset by the domain position tooltipPositionX += parseInt(domainNode.getAttribute("x"), 10); tooltipPositionY += parseInt(domainNode.getAttribute("y"), 10); // Offset by the calendar position (when legend is left/top) tooltipPositionX += parseInt(self.root.select(".graph").attr("x"), 10); tooltipPositionY += parseInt(self.root.select(".graph").attr("y"), 10); // Offset by the inside domain position (when label is left/top) tooltipPositionX += parseInt(domainNode.parentNode.getAttribute("x"), 10); tooltipPositionY += parseInt(domainNode.parentNode.getAttribute("y"), 10); self.tooltip.attr("style", "display: block; " + "left: " + tooltipPositionX + "px; " + "top: " + tooltipPositionY + "px;") ; }); selection.on("mouseout", function() { self.tooltip .attr("style", "display:none") .html(""); }); } }) ; // Appending a title to each subdomain if (!options.tooltip) { rect.append("title").text(function(d){ return self.formatDate(new Date(d.t), options.subDomainDateFormat); }); } // =========================================================================// // PAINTING LABEL // // =========================================================================// if (options.domainLabelFormat !== "") { svg.append("text") .attr("class", "graph-label") .attr("y", function(d) { var y = options.domainMargin[0]; switch(options.label.position) { case "top": y += self.domainVerticalLabelHeight/2; break; case "bottom": y += h(d) + self.domainVerticalLabelHeight/2; } return y + options.label.offset.y * ( ((options.label.rotate === "right" && options.label.position === "right") || (options.label.rotate === "left" && options.label.position === "left")) ? -1: 1 ); }) .attr("x", function(d){ var x = options.domainMargin[3]; switch(options.label.position) { case "right": x += w(d); break; case "bottom": case "top": x += w(d)/2; } if (options.label.align === "right") { return x + self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth - options.label.offset.x * (options.label.rotate === "right" ? -1: 1); } return x + options.label.offset.x; }) .attr("text-anchor", function() { switch(options.label.align) { case "start": case "left": return "start"; case "end": case "right": return "end"; default: return "middle"; } }) .attr("dominant-baseline", function() { return self.verticalDomainLabel ? "middle": "top"; }) .text(function(d) { return self.formatDate(new Date(d), options.domainLabelFormat); }) .call(domainRotate) ; } function domainRotate(selection) { switch (options.label.rotate) { case "right": selection .attr("transform", function(d) { var s = "rotate(90), "; switch(options.label.position) { case "right": s += "translate(-" + w(d) + " , -" + w(d) + ")"; break; case "left": s += "translate(0, -" + self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth + ")"; break; } return s; }); break; case "left": selection .attr("transform", function(d) { var s = "rotate(270), "; switch(options.label.position) { case "right": s += "translate(-" + (w(d) + self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth) + " , " + w(d) + ")"; break; case "left": s += "translate(-" + (self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth) + " , " + self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth + ")"; break; } return s; }); break; } } // =========================================================================// // PAINTING DOMAIN SUBDOMAIN CONTENT // // =========================================================================// if (options.subDomainTextFormat !== null) { rect .append("text") .attr("class", function(d) { return "subdomain-text" + self.getHighlightClassName(d.t); }) .attr("x", function(d) { return self.positionSubDomainX(d.t) + options.cellSize/2; }) .attr("y", function(d) { return self.positionSubDomainY(d.t) + options.cellSize/2; }) .attr("text-anchor", "middle") .attr("dominant-baseline", "central") .text(function(d){ return self.formatDate(new Date(d.t), options.subDomainTextFormat); }) ; } // =========================================================================// // ANIMATION // // =========================================================================// if (navigationDir !== false) { domainSvg.transition().duration(options.animationDuration) .attr("x", function(d){ return options.verticalOrientation ? 0: self.domainPosition.getPosition(d); }) .attr("y", function(d){ return options.verticalOrientation? self.domainPosition.getPosition(d): 0; }) ; } var tempWidth = self.graphDim.width; var tempHeight = self.graphDim.height; if (options.verticalOrientation) { self.graphDim.height += enteringDomainDim - exitingDomainDim; } else { self.graphDim.width += enteringDomainDim - exitingDomainDim; } // At the time of exit, domainsWidth and domainsHeight already automatically shifted domainSvg.exit().transition().duration(options.animationDuration) .attr("x", function(d){ if (options.verticalOrientation) { return 0; } else { switch(navigationDir) { case self.NAVIGATE_LEFT: return Math.min(self.graphDim.width, tempWidth); case self.NAVIGATE_RIGHT: return -w(d, true); } } }) .attr("y", function(d){ if (options.verticalOrientation) { switch(navigationDir) { case self.NAVIGATE_LEFT: return Math.min(self.graphDim.height, tempHeight); case self.NAVIGATE_RIGHT: return -h(d, true); } } else { return 0; } }) .remove() ; // Resize the root container self.resize(); }; }; CalHeatMap.prototype = { /** * Validate and merge user settings with default settings * * @param {object} settings User settings * @return {bool} False if settings contains error */ /* jshint maxstatements:false */ init: function(settings) { "use strict"; var parent = this; var options = parent.options = mergeRecursive(parent.options, settings); // Fatal errors // Stop script execution on error validateDomainType(); validateSelector(options.itemSelector, false, "itemSelector"); if (parent.allowedDataType.indexOf(options.dataType) === -1) { throw new Error("The data type '" + options.dataType + "' is not valid data type"); } if (d3.select(options.itemSelector)[0][0] === null) { throw new Error("The node '" + options.itemSelector + "' specified in itemSelector does not exists"); } try { validateSelector(options.nextSelector, true, "nextSelector"); validateSelector(options.previousSelector, true, "previousSelector"); } catch(error) { console.log(error.message); return false; } // If other settings contains error, will fallback to default if (!settings.hasOwnProperty("subDomain")) { this.options.subDomain = getOptimalSubDomain(settings.domain); } if (typeof options.itemNamespace !== "string" || options.itemNamespace === "") { console.log("itemNamespace can not be empty, falling back to cal-heatmap"); options.itemNamespace = "cal-heatmap"; } // Don't touch these settings var s = ["data", "onComplete", "onClick", "afterLoad", "afterLoadData", "afterLoadPreviousDomain", "afterLoadNextDomain"]; for (var k in s) { if (settings.hasOwnProperty(s[k])) { options[s[k]] = settings[s[k]]; } } options.subDomainDateFormat = (typeof options.subDomainDateFormat === "string" || typeof options.subDomainDateFormat === "function" ? options.subDomainDateFormat : this._domainType[options.subDomain].format.date); options.domainLabelFormat = (typeof options.domainLabelFormat === "string" || typeof options.domainLabelFormat === "function" ? options.domainLabelFormat : this._domainType[options.domain].format.legend); options.subDomainTextFormat = ((typeof options.subDomainTextFormat === "string" && options.subDomainTextFormat !