#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import imaplib import email import time import telnetlib import config import fcntl import sys import unicodedata from email.header import decode_header from messaging.sms import SmsSubmit def fetch_unread_mails(): """Fetch unread emails on specific mailbox, and returns some fields""" mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(config.mailboxserver) mail.login(config.mailboxlogin,config.mailboxpassword) mail.list() status,messages = mail.select("INBOX") mails=[] n=0 retcode, messages = mail.search(None, '(UNSEEN)') if retcode == 'OK': for num in messages[0].split(): n=n+1 typ,data = mail.fetch(num,'RFC822') for response_part in data: if isinstance(response_part,tuple): original = email.message_from_string(response_part[1]) mailfrom = original['From'] if "<" in mailfrom: mailfrom = mailfrom.split('<')[1].rstrip('>') mailsubject = original['Subject'] mailsubject = decode_header(mailsubject) default_charset = 'ASCII' mailsubject=''.join([ unicode(t[0], t[1] or default_charset) for t in mailsubject ]) mails.append([mailfrom,mailsubject]) return mails def clearallsms(): """Clears all stored SMS on Portech like gateways""" try: count=0 tn = telnetlib.Telnet(config.smshost,23) tn.read_until("username: ") tn.write(config.smsusername + "\r\n") tn.write(config.smspassword + "\r\n") tn.read_until("user level = admin.") tn.write("module1\r\n") tn.read_until("got!! press 'ctrl-x' to release module 1.") while count<100: tn.write("AT+CMGD="+str(count)+"\r\n") count=count+1 tn.read_until("\r\n") tn.close() except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise def formatsms(message): """Strip SMS if longer than config.smssize""" if len(message) > config.smssize: message = message[:config.smssize] return message def imap2sms(sender,subject): """Uses a template to make a short message from email fields""" sms=config.smstemplate % (sender,subject) return sms def pduformat(phonenumber,message): """Formats SMS using pdu encoding""" sms = SmsSubmit(phonenumber, message) pdu = sms.to_pdu()[0] pdustring=pdu.pdu pdulength=pdu.length # debug output #print(phonenumber, message) #print(pdu.length, pdu.pdu) return pdustring,pdulength def sendsms(pdustring,pdulenght): """Send SMS using telnetlib, returns exception when issues with telnet communication""" try: time.sleep(2) tn = telnetlib.Telnet(config.smshost,23) tn.read_until("username: ") tn.write(config.smsusername + "\r\n") tn.write(config.smspassword + "\r\n") tn.read_until("user level = admin.") tn.write("state1\r\n") tn.read_until("module 1: free.\r\n]") tn.write("module1\r\n") tn.read_until("got!! press 'ctrl-x' to release module 1.") tn.write("AT+CMGF=0\r\n") tn.read_until("0\r\n") tn.write('AT+CMGS=%s\r\n' % pdulength) tn.read_until("> ") tn.write("%s\x1A" % pdustring) tn.read_until("+CMGS") tn.close() except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise def usage(): """Prints usage""" usage="smsgateway.py subcommands : \n\n%s imap2sms\n%s sms \n%s clearallsms\n" % (sys.argv[0],sys.argv[0],sys.argv[0]) return usage fh = open(config.pidfile, 'w') try: fcntl.lockf(fh, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError: # another instance is running print 'Error: Another instance is running...' sys.exit(0) if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == "clearallsms": clearallsms() elif sys.argv[1] == "sms": if (len(sys.argv)==4): phonenumber=sys.argv[2] sms=sys.argv[3] pdustring,pdulength=pduformat(phonenumber,sms) sendsms(pdustring,pdulength) else: print(usage()) elif sys.argv[1] == "imap2sms": mails = fetch_unread_mails() for phonenumber in config.smsrecipients: for mail in mails: sender=mail[0] subject=mail[1] sms=formatsms(imap2sms(sender,subject)) pdustring,pdulength=pduformat(phonenumber,sms) sendsms(pdustring,pdulength) else: print(usage()) exit(1)