== "") || typeof options.subDomainTextFormat === "function" ? options.subDomainTextFormat : null); options.domainMargin = expandMarginSetting(options.domainMargin); options.legendMargin = expandMarginSetting(options.legendMargin); options.highlight = parent.expandDateSetting(options.highlight); options.itemName = expandItemName(options.itemName); options.colLimit = parseColLimit(options.colLimit); options.rowLimit = parseRowLimit(options.rowLimit); if (!settings.hasOwnProperty("legendMargin")) { autoAddLegendMargin(); } autoAlignLabel(); /** * Validate that a queryString is valid * * @param {Element|string|bool} selector The queryString to test * @param {bool} canBeFalse Whether false is an accepted and valid value * @param {string} name Name of the tested selector * @throws {Error} If the selector is not valid * @return {bool} True if the selector is a valid queryString */ function validateSelector(selector, canBeFalse, name) { if (((canBeFalse && selector === false) || selector instanceof Element || typeof selector === "string") && selector !== "") { return true; } throw new Error("The " + name + " is not valid"); } /** * Return the optimal subDomain for the specified domain * * @param {string} domain a domain name * @return {string} the subDomain name */ function getOptimalSubDomain(domain) { switch(domain) { case "year": return "month"; case "month": return "day"; case "week": return "day"; case "day": return "hour"; default: return "min"; } } /** * Ensure that the domain and subdomain are valid * * @throw {Error} when domain or subdomain are not valid * @return {bool} True if domain and subdomain are valid and compatible */ function validateDomainType() { if (!parent._domainType.hasOwnProperty(options.domain) || options.domain === "min" || options.domain.substring(0, 2) === "x_") { throw new Error("The domain '" + options.domain + "' is not valid"); } if (!parent._domainType.hasOwnProperty(options.subDomain) || options.subDomain === "year") { throw new Error("The subDomain '" + options.subDomain + "' is not valid"); } if (parent._domainType[options.domain].level <= parent._domainType[options.subDomain].level) { throw new Error("'" + options.subDomain + "' is not a valid subDomain to '" + options.domain + "'"); } return true; } /** * Fine-tune the label alignement depending on its position * * @return void */ function autoAlignLabel() { // Auto-align label, depending on it's position if (!settings.hasOwnProperty("label") || (settings.hasOwnProperty("label") && !settings.label.hasOwnProperty("align"))) { switch(options.label.position) { case "left": options.label.align = "right"; break; case "right": options.label.align = "left"; break; default: options.label.align = "center"; } if (options.label.rotate === "left") { options.label.align = "right"; } else if (options.label.rotate === "right") { options.label.align = "left"; } } if (!settings.hasOwnProperty("label") || (settings.hasOwnProperty("label") && !settings.label.hasOwnProperty("offset"))) { if (options.label.position === "left" || options.label.position === "right") { options.label.offset = { x: 10, y: 15 }; } } } /** * If not specified, add some margin around the legend depending on its position * * @return void */ function autoAddLegendMargin() { switch(options.legendVerticalPosition) { case "top": options.legendMargin[2] = parent.DEFAULT_LEGEND_MARGIN; break; case "bottom": options.legendMargin[0] = parent.DEFAULT_LEGEND_MARGIN; break; case "middle": case "center": options.legendMargin[options.legendHorizontalPosition === "right" ? 3 : 1] = parent.DEFAULT_LEGEND_MARGIN; } } /** * Expand a number of an array of numbers to an usable 4 values array * * @param {integer|array} value * @return {array} array */ function expandMarginSetting(value) { if (typeof value === "number") { value = [value]; } if (!Array.isArray(value)) { console.log("Margin only takes an integer or an array of integers"); value = [0]; } switch(value.length) { case 1: return [value[0], value[0], value[0], value[0]]; case 2: return [value[0], value[1], value[0], value[1]]; case 3: return [value[0], value[1], value[2], value[1]]; case 4: return value; default: return value.slice(0, 4); } } /** * Convert a string to an array like [singular-form, plural-form] * * @param {string|array} value Date to convert * @return {array} An array like [singular-form, plural-form] */ function expandItemName(value) { if (typeof value === "string") { return [value, value + (value !== "" ? "s" : "")]; } if (Array.isArray(value)) { if (value.length === 1) { return [value[0], value[0] + "s"]; } else if (value.length > 2) { return value.slice(0, 2); } return value; } return ["item", "items"]; } function parseColLimit(value) { return value > 0 ? value : null; } function parseRowLimit(value) { if (value > 0 && options.colLimit > 0) { console.log("colLimit and rowLimit are mutually exclusive, rowLimit will be ignored"); return null; } return value > 0 ? value : null; } return this._init(); }, /** * Convert a keyword or an array of keyword/date to an array of date objects * * @param {string|array|Date} value Data to convert * @return {array} An array of Dates */ expandDateSetting: function(value) { "use strict"; if (!Array.isArray(value)) { value = [value]; } return value.map(function(data) { if (data === "now") { return new Date(); } if (data instanceof Date) { return data; } return false; }).filter(function(d) { return d !== false; }); }, /** * Fill the calendar by coloring the cells * * @param array svg An array of html node to apply the transformation to (optional) * It's used to limit the painting to only a subset of the calendar * @return void */ fill: function(svg) { "use strict"; var parent = this; var options = parent.options; if (arguments.length === 0) { svg = parent.root.selectAll(".graph-domain"); } var rect = svg .selectAll("svg").selectAll("g") .data(function(d) { return parent._domains.get(d); }) ; /** * Colorize the cell via a style attribute if enabled */ function addStyle(element) { if (parent.legendScale === null) { return false; } element.attr("fill", function(d) { if (d.v === null && (options.hasOwnProperty("considerMissingDataAsZero") && !options.considerMissingDataAsZero)) { if (options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty("base")) { return options.legendColors.base; } } if (options.legendColors !== null && options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty("empty") && (d.v === 0 || (d.v === null && options.hasOwnProperty("considerMissingDataAsZero") && options.considerMissingDataAsZero)) ) { return options.legendColors.empty; } if (d.v < 0 && options.legend[0] > 0 && options.legendColors !== null && options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty("overflow")) { return options.legendColors.overflow; } return parent.legendScale(Math.min(d.v, options.legend[options.legend.length-1])); }); } rect.transition().duration(options.animationDuration).select("rect") .attr("class", function(d) { var htmlClass = parent.getHighlightClassName(d.t).trim().split(" "); var pastDate = parent.dateIsLessThan(d.t, new Date()); var sameDate = parent.dateIsEqual(d.t, new Date()); if (parent.legendScale === null || (d.v === null && (options.hasOwnProperty("considerMissingDataAsZero") && !options.considerMissingDataAsZero) &&!options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty("base")) ) { htmlClass.push("graph-rect"); } if (sameDate) { htmlClass.push("now"); } else if (!pastDate) { htmlClass.push("future"); } if (d.v !== null) { htmlClass.push(parent.Legend.getClass(d.v, (parent.legendScale === null))); } else if (options.considerMissingDataAsZero && pastDate) { htmlClass.push(parent.Legend.getClass(0, (parent.legendScale === null))); } if (options.onClick !== null) { htmlClass.push("hover_cursor"); } return htmlClass.join(" "); }) .call(addStyle) ; rect.transition().duration(options.animationDuration).select("title") .text(function(d) { return parent.getSubDomainTitle(d); }) ; function formatSubDomainText(element) { if (typeof options.subDomainTextFormat === "function") { element.text(function(d) { return options.subDomainTextFormat(d.t, d.v); }); } } /** * Change the subDomainText class if necessary * Also change the text, e.g when text is representing the value * instead of the date */ rect.transition().duration(options.animationDuration).select("text") .attr("class", function(d) { return "subdomain-text" + parent.getHighlightClassName(d.t); }) .call(formatSubDomainText) ; }, // =========================================================================// // EVENTS CALLBACK // // =========================================================================// /** * Helper method for triggering event callback * * @param string eventName Name of the event to trigger * @param array successArgs List of argument to pass to the callback * @param boolean skip Whether to skip the event triggering * @return mixed True when the triggering was skipped, false on error, else the callback function */ triggerEvent: function(eventName, successArgs, skip) { "use strict"; if ((arguments.length === 3 && skip) || this.options[eventName] === null) { return true; } if (typeof this.options[eventName] === "function") { if (typeof successArgs === "function") { successArgs = successArgs(); } return this.options[eventName].apply(this, successArgs); } else { console.log("Provided callback for " + eventName + " is not a function."); return false; } }, /** * Event triggered on a mouse click on a subDomain cell * * @param Date d Date of the subdomain block * @param int itemNb Number of items in that date */ onClick: function(d, itemNb) { "use strict"; return this.triggerEvent("onClick", [d, itemNb]); }, /** * Event triggered after drawing the calendar, byt before filling it with data */ afterLoad: function() { "use strict"; return this.triggerEvent("afterLoad"); }, /** * Event triggered after completing drawing and filling the calendar */ onComplete: function() { "use strict"; var response = this.triggerEvent("onComplete", [], this._completed); this._completed = true; return response; }, /** * Event triggered after shifting the calendar one domain back * * @param Date start Domain start date * @param Date end Domain end date */ afterLoadPreviousDomain: function(start) { "use strict"; var parent = this; return this.triggerEvent("afterLoadPreviousDomain", function() { var subDomain = parent.getSubDomain(start); return [subDomain.shift(), subDomain.pop()]; }); }, /** * Event triggered after shifting the calendar one domain above * * @param Date start Domain start date * @param Date end Domain end date */ afterLoadNextDomain: function(start) { "use strict"; var parent = this; return this.triggerEvent("afterLoadNextDomain", function() { var subDomain = parent.getSubDomain(start); return [subDomain.shift(), subDomain.pop()]; }); }, /** * Event triggered after loading the leftmost domain allowed by minDate * * @param boolean reached True if the leftmost domain was reached */ onMinDomainReached: function(reached) { "use strict"; this._minDomainReached = reached; return this.triggerEvent("onMinDomainReached", [reached]); }, /** * Event triggered after loading the rightmost domain allowed by maxDate * * @param boolean reached True if the rightmost domain was reached */ onMaxDomainReached: function(reached) { "use strict"; this._maxDomainReached = reached; return this.triggerEvent("onMaxDomainReached", [reached]); }, checkIfMinDomainIsReached: function(date, upperBound) { "use strict"; if (this.minDomainIsReached(date)) { this.onMinDomainReached(true); } if (arguments.length === 2) { if (this._maxDomainReached && !this.maxDomainIsReached(upperBound)) { this.onMaxDomainReached(false); } } }, checkIfMaxDomainIsReached: function(date, lowerBound) { "use strict"; if (this.maxDomainIsReached(date)) { this.onMaxDomainReached(true); } if (arguments.length === 2) { if (this._minDomainReached && !this.minDomainIsReached(lowerBound)) { this.onMinDomainReached(false); } } }, // =========================================================================// // FORMATTER // // =========================================================================// formatNumber: d3.format(",g"), formatDate: function(d, format) { "use strict"; if (arguments.length < 2) { format = "title"; } if (typeof format === "function") { return format(d); } else { var f = d3.time.format(format); return f(d); } }, getSubDomainTitle: function(d) { "use strict"; if (d.v === null && !this.options.considerMissingDataAsZero) { return (this.options.subDomainTitleFormat.empty).format({ date: this.formatDate(new Date(d.t), this.options.subDomainDateFormat) }); } else { var value = d.v; // Consider null as 0 if (value === null && this.options.considerMissingDataAsZero) { value = 0; } return (this.options.subDomainTitleFormat.filled).format({ count: this.formatNumber(value), name: this.options.itemName[(value !== 1 ? 1: 0)], connector: this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].format.connector, date: this.formatDate(new Date(d.t), this.options.subDomainDateFormat) }); } }, // =========================================================================// // DOMAIN NAVIGATION // // =========================================================================// /** * Shift the calendar one domain forward * * The new domain is loaded only if it's not beyond maxDate * * @param int n Number of domains to load * @return bool True if the next domain was loaded, else false */ loadNextDomain: function(n) { "use strict"; if (this._maxDomainReached || n === 0) { return false; } var bound = this.loadNewDomains(this.NAVIGATE_RIGHT, this.getDomain(this.getNextDomain(), n)); this.afterLoadNextDomain(bound.end); this.checkIfMaxDomainIsReached(this.getNextDomain().getTime(), bound.start); return true; }, /** * Shift the calendar one domain backward * * The previous domain is loaded only if it's not beyond the minDate * * @param int n Number of domains to load * @return bool True if the previous domain was loaded, else false */ loadPreviousDomain: function(n) { "use strict"; if (this._minDomainReached || n === 0) { return false; } var bound = this.loadNewDomains(this.NAVIGATE_LEFT, this.getDomain(this.getDomainKeys()[0], -n).reverse()); this.afterLoadPreviousDomain(bound.start); this.checkIfMinDomainIsReached(bound.start, bound.end); return true; }, loadNewDomains: function(direction, newDomains) { "use strict"; var parent = this; var backward = direction === this.NAVIGATE_LEFT; var i = -1; var total = newDomains.length; var domains = this.getDomainKeys(); function buildSubDomain(d) { return {t: parent._domainType[parent.options.subDomain].extractUnit(d), v: null}; } // Remove out of bound domains from list of new domains to prepend while (++i < total) { if (backward && this.minDomainIsReached(newDomains[i])) { newDomains = newDomains.slice(0, i+1); break; } if (!backward && this.maxDomainIsReached(newDomains[i])) { newDomains = newDomains.slice(0, i); break; } } newDomains = newDomains.slice(-this.options.range); for (i = 0, total = newDomains.length; i < total; i++) { this._domains.set( newDomains[i].getTime(), this.getSubDomain(newDomains[i]).map(buildSubDomain) ); this._domains.remove(backward ? domains.pop() : domains.shift()); } domains = this.getDomainKeys(); if (backward) { newDomains = newDomains.reverse(); } this.paint(direction); this.getDatas( this.options.data, newDomains[0], this.getSubDomain(newDomains[newDomains.length-1]).pop(), function() { parent.fill(parent.lastInsertedSvg); } ); return { start: newDomains[backward ? 0 : 1], end: domains[domains.length-1] }; }, /** * Return whether a date is inside the scope determined by maxDate * * @param int datetimestamp The timestamp in ms to test * @return bool True if the specified date correspond to the calendar upper bound */ maxDomainIsReached: function(datetimestamp) { "use strict"; return (this.options.maxDate !== null && (this.options.maxDate.getTime() < datetimestamp)); }, /** * Return whether a date is inside the scope determined by minDate * * @param int datetimestamp The timestamp in ms to test * @return bool True if the specified date correspond to the calendar lower bound */ minDomainIsReached: function (datetimestamp) { "use strict"; return (this.options.minDate !== null && (this.options.minDate.getTime() >= datetimestamp)); }, /** * Return the list of the calendar's domain timestamp * * @return Array a sorted array of timestamp */ getDomainKeys: function() { "use strict"; return this._domains.keys() .map(function(d) { return parseInt(d, 10); }) .sort(function(a,b) { return a-b; }); }, // =========================================================================// // POSITIONNING // // =========================================================================// positionSubDomainX: function(d) { "use strict"; var index = this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].position.x(new Date(d)); return index * this.options.cellSize + index * this.options.cellPadding; }, positionSubDomainY: function(d) { "use strict"; var index = this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].position.y(new Date(d)); return index * this.options.cellSize + index * this.options.cellPadding; }, getSubDomainColumnNumber: function(d) { "use strict"; if (this.options.rowLimit > 0) { var i = this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].maxItemNumber; if (typeof i === "function") { i = i(d); } return Math.ceil(i / this.options.rowLimit); } var j = this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].defaultColumnNumber; if (typeof j === "function") { j = j(d); } return this.options.colLimit || j; }, getSubDomainRowNumber: function(d) { "use strict"; if (this.options.colLimit > 0) { var i = this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].maxItemNumber; if (typeof i === "function") { i = i(d); } return Math.ceil(i / this.options.colLimit); } var j = this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].defaultRowNumber; if (typeof j === "function") { j = j(d); } return this.options.rowLimit || j; }, /** * Return a classname if the specified date should be highlighted * * @param timestamp date Date of the current subDomain * @return String the highlight class */ getHighlightClassName: function(d) { "use strict"; d = new Date(d); if (this.options.highlight.length > 0) { for (var i in this.options.highlight) { if (this.dateIsEqual(this.options.highlight[i], d)) { return this.isNow(this.options.highlight[i]) ? " highlight-now": " highlight"; } } } return ""; }, /** * Return whether the specified date is now, * according to the type of subdomain * * @param Date d The date to compare * @return bool True if the date correspond to a subdomain cell */ isNow: function(d) { "use strict"; return this.dateIsEqual(d, new Date()); }, /** * Return whether 2 dates are equals * This function is subdomain-aware, * and dates comparison are dependent of the subdomain * * @param Date dateA First date to compare * @param Date dateB Secon date to compare * @return bool true if the 2 dates are equals */ /* jshint maxcomplexity: false */ dateIsEqual: function(dateA, dateB) { "use strict"; if(!(dateA instanceof Date)) { dateA = new Date(dateA); } if (!(dateB instanceof Date)) { dateB = new Date(dateB); } switch(this.options.subDomain) { case "x_min": case "min": return dateA.getFullYear() === dateB.getFullYear() && dateA.getMonth() === dateB.getMonth() && dateA.getDate() === dateB.getDate() && dateA.getHours() === dateB.getHours() && dateA.getMinutes() === dateB.getMinutes(); case "x_hour": case "hour": return dateA.getFullYear() === dateB.getFullYear() && dateA.getMonth() === dateB.getMonth() && dateA.getDate() === dateB.getDate() && dateA.getHours() === dateB.getHours(); case "x_day": case "day": return dateA.getFullYear() === dateB.getFullYear() && dateA.getMonth() === dateB.getMonth() && dateA.getDate() === dateB.getDate(); case "x_week": case "week": return dateA.getFullYear() === dateB.getFullYear() && this.getWeekNumber(dateA) === this.getWeekNumber(dateB); case "x_month": case "month": return dateA.getFullYear() === dateB.getFullYear() && dateA.getMonth() === dateB.getMonth(); default: return false; } }, /** * Returns wether or not dateA is less than or equal to dateB. This function is subdomain aware. * Performs automatic conversion of values. * @param dateA may be a number or a Date * @param dateB may be a number or a Date * @returns {boolean} */ dateIsLessThan: function(dateA, dateB) { "use strict"; if(!(dateA instanceof Date)) { dateA = new Date(dateA); } if (!(dateB instanceof Date)) { dateB = new Date(dateB); } function normalizedMillis(date, subdomain) { switch(subdomain) { case "x_min": case "min": return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes()).getTime(); case "x_hour": case "hour": return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours()).getTime(); case "x_day": case "day": return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()).getTime(); case "x_week": case "week": case "x_month": case "month": return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()).getTime(); default: return date.getTime(); } } return normalizedMillis(dateA, this.options.subDomain) < normalizedMillis(dateB, this.options.subDomain); }, // =========================================================================// // DATE COMPUTATION // // =========================================================================// /** * Return the day of the year for the date * @param Date * @return int Day of the year [1,366] */ getDayOfYear: d3.time.format("%j"), /** * Return the week number of the year * Monday as the first day of the week * @return int Week number [0-53] */ getWeekNumber: function(d) { "use strict"; var f = this.options.weekStartOnMonday === true ? d3.time.format("%W"): d3.time.format("%U"); return f(d); }, /** * Return the week number, relative to its month * * @param int|Date d Date or timestamp in milliseconds * @return int Week number, relative to the month [0-5] */ getMonthWeekNumber: function (d) { "use strict"; if (typeof d === "number") { d = new Date(d); } var monthFirstWeekNumber = this.getWeekNumber(new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth())); return this.getWeekNumber(d) - monthFirstWeekNumber - 1; }, /** * Return the number of weeks in the dates' year * * @param int|Date d Date or timestamp in milliseconds * @return int Number of weeks in the date's year */ getWeekNumberInYear: function(d) { "use strict"; if (typeof d === "number") { d = new Date(d); } }, /** * Return the number of days in the date's month * * @param int|Date d Date or timestamp in milliseconds * @return int Number of days in the date's month */ getDayCountInMonth: function(d) { "use strict"; return this.getEndOfMonth(d).getDate(); }, /** * Return the number of days in the date's year * * @param int|Date d Date or timestamp in milliseconds * @return int Number of days in the date's year */ getDayCountInYear: function(d) { "use strict"; if (typeof d === "number") { d = new Date(d); } return (new Date(d.getFullYear(), 1, 29).getMonth() === 1) ? 366 : 365; }, /** * Get the weekday from a date * * Return the week day number (0-6) of a date, * depending on whether the week start on monday or sunday * * @param Date d * @return int The week day number (0-6) */ getWeekDay: function(d) { "use strict"; if (this.options.weekStartOnMonday === false) { return d.getDay(); } return d.getDay() === 0 ? 6 : (d.getDay()-1); }, /** * Get the last day of the month * @param Date|int d Date or timestamp in milliseconds * @return Date Last day of the month */ getEndOfMonth: function(d) { "use strict"; if (typeof d === "number") { d = new Date(d); } return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth()+1, 0); }, /** * * @param Date date * @param int count * @param string step * @return Date */ jumpDate: function(date, count, step) { "use strict"; var d = new Date(date); switch(step) { case "hour": d.setHours(d.getHours() + count); break; case "day": d.setHours(d.getHours() + count * 24); break; case "week": d.setHours(d.getHours() + count * 24 * 7); break; case "month": d.setMonth(d.getMonth() + count); break; case "year": d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + count); } return new Date(d); }, // =========================================================================// // DOMAIN COMPUTATION // // =========================================================================// /** * Return all the minutes between 2 dates * * @param Date d date A date * @param int|date range Number of minutes in the range, or a stop date * @return array An array of minutes */ getMinuteDomain: function (d, range) { "use strict"; var start = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours()); var stop = null; if (range instanceof Date) { stop = new Date(range.getFullYear(), range.getMonth(), range.getDate(), range.getHours()); } else { stop = new Date(+start + range * 1000 * 60); } return d3.time.minutes(Math.min(start, stop), Math.max(start, stop)); }, /** * Return all the hours between 2 dates * * @param Date d A date * @param int|date range Number of hours in the range, or a stop date * @return array An array of hours */ getHourDomain: function (d, range) { "use strict"; var start = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours()); var stop = null; if (range instanceof Date) { stop = new Date(range.getFullYear(), range.getMonth(), range.getDate(), range.getHours()); } else { stop = new Date(start); stop.setHours(stop.getHours() + range); } var domains = d3.time.hours(Math.min(start, stop), Math.max(start, stop)); // Passing from DST to standard time // If there are 25 hours, let's compress the duplicate hours var i = 0; var total = domains.length; for(i = 0; i < total; i++) { if (i > 0 && (domains[i].getHours() === domains[i-1].getHours())) { this.DSTDomain.push(domains[i].getTime()); domains.splice(i, 1); break; } } // d3.time.hours is returning more hours than needed when changing // from DST to standard time, because there is really 2 hours between // 1am and 2am! if (typeof range === "number" && domains.length > Math.abs(range)) { domains.splice(domains.length-1, 1); } return domains; }, /** * Return all the days between 2 dates * * @param Date d A date * @param int|date range Number of days in the range, or a stop date * @return array An array of weeks */ getDayDomain: function (d, range) { "use strict"; var start = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate()); var stop = null; if (range instanceof Date) { stop = new Date(range.getFullYear(), range.getMonth(), range.getDate()); } else { stop = new Date(start); stop = new Date(stop.setDate(stop.getDate() + parseInt(range, 10))); } return d3.time.days(Math.min(start, stop), Math.max(start, stop)); }, /** * Return all the weeks between 2 dates * * @param Date d A date * @param int|date range Number of minutes in the range, or a stop date * @return array An array of weeks */ getWeekDomain: function (d, range) { "use strict"; var weekStart; if (this.options.weekStartOnMonday === false) { weekStart = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate() - d.getDay()); } else { if (d.getDay() === 1) { weekStart = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate()); } else if (d.getDay() === 0) { weekStart = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate()); weekStart.setDate(weekStart.getDate() - 6); } else { weekStart = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate()-d.getDay()+1); } } var endDate = new Date(weekStart); var stop = range; if (typeof range !== "object") { stop = new Date(endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() + range * 7)); } return (this.options.weekStartOnMonday === true) ? d3.time.mondays(Math.min(weekStart, stop), Math.max(weekStart, stop)): d3.time.sundays(Math.min(weekStart, stop), Math.max(weekStart, stop)) ; }, /** * Return all the months between 2 dates * * @param Date d A date * @param int|date range Number of months in the range, or a stop date * @return array An array of months */ getMonthDomain: function (d, range) { "use strict"; var start = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth()); var stop = null; if (range instanceof Date) { stop = new Date(range.getFullYear(), range.getMonth()); } else { stop = new Date(start); stop = stop.setMonth(stop.getMonth()+range); } return d3.time.months(Math.min(start, stop), Math.max(start, stop)); }, /** * Return all the years between 2 dates * * @param Date d date A date * @param int|date range Number of minutes in the range, or a stop date * @return array An array of hours */ getYearDomain: function(d, range){ "use strict"; var start = new Date(d.getFullYear(), 0); var stop = null; if (range instanceof Date) { stop = new Date(range.getFullYear(), 0); } else { stop = new Date(d.getFullYear()+range, 0); } return d3.time.years(Math.min(start, stop), Math.max(start, stop)); }, /** * Get an array of domain start dates * * @param int|Date date A random date included in the wanted domain * @param int|Date range Number of dates to get, or a stop date * @return Array of dates */ getDomain: function(date, range) { "use strict"; if (typeof date === "number") { date = new Date(date); } if (arguments.length < 2) { range = this.options.range; } switch(this.options.domain) { case "hour" : var domains = this.getHourDomain(date, range); // Case where an hour is missing, when passing from standard time to DST // Missing hour is perfectly acceptabl in subDomain, but not in domains if (typeof range === "number" && domains.length < range) { if (range > 0) { domains.push(this.getHourDomain(domains[domains.length-1], 2)[1]); } else { domains.shift(this.getHourDomain(domains[0], -2)[0]); } } return domains; case "day" : return this.getDayDomain(date, range); case "week" : return this.getWeekDomain(date, range); case "month": return this.getMonthDomain(date, range); case "year" : return this.getYearDomain(date, range); } }, /* jshint maxcomplexity: false */ getSubDomain: function(date) { "use strict"; if (typeof date === "number") { date = new Date(date); } var parent = this; /** * @return int */ var computeDaySubDomainSize = function(date, domain) { switch(domain) { case "year": return parent.getDayCountInYear(date); case "month": return parent.getDayCountInMonth(date); case "week": return 7; } }; /** * @return int */ var computeMinSubDomainSize = function(date, domain) { switch (domain) { case "hour": return 60; case "day": return 60 * 24; case "week": return 60 * 24 * 7; } }; /** * @return int */ var computeHourSubDomainSize = function(date, domain) { switch(domain) { case "day": return 24; case "week": return 168; case "month": return parent.getDayCountInMonth(date) * 24; } }; /** * @return int */ var computeWeekSubDomainSize = function(date, domain) { if (domain === "month") { var endOfMonth = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1, 0); var endWeekNb = parent.getWeekNumber(endOfMonth); var startWeekNb = parent.getWeekNumber(new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth())); if (startWeekNb > endWeekNb) { startWeekNb = 0; endWeekNb++; } return endWeekNb - startWeekNb + 1; } else if (domain === "year") { return parent.getWeekNumber(new Date(date.getFullYear(), 11, 31)); } }; switch(this.options.subDomain) { case "x_min": case "min" : return this.getMinuteDomain(date, computeMinSubDomainSize(date, this.options.domain)); case "x_hour": case "hour" : return this.getHourDomain(date, computeHourSubDomainSize(date, this.options.domain)); case "x_day": case "day" : return this.getDayDomain(date, computeDaySubDomainSize(date, this.options.domain)); case "x_week": case "week" : return this.getWeekDomain(date, computeWeekSubDomainSize(date, this.options.domain)); case "x_month": case "month": return this.getMonthDomain(date, 12); } }, /** * Get the n-th next domain after the calendar newest (rightmost) domain * @param int n * @return Date The start date of the wanted domain */ getNextDomain: function(n) { "use strict"; if (arguments.length === 0) { n = 1; } return this.getDomain(this.jumpDate(this.getDomainKeys().pop(), n, this.options.domain), 1)[0]; }, /** * Get the n-th domain before the calendar oldest (leftmost) domain * @param int n * @return Date The start date of the wanted domain */ getPreviousDomain: function(n) { "use strict"; if (arguments.length === 0) { n = 1; } return this.getDomain(this.jumpDate(this.getDomainKeys().shift(), -n, this.options.domain), 1)[0]; }, // =========================================================================// // DATAS // // =========================================================================// /** * Fetch and interpret data from the datasource * * @param string|object source * @param Date startDate * @param Date endDate * @param function callback * @param function|boolean afterLoad function used to convert the data into a json object. Use true to use the afterLoad callback * @param updateMode * * @return mixed * - True if there are no data to load * - False if data are loaded asynchronously */ getDatas: function(source, startDate, endDate, callback, afterLoad, updateMode) { "use strict"; var self = this; if (arguments.length < 5) { afterLoad = true; } if (arguments.length < 6) { updateMode = this.APPEND_ON_UPDATE; } var _callback = function(data) { if (afterLoad !== false) { if (typeof afterLoad === "function") { data = afterLoad(data); } else if (typeof (self.options.afterLoadData) === "function") { data = self.options.afterLoadData(data); } else { console.log("Provided callback for afterLoadData is not a function."); } } else if (self.options.dataType === "csv" || self.options.dataType === "tsv") { data = this.interpretCSV(data); } self.parseDatas(data, updateMode, startDate, endDate); if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(); } }; switch(typeof source) { case "string": if (source === "") { _callback({}); return true; } else { var url = this.parseURI(source, startDate, endDate); var requestType = "GET"; if (self.options.dataPostPayload !== null ) { requestType = "POST"; } var payload = null; if (self.options.dataPostPayload !== null) { payload = this.parseURI(self.options.dataPostPayload, startDate, endDate); } switch(this.options.dataType) { case "json": d3.json(url, _callback).send(requestType, payload); break; case "csv": d3.csv(url, _callback).send(requestType, payload); break; case "tsv": d3.tsv(url, _callback).send(requestType, payload); break; case "txt": d3.text(url, "text/plain", _callback).send(requestType, payload); break; } } return false; case "object": if (source === Object(source)) { _callback(source); return false; } /* falls through */ default: _callback({}); return true; } }, /** * Populate the calendar internal data * * @param object data * @param constant updateMode * @param Date startDate * @param Date endDate * * @return void */ parseDatas: function(data, updateMode, startDate, endDate) { "use strict"; if (updateMode === this.RESET_ALL_ON_UPDATE) { this._domains.forEach(function(key, value) { value.forEach(function(element, index, array) { array[index].v = null; }); }); } var temp = {}; var extractTime = function(d) { return d.t; }; /*jshint forin:false */ for (var d in data) { var date = new Date(d*1000); var domainUnit = this.getDomain(date)[0].getTime(); // The current data belongs to a domain that was compressed // Compress the data for the two duplicate hours into the same hour if (this.DSTDomain.indexOf(domainUnit) >= 0) { // Re-assign all data to the first or the second duplicate hours // depending on which is visible if (this._domains.has(domainUnit - 3600 * 1000)) { domainUnit -= 3600 * 1000; } } // Skip if data is not relevant to current domain if (isNaN(d) || !data.hasOwnProperty(d) || !this._domains.has(domainUnit) || !(domainUnit >= +startDate && domainUnit < +endDate)) { continue; } var subDomainsData = this._domains.get(domainUnit); if (!temp.hasOwnProperty(domainUnit)) { temp[domainUnit] = subDomainsData.map(extractTime); } var index = temp[domainUnit].indexOf(this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].extractUnit(date)); if (updateMode === this.RESET_SINGLE_ON_UPDATE) { subDomainsData[index].v = data[d]; } else { if (!isNaN(subDomainsData[index].v)) { subDomainsData[index].v += data[d]; } else { subDomainsData[index].v = data[d]; } } } }, parseURI: function(str, startDate, endDate) { "use strict"; // Use a timestamp in seconds str = str.replace(/\{\{t:start\}\}/g, startDate.getTime()/1000); str = str.replace(/\{\{t:end\}\}/g, endDate.getTime()/1000); // Use a string date, following the ISO-8601 str = str.replace(/\{\{d:start\}\}/g, startDate.toISOString()); str = str.replace(/\{\{d:end\}\}/g, endDate.toISOString()); return str; }, interpretCSV: function(data) { "use strict"; var d = {}; var keys = Object.keys(data[0]); var i, total; for (i = 0, total = data.length; i < total; i++) { d[data[i][keys[0]]] = +data[i][keys[1]]; } return d; }, /** * Handle the calendar layout and dimension * * Expand and shrink the container depending on its children dimension * Also rearrange the children position depending on their dimension, * and the legend position * * @return void */ resize: function() { "use strict"; var parent = this; var options = parent.options; var legendWidth = options.displayLegend ? (parent.Legend.getDim("width") + options.legendMargin[1] + options.legendMargin[3]) : 0; var legendHeight = options.displayLegend ? (parent.Legend.getDim("height") + options.legendMargin[0] + options.legendMargin[2]) : 0; var graphWidth = parent.graphDim.width - options.domainGutter - options.cellPadding; var graphHeight = parent.graphDim.height - options.domainGutter - options.cellPadding; this.root.transition().duration(options.animationDuration) .attr("width", function() { if (options.legendVerticalPosition === "middle" || options.legendVerticalPosition === "center") { return graphWidth + legendWidth; } return Math.max(graphWidth, legendWidth); }) .attr("height", function() { if (options.legendVerticalPosition === "middle" || options.legendVerticalPosition === "center") { return Math.max(graphHeight, legendHeight); } return graphHeight + legendHeight; }) ; this.root.select(".graph").transition().duration(options.animationDuration) .attr("y", function() { if (options.legendVerticalPosition === "top") { return legendHeight; } return 0; }) .attr("x", function() { if ( (options.legendVerticalPosition === "middle" || options.legendVerticalPosition === "center") && options.legendHorizontalPosition === "left") { return legendWidth; } return 0; }) ; }, // =========================================================================// // PUBLIC API // // =========================================================================// /** * Shift the calendar forward */ next: function(n) { "use strict"; if (arguments.length === 0) { n = 1; } return this.loadNextDomain(n); }, /** * Shift the calendar backward */ previous: function(n) { "use strict"; if (arguments.length === 0) { n = 1; } return this.loadPreviousDomain(n); }, /** * Jump directly to a specific date * * JumpTo will scroll the calendar until the wanted domain with the specified * date is visible. Unless you set reset to true, the wanted domain * will not necessarily be the first (leftmost) domain of the calendar. * * @param Date date Jump to the domain containing that date * @param bool reset Whether the wanted domain should be the first domain of the calendar * @param bool True of the calendar was scrolled */ jumpTo: function(date, reset) { "use strict"; if (arguments.length < 2) { reset = false; } var domains = this.getDomainKeys(); var firstDomain = domains[0]; var lastDomain = domains[domains.length-1]; if (date < firstDomain) { return this.loadPreviousDomain(this.getDomain(firstDomain, date).length); } else { if (reset) { return this.loadNextDomain(this.getDomain(firstDomain, date).length); } if (date > lastDomain) { return this.loadNextDomain(this.getDomain(lastDomain, date).length); } } return false; }, /** * Navigate back to the start date * * @since 3.3.8 * @return void */ rewind: function() { "use strict"; this.jumpTo(this.options.start, true); }, /** * Update the calendar with new data * * @param object|string dataSource The calendar's datasource, same type as this.options.data * @param boolean|function afterLoad Whether to execute afterLoad() on the data. Pass directly a function * if you don't want to use the afterLoad() callback */ update: function(dataSource, afterLoad, updateMode) { "use strict"; if (arguments.length < 2) { afterLoad = true; } if (arguments.length < 3) { updateMode = this.RESET_ALL_ON_UPDATE; } var domains = this.getDomainKeys(); var self = this; this.getDatas( dataSource, new Date(domains[0]), this.getSubDomain(domains[domains.length-1]).pop(), function() { self.fill(); }, afterLoad, updateMode ); }, /** * Set the legend * * @param array legend an array of integer, representing the different threshold value * @param array colorRange an array of 2 hex colors, for the minimum and maximum colors */ setLegend: function() { "use strict"; var oldLegend = this.options.legend.slice(0); if (arguments.length >= 1 && Array.isArray(arguments[0])) { this.options.legend = arguments[0]; } if (arguments.length >= 2) { if (Array.isArray(arguments[1]) && arguments[1].length >= 2) { this.options.legendColors = [arguments[1][0], arguments[1][1]]; } else { this.options.legendColors = arguments[1]; } } if ((arguments.length > 0 && !arrayEquals(oldLegend, this.options.legend)) || arguments.length >= 2) { this.Legend.buildColors(); this.fill(); } this.Legend.redraw(this.graphDim.width - this.options.domainGutter - this.options.cellPadding); }, /** * Remove the legend * * @return bool False if there is no legend to remove */ removeLegend: function() { "use strict"; if (!this.options.displayLegend) { return false; } this.options.displayLegend = false; this.Legend.remove(); return true; }, /** * Display the legend * * @return bool False if the legend was already displayed */ showLegend: function() { "use strict"; if (this.options.displayLegend) { return false; } this.options.displayLegend = true; this.Legend.redraw(this.graphDim.width - this.options.domainGutter - this.options.cellPadding); return true; }, /** * Highlight dates * * Add a highlight class to a set of dates * * @since 3.3.5 * @param array Array of dates to highlight * @return bool True if dates were highlighted */ highlight: function(args) { "use strict"; if ((this.options.highlight = this.expandDateSetting(args)).length > 0) { this.fill(); return true; } return false; }, /** * Destroy the calendar * * Usage: cal = cal.destroy(); * * @since 3.3.6 * @param function A callback function to trigger after destroying the calendar * @return null */ destroy: function(callback) { "use strict"; this.root.transition().duration(this.options.animationDuration) .attr("width", 0) .attr("height", 0) .remove() .each("end", function() { if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(); } else if (typeof callback !== "undefined") { console.log("Provided callback for destroy() is not a function."); } }) ; return null; }, getSVG: function() { "use strict"; var styles = { ".cal-heatmap-container": {}, ".graph": {}, ".graph-rect": {}, "rect.highlight": {}, "rect.now": {}, "rect.highlight-now": {}, "text.highlight": {}, "text.now": {}, "text.highlight-now": {}, ".domain-background": {}, ".graph-label": {}, ".subdomain-text": {}, ".q0": {}, ".qi": {} }; for (var j = 1, total = this.options.legend.length+1; j <= total; j++) { styles[".q" + j] = {}; } var root = this.root; var whitelistStyles = [ // SVG specific properties "stroke", "stroke-width", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-miterlimit", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "marker", "marker-start", "marker-mid", "marker-end", "alignement-baseline", "baseline-shift", "dominant-baseline", "glyph-orientation-horizontal", "glyph-orientation-vertical", "kerning", "text-anchor", "shape-rendering", // Text Specific properties "text-transform", "font-family", "font", "font-size", "font-weight" ]; var filterStyles = function(attribute, property, value) { if (whitelistStyles.indexOf(property) !== -1) { styles[attribute][property] = value; } }; var getElement = function(e) { return root.select(e)[0][0]; }; /* jshint forin:false */ for (var element in styles) { if (!styles.hasOwnProperty(element)) { continue; } var dom = getElement(element); if (dom === null) { continue; } // The DOM Level 2 CSS way /* jshint maxdepth: false */ if ("getComputedStyle" in window) { var cs = getComputedStyle(dom, null); if (cs.length !== 0) { for (var i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) { filterStyles(element, cs.item(i), cs.getPropertyValue(cs.item(i))); } // Opera workaround. Opera doesn"t support `item`/`length` // on CSSStyleDeclaration. } else { for (var k in cs) { if (cs.hasOwnProperty(k)) { filterStyles(element, k, cs[k]); } } } // The IE way } else if ("currentStyle" in dom) { var css = dom.currentStyle; for (var p in css) { filterStyles(element, p, css[p]); } } } var string = ""; string += new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(this.root[0][0]); string += ""; return string; } }; // =========================================================================// // DOMAIN POSITION COMPUTATION // // =========================================================================// /** * Compute the position of a domain, relative to the calendar */ var DomainPosition = function() { "use strict"; this.positions = d3.map(); }; DomainPosition.prototype.getPosition = function(d) { "use strict"; return this.positions.get(d); }; DomainPosition.prototype.getPositionFromIndex = function(i) { "use strict"; var domains = this.getKeys(); return this.positions.get(domains[i]); }; DomainPosition.prototype.getLast = function() { "use strict"; var domains = this.getKeys(); return this.positions.get(domains[domains.length-1]); }; DomainPosition.prototype.setPosition = function(d, dim) { "use strict"; this.positions.set(d, dim); }; DomainPosition.prototype.shiftRightBy = function(exitingDomainDim) { "use strict"; this.positions.forEach(function(key, value) { this.set(key, value - exitingDomainDim); }); var domains = this.getKeys(); this.positions.remove(domains[0]); }; DomainPosition.prototype.shiftLeftBy = function(enteringDomainDim) { "use strict"; this.positions.forEach(function(key, value) { this.set(key, value + enteringDomainDim); }); var domains = this.getKeys(); this.positions.remove(domains[domains.length-1]); }; DomainPosition.prototype.getKeys = function() { "use strict"; return this.positions.keys().sort(function(a, b) { return parseInt(a, 10) - parseInt(b, 10); }); }; // =========================================================================// // LEGEND // // =========================================================================// var Legend = function(calendar) { "use strict"; this.calendar = calendar; this.computeDim(); if (calendar.options.legendColors !== null) { this.buildColors(); } }; Legend.prototype.computeDim = function() { "use strict"; var options = this.calendar.options; // Shorter accessor for variable name mangling when minifying this.dim = { width: options.legendCellSize * (options.legend.length+1) + options.legendCellPadding * (options.legend.length), height: options.legendCellSize }; }; Legend.prototype.remove = function() { "use strict"; this.calendar.root.select(".graph-legend").remove(); this.calendar.resize(); }; Legend.prototype.redraw = function(width) { "use strict"; if (!this.calendar.options.displayLegend) { return false; } var parent = this; var calendar = this.calendar; var legend = calendar.root; var legendItem; var options = calendar.options; // Shorter accessor for variable name mangling when minifying this.computeDim(); var _legend = options.legend.slice(0); _legend.push(_legend[_legend.length-1]+1); var legendElement = calendar.root.select(".graph-legend"); if (legendElement[0][0] !== null) { legend = legendElement; legendItem = legend .select("g") .selectAll("rect").data(_legend) ; } else { // Creating the new legend DOM if it doesn't already exist legend = options.legendVerticalPosition === "top" ? legend.insert("svg", ".graph") : legend.append("svg"); legend .attr("x", getLegendXPosition()) .attr("y", getLegendYPosition()) ; legendItem = legend .attr("class", "graph-legend") .attr("height", parent.getDim("height")) .attr("width", parent.getDim("width")) .append("g") .selectAll().data(_legend) ; } legendItem .enter() .append("rect") .call(legendCellLayout) .attr("class", function(d){ return calendar.Legend.getClass(d, (calendar.legendScale === null)); }) .attr("fill-opacity", 0) .call(function(selection) { if (calendar.legendScale !== null && options.legendColors !== null && options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty("base")) { selection.attr("fill", options.legendColors.base); } }) .append("title") ; legendItem.exit().transition().duration(options.animationDuration) .attr("fill-opacity", 0) .remove(); legendItem.transition().delay(function(d, i) { return options.animationDuration * i/10; }) .call(legendCellLayout) .attr("fill-opacity", 1) .call(function(element) { element.attr("fill", function(d, i) { if (calendar.legendScale === null) { return ""; } if (i === 0) { return calendar.legendScale(d - 1); } return calendar.legendScale(options.legend[i-1]); }); element.attr("class", function(d) { return calendar.Legend.getClass(d, (calendar.legendScale === null)); }); }) ; function legendCellLayout(selection) { selection .attr("width", options.legendCellSize) .attr("height", options.legendCellSize) .attr("x", function(d, i) { return i * (options.legendCellSize + options.legendCellPadding); }) ; } legendItem.select("title").text(function(d, i) { if (i === 0) { return (options.legendTitleFormat.lower).format({ min: options.legend[i], name: options.itemName[1] }); } else if (i === _legend.length-1) { return (options.legendTitleFormat.upper).format({ max: options.legend[i-1], name: options.itemName[1] }); } else { return (options.legendTitleFormat.inner).format({ down: options.legend[i-1], up: options.legend[i], name: options.itemName[1] }); } }) ; legend.transition().duration(options.animationDuration) .attr("x", getLegendXPosition()) .attr("y", getLegendYPosition()) .attr("width", parent.getDim("width")) .attr("height", parent.getDim("height")) ; legend.select("g").transition().duration(options.animationDuration) .attr("transform", function() { if (options.legendOrientation === "vertical") { return "rotate(90 " + options.legendCellSize/2 + " " + options.legendCellSize/2 + ")"; } return ""; }) ; function getLegendXPosition() { switch(options.legendHorizontalPosition) { case "right": if (options.legendVerticalPosition === "center" || options.legendVerticalPosition === "middle") { return width + options.legendMargin[3]; } return width - parent.getDim("width") - options.legendMargin[1]; case "middle": case "center": return Math.round(width/2 - parent.getDim("width")/2); default: return options.legendMargin[3]; } } function getLegendYPosition() { if (options.legendVerticalPosition === "bottom") { return calendar.graphDim.height + options.legendMargin[0] - options.domainGutter - options.cellPadding; } return options.legendMargin[0]; } calendar.resize(); }; /** * Return the dimension of the legend * * Takes into account rotation * * @param string axis Width or height * @return int height or width in pixels */ Legend.prototype.getDim = function(axis) { "use strict"; var isHorizontal = (this.calendar.options.legendOrientation === "horizontal"); switch(axis) { case "width": return this.dim[isHorizontal ? "width": "height"]; case "height": return this.dim[isHorizontal ? "height": "width"]; } }; Legend.prototype.buildColors = function() { "use strict"; var options = this.calendar.options; // Shorter accessor for variable name mangling when minifying if (options.legendColors === null) { this.calendar.legendScale = null; return false; } var _colorRange = []; if (Array.isArray(options.legendColors)) { _colorRange = options.legendColors; } else if (options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty("min") && options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty("max")) { _colorRange = [options.legendColors.min, options.legendColors.max]; } else { options.legendColors = null; return false; } var _legend = options.legend.slice(0); if (_legend[0] > 0) { _legend.unshift(0); } else if (_legend[0] < 0) { // Let's guess the leftmost value, it we have to add one _legend.unshift(_legend[0] - (_legend[_legend.length-1] - _legend[0])/_legend.length); } var colorScale = d3.scale.linear() .range(_colorRange) .interpolate(d3.interpolateHcl) .domain([d3.min(_legend), d3.max(_legend)]) ; var legendColors = _legend.map(function(element) { return colorScale(element); }); this.calendar.legendScale = d3.scale.threshold().domain(options.legend).range(legendColors); return true; }; /** * Return the classname on the legend for the specified value * * @param integer n Value associated to a date * @param bool withCssClass Whether to display the css class used to style the cell. * Disabling will allow styling directly via html fill attribute * * @return string Classname according to the legend */ Legend.prototype.getClass = function(n, withCssClass) { "use strict"; if (n === null || isNaN(n)) { return ""; } var index = [this.calendar.options.legend.length + 1]; for (var i = 0, total = this.calendar.options.legend.length-1; i <= total; i++) { if (this.calendar.options.legend[0] > 0 && n < 0) { index = ["1", "i"]; break; } if (n <= this.calendar.options.legend[i]) { index = [i+1]; break; } } if (n === 0) { index.push(0); } index.unshift(""); return (index.join(" r") + (withCssClass ? index.join(" q"): "")).trim(); }; /** * Sprintf like function * @source http://stackoverflow.com/a/4795914/805649 * @return String */ String.prototype.format = function () { "use strict"; var formatted = this; for (var prop in arguments[0]) { if (arguments[0].hasOwnProperty(prop)) { var regexp = new RegExp("\\{" + prop + "\\}", "gi"); formatted = formatted.replace(regexp, arguments[0][prop]); } } return formatted; }; /** * #source http://stackoverflow.com/a/383245/805649 */ function mergeRecursive(obj1, obj2) { "use strict"; /*jshint forin:false */ for (var p in obj2) { try { // Property in destination object set; update its value. if (obj2[p].constructor === Object) { obj1[p] = mergeRecursive(obj1[p], obj2[p]); } else { obj1[p] = obj2[p]; } } catch(e) { // Property in destination object not set; create it and set its value. obj1[p] = obj2[p]; } } return obj1; } /** * Check if 2 arrays are equals * * @link http://stackoverflow.com/a/14853974/805649 * @param array array the array to compare to * @return bool true of the 2 arrays are equals */ function arrayEquals(arrayA, arrayB) { "use strict"; // if the other array is a falsy value, return if (!arrayB || !arrayA) { return false; } // compare lengths - can save a lot of time if (arrayA.length !== arrayB.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < arrayA.length; i++) { // Check if we have nested arrays if (arrayA[i] instanceof Array && arrayB[i] instanceof Array) { // recurse into the nested arrays if (!arrayEquals(arrayA[i], arrayB[i])) { return false; } } else if (arrayA[i] !== arrayB[i]) { // Warning - two different object instances will never be equal: {x:20} != {x:20} return false; } } return true; } /** * AMD Loader */ if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(["d3"], function() { "use strict"; return CalHeatMap; }); } else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) { module.exports = CalHeatMap; } else { window.CalHeatMap = CalHeatMap; }